Jan to March Weight Tracker



  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    104.3/229 for me this week. Up 2lbs, had a feverish baby along with this being moving week so havent been shopping and eating take out...I was hoping that it would just be next week that was a bit off, but looks like this week as well :-)

    Will be in the new place next Sunday, so things should even out a bit then. I will be buying a cross trainer for 1 hr of exercise per day, plus my gym regime will start when I sign up at the new gym.

    Hope others had a better week, but I am here for the long haul :-)
  • MountainHiker48
    MountainHiker48 Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2017
    Thanks for starting the spreadsheet. I have joined and had been tracking my progress using my Garmin VivoActive. I know my goals and progress may seem aggressive, but I am OK with that. I am doing some pretty intense activity each day and my caloric intake has been in the vicinity of 1200 - 1400 per day. I am 68 years old and was always active, but had some recent medical issues with my gall bladder and liver which kept me from doing much. After surgery, I am feeling 100% better and am now focused in getting down to my old triathlon racing weight of 175 lbs. I added my numbers to the spreadsheet (Mtn Hiker) and will be following everyone else as well.

    I have a follow up doctor visit on Feb 16, and am hoping to be down to my goal weight by the end of March if not sooner!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Starting Weight: 130 lbs(02/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 120 lbs (26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 128.4lbs (-1.6 lbs)
    18/01/17: 125.8lbs (-2.6 lbs)
    23/01/17: 128.6 lbs (+2.8 lbs)
    28/01/17: 126.0 lbs (-2.6 lbs)
    05/02/17: 125.2 lbs (-0.8 lbs)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for starting the spreadsheet. I have joined and had been tracking my progress using my Garmin VivoActive. I know my goals and progress may seem aggressive, but I am OK with that. I am doing some pretty intense activity each day and my caloric intake has been in the vicinity of 1200 - 1400 per day. I am 68 years old and was always active, but had some recent medical issues with my gall bladder and liver which kept me from doing much. After surgery, I am feeling 100% better and am now focused in getting down to my old triathlon racing weight of 175 lbs. I added my numbers to the spreadsheet (Mtn Hiker) and will be following everyone else as well.

    I have a follow up doctor visit on Feb 16, and am hoping to be down to my goal weight by the end of March if not sooner!

    Welcome aboard! I was quite fit in my past, looking to hit it pretty hard once this move is done as well, I think I will see some good drops.

    Make sure you are eating enough if you are training hard though. I am a Physiotherapist, so happy to help with any niggles that fall within my knowledge sphere.

    I use a Garmin as well, got the Fenix HR, mainly because it tracks my swimming. It has been awesome not having to track laps.

    I feel you on this health front, I am 37, but my Hasimotos went undiagnosed for a long time. My numbers were off the charts when we found it, and by that stage the liver and heart had been affected. But on the mend now, so looking to climb the mountain again :-)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    On another note for anyone doing this, dont feel bad if you have a week, you go up, just be honest with your numbers, I am doing this for the next 9 months, so a lot of time to get it right. I say that because I went up this week, it and was hard to type in the numbers!
  • MountainHiker48
    MountainHiker48 Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yesterday was a good day exercise-wise, I had 1-1/2 hours of hiking up a local mountain and then a bike spin class in the evening. I have a doctor appointment later next week so hoping she will be happy with my progress since my last visit in December. The hardest part of all this has been battling the desire to get on the scale every day and hope for progress. The weekly weigh ins make much more sense!
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Woohoo! Finally the scale is headed back down :) Hope you are all having a great week!
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Big week for me! Finally moved house (hence the late note) and got the net back on. 103.9kg, so pretty much in the same ball park, but hoping for a bit of momentum now the move is done and I can get back into my routine. Strength training will start from next Monday, we started the young one in day care this week aaaaaaaaannnd we all got sick.

    So for my summary I have maintained the same weight for the last 5 weeks, which I will take, now with things settling down I want to hit a few targets. Next week I am expecting about the same weight, then a good drop off each week from there.

    Also, good job Asrai! You nailed it this week!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Ah! Forgot to actually write it down sorry, I stalled last week but I know why and it should go down again this time around!
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

  • comeonnow142857
    comeonnow142857 Posts: 310 Member
    I missed a few weeks, but I'm coming in! Stalled for a bit around/after the new year at 220, so I remembered how to start off :)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Settled in now, found myself my new gym/swimming place. Excited to see how I go over the next few weeks now. 103.5/228 for me for this week, 102.9 is the goal for this coming week.
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Sorry...crazy week and my postings everywhere were delayed! Finally starting to settle down. I had no change for last weigh-in day. Am hopeful for this week...we shall see! I feel like I am finally settled into a food plan that I can live with, doesn't make me feel like the floor of a taxi cab, and will allow me to have some degree of success. I was liking the LCHF plan, but the recurrent headaches were just too much. Started carb cycling this week and so far I feel pretty good :) Fingers crossed!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Sorry, some medical stuff came up and I'm having to switch to maintenance for a little until it's done so I think I'll have to drop out since I can't exactly lose weight like this.
  • comeonnow142857
    comeonnow142857 Posts: 310 Member
    197lbs today. Feeling good. Time to hit the iron!
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Solid week for me, 103 on the nose (227). Had my first gym session, went really light on legs, still was sore as anything for about 4 days! Two sessions this week, target is 102.5. Looking forward to getting my swimming program started soon as well. Local pool is shut until March, so champing at the bit..
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Starting to kick goals now. 101.9 for me (224). Only the one strength session again, the body is taking a bit more to adjust than I thought, but getting there. Incidental activity throughout the day has pretty well doubled and diet is a lot better with a lot of processed foods dropping off the menu. Given this week was so strong, my goal for next week is 101.5, but I would love to hit a stretch target of 100.9.
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)
