Curiosity - What was your wake up call?

I was just wondering what was everyones moment of realization that they just couldn't go on the way they had been eating? And... what is everyones best tip for losing those pounds?

My moment was tipping the scale at my highest number for the SECOND time in my life... I couldn't believe I'd worked so hard to lose weight, and then allowed it to creep back on again.. mortified I just have to make this work this time!
Best weight loss tip - Keep motivated even when the scales aren't showing a change... the inches are still probably coming off!


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Turning 45, realizing my pants didn't fit well and then that I had hit the top of my healthy/normal weight range. Then the realization hit me that if I didn't change something, this was the smallest and most fit I'd ever be again.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Denial of insurance.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Getting winded doing simple tasks.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I was just wondering what was everyones moment of realization that they just couldn't go on the way they had been eating? And... what is everyones best tip for losing those pounds?

    My moment was tipping the scale at my highest number for the SECOND time in my life... I couldn't believe I'd worked so hard to lose weight, and then allowed it to creep back on again.. mortified I just have to make this work this time!
    Best weight loss tip - Keep motivated even when the scales aren't showing a change... the inches are still probably coming off!

    i kinda started when my hypertension was diagnosised but it didnt really click in till my doctor told me i was prediabetic. that got my *kitten* in gear
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Being told that since my mom and dad had diabetes, I would get it too. I'll be damned!
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    1) This is the highest weight I've ever been.

    2) Realizing that I'm avoiding people and places because I'm embarrassed.

    3) I am SO tired of random strangers asking if I'm pregnant!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My wake up call was the first time my husband didn't quite know what to say when I asked him if he thought I was fat. He simply said he thought I could lose some weight. He's always loved my body, even though I've always been plus sized. But I got really heavy by last summer. And that was it.

    And for me, the best advice I can give is drink lots of plain water. I'm talking more than 8 glasses a day. A better guide is to divide your weight in half. That's how many ounces you should be drinking. More if you exercise. Don't like plain water? Tough.
  • l_a_crawford
    l_a_crawford Posts: 4 Member
    For me it was one year of struggling with staying focused...and ending up with very high blood pressure and high glucose. On my 33rd birthday a few weeks ago I topped my weight max and was determined to make this year one that counts. Weekends are tough for me but I'm really focused now and have cut out all alcohol (which to me is a really, really big deal).
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    i'd say the biggest thing for me was looking through old pictures compared to new pictures, and realized that there was a very good chance that if i kept eating, there was a very real chance I would spend the rest of my life alone, with no self esteem and no confidence. Almost a year later, I'd say I'm a completely different person!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    my friend said I can't ride the donkeys into the Grand Canyon cause you have to be under 220 - and I'm NOT 220 but I guess I look it =(
  • crystalmichelle82
    Heather- mine was that i was starting to see saddlebags and when i sat down i would have to adjust my pants. I didnt wanna do that anymore. i also started going to the gym in sept and had a wake up call that it wasnt working when i went to a fit club w/ Beachbody back in Feb and realized i was getting more outta that so i quit the gym and paying the trainer $220 for 10 sessions and workout in my living room. I just push "play". :smile:

    My tips are: drink plenty of water b/c water helps to keep your metabolism up. dont skip meals. Breakfast is essential. Eat tons of protein when working out 1-1.2 grams per lb of your body weight. Lift weights, heavy. Dont do as much cardio b/c you are just burning calories during the workout but when you are doing the weight lifting you are still burning fat & calories after the workout b/c you built muscle & muscle burns fat.

    ok, that's all for now :wink:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    My wife lost 38 lbs in like 3 months literally changing in front of my eyes...and when she came home one day and showed me her before photo, I cried. I didn't recognize her. I wasn't seeing her reality. I had stepped on the scale a few weeks before just to see where I was as I hadn't been on a scale in a while and realized that particular day I was 3 lbs from 300.

    These 2 things are what pushed me.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I had a blood clot last year and afterwards didn't really think much about my eating habits. Earlier this year I started to develop iron anemia, followed shortly after by a potassium deficiency. I wasn't eating what I should have been eating, and I was tired of being sick and miserable. I hated having to adjust my coumadin dose because I wasn't eating what I should have been. So I guess it was for overall health.

    My tip: Eat cleaner foods!!!!!!!!!! Processed food holds no nutrition and makes you feel like crap. Stick to fruits, veggies, and lean meats, with an occasional treat. It's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be...honestly I rarely crave sweets anymore.
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    I had a lung cancer scare, and it turned out that I have a lung condition that will require me to take Prednisone for at least 8 months. 2 months down now. The period I was really sick, I gained over 15 pounds. In 3 months!
  • 3cmomma
    3cmomma Posts: 17 Member
    Reaching the weight I was on the day I gave birth to my 2nd child...yikes!, turning 30 and not wanting to face the same fate as most of my family - heart attacks, hypertension and diabetes
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I had a lung cancer scare, and it turned out that I have a lung condition that will require me to take Prednisone for at least 8 months. 2 months down now. The period I was really sick, I gained over 15 pounds. In 3 months!
    OMG I am so adding you if you are a fire breather.
  • mckenzie76
    When going to the mall with my sister and mother and they ask if I wanted to stop in and when I looked to see what store we were at it was "Lane Bryant's, and that is when it hit me that they think I'm a plus size didn't occur to me that I was until then. I learned to accept it and do something about it now.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    For was going to the doctor..and finally getting diagnosed hyperthyroid. 2 months after taking the pills..and having 13 pounds melt doctor was so happy..and she said..."..just think how much you could lose if you try.." So I started trying..and now 1/2 way to my goal..

    I always tried to eat right..(didnt always succeed) and the last time I worked out..I couldnt get past 150...little did I know I had hypothyroid
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I had a few, but don't know why it took so long to sink in. Last summer I ended up in the hospital with serious stomach pains, ended up with CAT Scan, chest xray's the works, they couldn't find anything. You would have thought this would have got my butt in gear, but still no luck. A phone call from my older sister after her visit with my folks over Easter in April was my wake up call. I wasn't able to go home due to work, but my sister called me up and said she was worried about me. She mentioned that my name came up in conversation and that my family was worried about me. For some reason, this hit me hard and got me thinking. I need to get healthy for myself first and foremost, but my parents and siblings were worried about me and the serious health risks that come with the weight I was carrying. May 1st, 2011 is when I started changing my lifestyle and using this site. I started at 308 and as of this morning I was around 263 pounds. I feel amazing and am hoping to drop another 45-55 lbs which will take me to a weight I haven't been at since early in high school.

  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    Its funny i actually got to the point that i was waiting for that big moment.:cry: ..i would read all those magazines where people couldn't fit in seats or hated a holiday photo. in fact alot of those things actually happened, my daughter even came home from school last month and said that a boy in her class said i was the fattest mum ever.I still put the food in my mouth.
    so i can't say what has happened this time, last fri i did say to my husband "thats it next week we have to try and be healthier"... he laughed and said "yeh we say this every week." so i had a big wedding on sat and decided sun was gonna be the day and it was and its funny cause yesterday i said to husband no thanks to something and he was like "oh are you being healthy" and boy did feel good to say actually yeh i have been for three days xxx

    Weight lose tip: this site, its never felt so good to get fit...