How to reduce/avoid movie theater snacking?



  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I brought pork rinds in once because they fit my macros so well. But they're stupid loud and crunchy.

    Now I just get a giant diet soda and some gum.
  • jruck371
    jruck371 Posts: 28 Member
    I get a giant diet soda! the movie theatre we go to has the new coke machines where you can add cherry, vanilla, raspberry, and other flavors to your drink! My go to is diet coke with cherry :)

    If I'm really craving popcorn, or its date night with the boyfriend we often each get a small popcorn as our dinner instead of eating before- it works out to roughly 600 cal without butter so I also cut out my afternoon snack to compensate.
    I guess you just have to decide if the cals are worth it to you or if you would rather spend them somewhere else.. :)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm all for you smuggling in healthy snacks, but no carrots or celery please. Make sure they are QUIET healthy snacks.

    But I'm going to enjoy the popcorn.
  • kassierodriguez1
    kassierodriguez1 Posts: 357 Member
    My tactic is having a child and husband that love popcorn way more than I do. Lol we don't put any butter on it and just use the seasoning salts. I have some handfuls here and there but usually I don't get a chance to have much. Lol. It's not stifled me at all in my journey.
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    Years and years ago, my sister and I tried to smuggle in a smoothie. It dropped in the front entrance of the theatre. Quite embarassing (and dumb of us!)

    LIke others, I will bring my own snacks! Can't justify the prices or the calories with buying food at t he theatre--the tickets are bad enough!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I'm bikini prepping, but I didn't want to let that keep me from taking my little boy out to the movies for Valentine's Day. So I air-popped some of my own popcorn at home with a little butter-flavored spray and popcorn seasoning, and snuck it in in my diaper bag sealed in a gallon ziplock, and ordered a diet coke when we got in. The boy got his movie popcorn and slurpee, and I got to stay on track without feeling deprived. Win!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    But to answer the question of craziest thing snuck in, I used to work at a cinema, and once I bought Burger King on my lunch break and brought it into one of the theaters. Everything was going fine until a guy in from of me whispered very loudly to his date, "I smell french fries!" I hustled out of there pretty quick after that.

    Also a few years after that, I went on a double date to the movies, and we snuck in Smirnoff Ices (the glass bottles). We were admittedly already a little lit, and I tried to put an unopened bottle in my cupholder armrest, not realizing the hole in the bottom of the cupholder was bigger than the diameter of the bottle. It slipped through to the concrete floor, and even though it astonishingly didn't break, it very slowly and VERY loudly rolled with a grind-tinkling racket aaaaaaaaallllllllll the way down the slight incline to the front of the theater. We were so positive we were going to get kicked out. :D
  • jessicagreen1828
    jessicagreen1828 Posts: 133 Member
    croftie4 wrote: »
    Our cinema has a sign up confirming we can take in our own food. So I make the kids popcorn at home and take that with us. I just find a coffee is enough for me. Once I went with my best friend over lunchtime so we took a subway.

    Oh coffee?! That'd be really nice during a daytime movie! I'd order decaf in the evening though. I'd choose coffee over pop/soda 9.8 times outta 10. Also, extremely loud snacks do tend to make me self-conscious, but most movies are so loud I don't find it to be a problem unless someone is right next to me. If it's my husband....he'll just have to suffer. (Sometimes he eats loud too lol)
  • jessicagreen1828
    jessicagreen1828 Posts: 133 Member
    MissZimmy wrote: »
    I love taking a punnet of raspberries or blueberries. As they can be expensive I don't buy them all that often, so it's a nice treat. Plus they work out a similar price to junk food even when out of season. So I get an awesome treat, guilt free!

    That's awesome too! I love raspberries. Thank you guys for all the ideas. Now I will not be afraid to ask for a cup of water! (Vs the $4 bottle) Or kid size popcorn! Or bring things like berries, cucumbers, homemade popcorn, jerky, and mini-wine! Haha thank you everyone.

  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    Back when I was a teenager, my friends and I would bring in anything - pizza, Chinese, whatever. It was a small theater and the staff were friends of ours, so they allowed anything.

    I broke the movie watching/snacking habit during a college film class. Now it feels more natural for me not to eat while at the movies.

    Most of the time, I'm seeing a movie right after dinner so I'm too full to find anything appealing anyway.
  • jessicagreen1828
    jessicagreen1828 Posts: 133 Member
    But to answer the question of craziest thing snuck in, I used to work at a cinema, and once I bought Burger King on my lunch break and brought it into one of the theaters. Everything was going fine until a guy in from of me whispered very loudly to his date, "I smell french fries!" I hustled out of there pretty quick after that.

    Also a few years after that, I went on a double date to the movies, and we snuck in Smirnoff Ices (the glass bottles). We were admittedly already a little lit, and I tried to put an unopened bottle in my cupholder armrest, not realizing the hole in the bottom of the cupholder was bigger than the diameter of the bottle. It slipped through to the concrete floor, and even though it astonishingly didn't break, it very slowly and VERY loudly rolled with a grind-tinkling racket aaaaaaaaallllllllll the way down the slight incline to the front of the theater. We were so positive we were going to get kicked out. :D

    That's nuts! I think I've heard this happen before actually. The bottle rolling down the floor is hilarious. Must've been at the same movie haha!
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    Be poor. Then you won't buy any overpriced junk food. Haha.
    I once "snuck" in two burgers, two fries and a drink because nobody working at the theater even cared. Lol.
    I've brought in large sodas and starbucks drinks before by covering them with a jacket.
  • schac061
    schac061 Posts: 41 Member
    Just went to the movies over the weekend with my oldest and didn't do too bad. I bought a small popcorn for us to share and I only had about half of it. I usually drown it in extra butter and I didn't this time (for the sake of watching calories). It wasn't horrible but it was definitely easier to only eat half of a small bag without all of the extra butter. I snuck in a few of those crunchy rice rolls in case I wanted something sweet and ended up not eating them. I did have a small Diet Coke and handful of my kid's sour skittles, though. I went in with a plan to make it my "lunch" and pretty much stuck to it.
    The craziest thing I've ever snuck in was chicken nuggets and a burger in my teen years. I usually always sneak in a pack of hot tamales candies too. Those are my absolute favorite, but I decided not to for some reason this time.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm all for you smuggling in healthy snacks, but no carrots or celery please. Make sure they are QUIET healthy snacks.

    But I'm going to enjoy the popcorn.

    Ha! I brought carrot and celery sticks to the last movie I saw, along with a bottle of homemade carbonated water which got fizzed up on the way and leaked all over my purse. My mom was amused but still willing to sit next to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,555 Member
    Does anyone have a tactic for avoiding overeating at the movie theater? What's the craziest thing you've snuck into the movies? I was thinking an apple bulging out of my pocket would be kinda suspicious!
    Does anyone have a tactic for avoiding overeating at the movie theater? What's the craziest thing you've snuck into the movies? I was thinking an apple bulging out of my pocket would be kinda suspicious!
    Eat before the movie.

    Personally I plan for movie eating. I usually have: 2 hot dogs, nachos with cheese, small popcorn with butter, Milk Duds and a diet Coke (lol, have to save a few calories). Usually ends up being 1600 calories or more. Then I have a lighter dinner.
    To me, movies are to be enjoyed and movie food is part of the fun.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I've snuck in chocolate covered almonds, cashew crunch squares, a sandwich baggie full of those cheddar flavored mini rice cakes, sugar snap peas, assorted other candies, Brookside candy (the fruit and chocolate flavored ones) and beef jerky. Not all at the same time and I'm sure there are other things I've brought in that I don't remember. I can't eat most of the stuff there and they don't sell what I consider to be good chocolate so I sneak my own in. Craziest thing? Probably the collapsable water bottle so I could fill it at the drinking fountain instead of paying five bucks for a tiny water bottle. I don't like soda and prefer water but I'm not paying those ridiculous prices!
  • Boland_D
    Boland_D Posts: 85 Member
    I bring a granola bar with me or just enjoy myself and have a little popcorn and diet soda.
  • slickmickey
    slickmickey Posts: 113 Member
    My mom has totally brought in those 100cal microwave bags in her purse. and she's not even dieting, just cheap!
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    What are jello bites?

    I buy the kiddie tray with no butter on the popcorn and a diet soda.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm curious about the butter thing, how does that work? In the UK you ask for sweet or salty and that's it. Added butter? I don't know what that is! Enlighten me oh over the pond friends.