Khloe Kardashian



  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    OMG KHLOE is my Favorite too.....she is so cute and beautiful and she have a REAL body. Her sister are cute too but Khloes personality is what sets her apart!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334

    As if I didn't dislike Chris Brown enough already, he just put the nail in his own coffin where i'm concerned. I was just listening to a song called 'Better with the lights off' and there is a line in the song that states "every guy wanna know how it is to clap off the lights and turn Khloe to Kim".

    I dislike Chris Brown with a passion. I saw on the news this morning that he parks his numerous cars in multiple handicapped spots... thats sooo rude! I dont care who the frick you are that is rude! Karma will eventually catch up with him
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    It's girl on girl hate most of the time. Most straight guys like a woman with some curves. (Although I am no Kardashian fan) But straight guys don't run the modeling world, women and gay men do. Just as men are the ones of pushing the anorexic, six pack man look or the "I'm juiced out of my head look" that we all see on men's magazines. If the two sexes ever took advice from each other instead of relying on the opnions of what is attractive from magazines and modeling agencies, we'd be a lot better off.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I think Khloe has it all around. Personality, humor, body, hubby.

    To be honest I can't watch any of their shows but when I used to watch them with my sister, every moment of Khloe was entertaining. When I look at Kim, or Paris Hilton for that matter. I see a sterotypical Hollywood alien face. I don't know what it is..
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    just out of curiousity, i googled what size she is. I am getting size 4-8. But she is 5'10.

    She is actually a size 6.

    I'm really glad someone posted a topic on her. I felt so bad for her on her show. She started crying because she has so much pressure to be skinny like her sisters... NEWSFLASH: kim is 5'2 and kourtney is 5'0. khloe is 5'10. She shouldn't weigh anything close to her sisters because that would make her unhealthy. Back to her crying on the show. Her mom called her and said she is ruining the kardashian brand because she is bigger. I don't see anything big about this girl. She's actually listed under my inspirations on MFP because we are the same height and I think she looks amazing. I'm glad she has a husband who loves her to death. Look up pictures of her on google of her in bikinis... I would kill to look like that. Hollywood is disgusting and I wish it didn't exist.

    On another note, I have dated tons of attractive and successful men who love the way I look. Not every man thinks only about sex and dating thin women, just an FYI to those of you who are commenting.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I agree. I actually think all of the kids are gorgeous.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    You read my mind. I'm sick and tired of untalented women becoming famous because a sex tape leaked or they happen to be pretty. I still have no idea who that family is and why they are famous. Maybe because I just don't care.

    I was watching So You Think You Can Dance last night and they pointed out Kim in the audience. I believe it was Khloe sitting next to her and they didn't even acknowledge her at all!!

    I think she's got one hell of a body and is gorgeous!! Kim just looks like she is wearing tons of makeup.

    My fiance and I were talkin about that last night! I think her dad defended OJ Simpson ..... but I was little when that all happened so I dont know ... and I dont feel like googling it lol
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    plus, kim has had plastic surgery (look at before and afters of her face) and kourtney has breast implants.

    as far as I know, khloe is natural. that says a lot about societies standards of beauty.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I don't pay attention to any of this celebrity crap, but I like your post. From what I've heard about Chris Brown the guy has nothing redeeming going for him anyway.
  • roz558
    roz558 Posts: 2
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    i guess people don't see what a wonderful person she is, she loves her family and all this must be hard for her being compared to her sisters. i'm glad she's grounded though and doesn't let it affect her close relationship with them cause that would be the biggest tragedy. no more k tv eeeek!
  • alynnbennett
    alynnbennett Posts: 182
    LOVE KHLOE!!! She is beautiful and I admire that she is a tall women and will still rock heels and look incredible while doing it!! She is a devoted person, you can see that in her marriage and her relationship with her family especially her nephew. Thanks for this post!!! <3
  • runkatierun
    runkatierun Posts: 5 Member
    I really love Khloe too. I am also 5'10" with a larger frame and all my friends have always been a lot shorter than me. I have what I call a "Helga Complex." (Someone once told me I was like Helga the mail order bride when I weighed 140lbs.) Anyway, I have a really hard time emotionally when I gain weight and I can't imagine how bad it would be to have that scrutinized by the media.
    I hope she know's that most people believe she's beautiful.

    BTW, my husband thinks I'm beautiful AND he thinks Khloe is the hottest Kardashian. :)

    Here's to the tall girls!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Agreed. And God, just when you thought Chris Brown couldn't become more of a scumbag.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    I really love Khloe too. I am also 5'10" with a larger frame and all my friends have always been a lot shorter than me. I have what I call a "Helga Complex." (Someone once told me I was like Helga the mail order bride when I weighed 140lbs.) Anyway, I have a really hard time emotionally when I gain weight and I can't imagine how bad it would be to have that scrutinized by the media.
    I hope she know's that most people believe she's beautiful.

    BTW, my husband thinks I'm beautiful AND he thinks Khloe is the hottest Kardashian. :)

    Here's to the tall girls!

    I'm right there with you! 6', and always felt too large, even when I was thin.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm a solid 5'9" and she gives me hope for tall girls wholike heels. The struggle is finding a tall guy to pair myself with.
  • jillerin457
    There's nothing wrong with Khloe and I hate that people are so hard on her. However, I do think she's a little overrated -- it seems like everyone on here and Gawker/Jezebel is always saying Khloe is their favorite Kardashian, like it's the cool thing to do! Kourtney barely ever gets mentioned by name, and she's actually pretty witty and hilarious, too. I guess clinging to that d-bag boyfriend of hers makes people not like her as much, but I, for one, am firmly TEAM KOURTNEY! ;)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    OMG, I really am old. I have no idea who any of those people are.
    *high five*
  • getupandmoveit
    Love those girls.
  • tmston2
    tmston2 Posts: 13 Member
    with no offense, i assume you get told you look like Khloe alot, lol!,
    im jus one guy in a world of 6 billion & growing, but imo, all of the (3) kardashians are cute, but i jus prefer a more voluptuous woman aka "pawg" so i wud prefer if i cud, date khloe over kim. kim lacks personality, outside of the pretty face she is boring (thus hence see all of her acting attempts) but khloe is a fireball!! she can get pretty fiesty, i wud rather have personality over looks
    mucho calliente!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I agree... they are all hot, but Khloe is jsut as good looking and WAY funnier.