Knee pain from over exercising or ??

Hello, I normally don't post on here but I can't seem to find a definitive answer for this question anywhere else.
I have had knee pain for the past week and stiffness in the same knee. Do you think this is because I am over weight or is it because I am working out 5 days a week doing a mix of cardio and stength training?


  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    It could be a number of things. What exercises are you doing and how long have you been doing them?

    No matter what advice you receive, I would advise getting it checked out if it persists.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    it's impossible to tell just from that. but fwiw, early squatting made me convinced that i'd mangled my knee(s). so has every single time that i've tried to learn how to run. in every case, i turned out to be pre-patellar bursitis from over-using my quads. misunderstanding the whole purpose and technique of back squats was a major culprit, for me.

    absolutely do see a doctor if it just won't go away. but bear in mind too that if you're unused to exercising then 5 days a week might be a pretty intense way to start.
  • kassierodriguez1
    kassierodriguez1 Posts: 357 Member
    I had knee pain when I was in the process of losing weight. The research I did said that your knees take the weight of your body when your surrounding muscles, such as quads, hamstrings, calves, aren't strong enough to support your weight. So I worked on strengthening my legs. My knees have no issues anymore. I used to have swelling and stiffness. Sometimes so bad that I couldn't bend my knee. I would have to ice it and take a few days break before working out again. Be very careful about your form when doing exercises. Knees behind toes. If it hurts, it could be that your form is incorrect. Take a second to readjust. If it still hurts, you may need a little more rest.

    I hope this helps!
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Dang I feel you sister, my knees and my hip are in sooo much pain
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I found I had knee pain while exercising and assumed I was just overdoing it. Didn't get any better and ended up with an MRI.It showed all sorts of problems and if I had just kept going without medical attention I'd be in much bigger problems now. As it is I am very limited to the exercise I can do. Yeah for walking! Would love more high intensity exercise but thems the break.
    My advise. Get it seen to and rest as much as possible before you do. If there is anything wrong you do not want to cause further damage.
  • KQgetsfit
    KQgetsfit Posts: 5 Member
    So much of knee pain is related to muscle weaknesses in other parts of the body. If you're just starting out or for examoe, have been running for many years, you will experience knee pain. Type and severity depends on what you're doing or perhaps not doing. While seeing a doctor to diagnose and provide treatment options - the idea of ice and rest and elevation is good if pain is accuse but you must also do more to strengthen those body parts - muscles that is - that "feed" into the knee. The following exercises will help prevent further knee pain - with each of these exercises complete 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps also - if you don't know what they are - google them for picture or better yet video. The first one you do because the upper butt muscle wraps around the hip and ends on the inside of the knee. You strengthen this - and you will not experience pain.
    - Fire Hydrants - also known as Dirty Dogs - get into Table Top position- that is all fours - hands beneath shoulders and knees beneath hips then you need to raise right leg without turning your back too much - that is keep your hips square. Repeat left side.
    - Side steps up
    - Single leg dead Lift
    - Walking lunges
    - Forward lunges
    - Anything to strengthen your core - abdominals - plank, bicycle crunches,
    - Anything to strengthen your quads and you will forever have strong knees

    Good luck - I am certified personal trainer and runner!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Hello, I normally don't post on here but I can't seem to find a definitive answer for this question anywhere else.
    I have had knee pain for the past week and stiffness in the same knee. Do you think this is because I am over weight or is it because I am working out 5 days a week doing a mix of cardio and stength training?

    The knee is a complex joint so it's impossible for anyone to give you a meaningful direction here. There are many causes of knee pain.

    What I'd ask is how long have you been training for five days a week and how much do you do in each of those sessions? If this is a recent increase to your activity level then it's possibly related to just doing a bit too much too soon.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    So much of knee pain is related to muscle weaknesses in other parts of the body. If you're just starting out or for examoe, have been running for many years, you will experience knee pain. Type and severity depends on what you're doing or perhaps not doing. While seeing a doctor to diagnose and provide treatment options - the idea of ice and rest and elevation is good if pain is accuse but you must also do more to strengthen those body parts - muscles that is - that "feed" into the knee. The following exercises will help prevent further knee pain - with each of these exercises complete 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps also - if you don't know what they are - google them for picture or better yet video. The first one you do because the upper butt muscle wraps around the hip and ends on the inside of the knee. You strengthen this - and you will not experience pain.
    - Fire Hydrants - also known as Dirty Dogs - get into Table Top position- that is all fours - hands beneath shoulders and knees beneath hips then you need to raise right leg without turning your back too much - that is keep your hips square. Repeat left side.
    - Side steps up
    - Single leg dead Lift
    - Walking lunges
    - Forward lunges
    - Anything to strengthen your core - abdominals - plank, bicycle crunches,
    - Anything to strengthen your quads and you will forever have strong knees

    Good luck - I am certified personal trainer and runner!

    Not one of those exercises has been given to me by my physio in relation to my knee problems and some I should avoid. Any exercises he gave me were added gradually rather than all at once. His knowledge is vastly superior to that of a personal trainer. Ice, rest and wait to see what is wrong because the wrong exercises could do more harm.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited February 2017
    I am certified personal trainer

    That surprises me. I wouldn't anticipate an experienced, qualified, trainer prescribing activities related to knee problems without a proper consultation and exploring the causes.

    Several of the suggestions would be contra-indicated for some knee problems and would lead to the originator developing a more serious problem.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited February 2017
    So much of knee pain is related to muscle weaknesses in other parts of the body. If you're just starting out or for examoe, have been running for many years, you will experience knee pain. Type and severity depends on what you're doing or perhaps not doing. While seeing a doctor to diagnose and provide treatment options - the idea of ice and rest and elevation is good if pain is accuse but you must also do more to strengthen those body parts - muscles that is - that "feed" into the knee. The following exercises will help prevent further knee pain - with each of these exercises complete 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps also - if you don't know what they are - google them for picture or better yet video. The first one you do because the upper butt muscle wraps around the hip and ends on the inside of the knee. You strengthen this - and you will not experience pain.
    - Fire Hydrants - also known as Dirty Dogs - get into Table Top position- that is all fours - hands beneath shoulders and knees beneath hips then you need to raise right leg without turning your back too much - that is keep your hips square. Repeat left side.
    - Side steps up
    - Single leg dead Lift
    - Walking lunges
    - Forward lunges
    - Anything to strengthen your core - abdominals - plank, bicycle crunches,
    - Anything to strengthen your quads and you will forever have strong knees

    Good luck - I am certified personal trainer and runner!

    Good lord, my physical therapist would have blew a gasket if he found out that I was doing lunges when I had my knee issues.

    No, issues are not just muscle imbalances. It could be arthritis or actual bone imbalances. In my case, my leg was significantly longer. Personal trainer also doesn't mean a thing. Anyone can go get certified.

    OP, this is a perfect example why you should seek professional advice. You're going to get a wide range of answers, many that are incorrect. You don't want to do more damage by following poor advice.
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    Personally I would see a physical therapist or orthopedic doc. They are really the only ones that might be able to tell you what may be causing your knee issues. Cause of pain will likely differ for each of us. They will perform tests on your knee to determine what may be causing the problem. If you prefer not to see a doctor or PT, you should rest and ice your knee and see if this helps.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Being overweight can contribute to it, but since it just started 5 days ago, it's unlikely to be because of just that.
  • jukyu
    jukyu Posts: 80 Member
    If you are legitimately worried about it, you'd be better served consulting with a physician rather than MFP anons.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hello, I normally don't post on here but I can't seem to find a definitive answer for this question anywhere else.
    I have had knee pain for the past week and stiffness in the same knee. Do you think this is because I am over weight or is it because I am working out 5 days a week doing a mix of cardio and stength training?

    What kind of cardio? High impact vs. low impact (mostly low impact for me).

    Form issues with strength training....I'm not coordinated. So I don't do quick, jerky movements. If I can't keep good form.....I don't do it.

    Stretching.....some people need more than others. This could contribute to knee pain.

    Shoes ......are they supportive enough for the activity you do?

    But yeah - we can't really pin this down for you. Way too many possibilities.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I also had knee pain. I went to a Orthopedic. Would recommend seeing one. You can be doing more damage. Also went physical therapy. And they told me NO squats lunges until my muscles are stronger. This is just my opinion. Good luck to you
  • gkorn17
    gkorn17 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a physical therapist and ACSM exercise physiologist. Please go see a physical therapist. It's nearly impossible to diagnose over the internet and you could save yourself years of pain and and dysfunction by going to see one soon.