Getting married in September - it's time to get serious



  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited February 2017
    leo10021 wrote: »
    @TimothyFish @booksandchocolate12

    This is really uncalled for. Just because things certainly don't get any easier as the years add on and my comment might sound naive to you, doesn't make the changes from early 20s to late 20s any less real.

    It might not be so much as a true physical metabolic change, but all of the lifestyle changes associated with transitioning into a full-time desk-job working adult certainly do have an impact on weight maintenance and loss.

    I'm disappointed with all of the negativity and snark I've received on my first post ever here. Success is not a zero sum game. We should all be rooting for each other. If that isn't this kind of community then I'll seek camaraderie elsewhere.

    To those of you who were helpful, thank you.

    Just to set the expectations. From the Dietary Guidelines for Americans the average sedentary female needs 2000 calories a day from ages 19-25. From 26-50 the number is 1800 (this assumes same level of activity). So you can see there is not a significant decline in caloric needs over time. I would assume this is what the earlier posters were referring to. "Slowing metabolism" does tend to be an excuse.

    You don't mention how many hours you work, how long your commute is or if you have children/parents to care for, etc. If you are working a typical 40-50 hour week, most people without these commitments should be able to find the time to eat properly and move a bit if they want to improve their health and lose/maintain weight. Many people with these responsibilities make the time to be successful. Just depends what is important to the individual.

    Best of luck.
  • 1234newman
    1234newman Posts: 31 Member
    leo10021 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for all of your thoughtful replies. I did not mean to imply that a drug addiction is equivalent to a sugar addiction as far as harmful effects on the body, but rather was making an comparison to the overpowering compulsion and stop-at-nothing craving for my next fix every day. Sometimes its more than a few candies here or there. I should have chosen my words better.

    I am here precisely because I want to cut the excuses and am looking for a supportive and positive community of people that I can hold myself accountable to and share victories with (both scale and non-scale). I do not feel sorry for myself or mean to make light of anyone else's struggles, and thought some of the snark here was unwarranted and not helpful.

    @samantaggart and @1234newman I would be happy to be "friends" with you on here. And think the advice on incorporating meditation into the day around mealtimes is excellent! Do you have any recommended apps I can download?

    Maybe start with this TED talk. It is short.

    Again, I am a lay person too. I am learning a lot from the good people here (you too) who take from their own time to pen support and views.

    Along with Mindfulness, which I now believe is a worthwhile life goal, I reckon that MFP may be with me for many years, or at last until I can change those dairy and other habits that were instilled in me by loving parents.
    -Parents and caring others, who on the best advice back then and from their own tough life experience, taught me to eat what was on my plate, and so on. Mind you, they never encouraged snacking and those regular tours of the fridge.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    leo10021 wrote: »
    @TimothyFish @booksandchocolate12

    This is really uncalled for. Just because things certainly don't get any easier as the years add on and my comment might sound naive to you, doesn't make the changes from early 20s to late 20s any less real.

    It might not be so much as a true physical metabolic change, but all of the lifestyle changes associated with transitioning into a full-time desk-job working adult certainly do have an impact on weight maintenance and loss.

    I'm disappointed with all of the negativity and snark I've received on my first post ever here. Success is not a zero sum game. We should all be rooting for each other. If that isn't this kind of community then I'll seek camaraderie elsewhere.

    To those of you who were helpful, thank you.

    Just to set the expectations. From the Dietary Guidelines for Americans the average sedentary female needs 2000 calories a day from ages 19-25. From 26-50 the number is 1800 (this assumes same level of activity). So you can see there is not a significant decline in caloric needs over time. I would assume this is what the earlier posters were referring to. "Slowing metabolism" does tend to be an excuse.

    You don't mention how many hours you work, how long your commute is or if you have children/parents to care for, etc. If you are working a typical 40-50 hour week, most people without these commitments should be able to find the time to eat properly and move a bit if they want to improve their health and lose/maintain weight. Many people with these responsibilities make the time to be successful. Just depends what is important to the individual.

    Best of luck.

    I just looked at the Dietary Guidelines and the table that shows the calories per age group shows a couple of things you might want to consider. First, for age 19-30 is it 1,800-2000 and for 31-50 it is 1,800. Second, it includes the statement, "the estimates are rounded to the nearest 200 calories." Think about that. If the estimate for the younger age group came to 1,901 and the estimate for the older came to 1,899, the table would show the 200 calorie difference. Given that 1,800 is included in the range for the younger group, this would indicate that the difference is less than 100 calories from one age group to the next. This is bananas (literally). The difference between one age group and the next is the number of calories in a banana. This is easily overcome with exercise.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    As far as the metabolism issue, I came here when I was 43 and needing to lose roughly 45lbs. I was having a hard time and swore it was me getting older and my body just slowing down/resisting the weight loss. Nope. Bottom line was I was just eating a bit too much.

    I too have a fairly sedentary full time job. I commute and I'm a single (gasp! middle aged!) mom without a lot of time to spare. I also love my sweets way too much.... I lost the weight though. You can too.

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding. :smile: