Do you skip meals?

I don't mean on purpose. For example today I got off work at 5 ran a few errands went to the gym and by the time I look up it's 830 .... I go to bed by 1030. Would you still have dinner late even tho your going to end up sleeping soon which I heard isn't good to do or do you just fast and lay it down for bed?


  • elopez1998
    elopez1998 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't skip meals. Even if you drink a meal replacement, it's better than skipping a meal. Also, try to eat within an hour of finishing your workout.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Unless you have issues sleeping on a full stomach, it's fine to eat late. One night a week I don't eat dinner until almost 10.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    I don't mean on purpose. For example today I got off work at 5 ran a few errands went to the gym and by the time I look up it's 830 .... I go to bed by 1030. Would you still have dinner late even tho your going to end up sleeping soon which I heard isn't good to do or do you just fast and lay it down for bed?

    I eat every single calorie I alot myself each day and two or three dozen times over the last few months, usually due to my toddler or work, I'll eat 400-500 cals right before bed. I've lost 70 pounds since last July and currently at my goal weight. in short unless it hurts your sleeping abilities eating right before bed is no problem. it is not more likely to turn to fat or any of that nonsense we have all read.
  • ConnieT1030
    ConnieT1030 Posts: 894 Member
    I miss meals because I am sometimes crazy in my schedule, but mostly because if I get sidetracked I wont finish what Im doing, so i try to finish what I have in mind doing before stopping to eat.

    You can eat your calories anytime, when considering weight loss, although some recommend more specific timing if you have a serious weightlifting routine. If youre still hungry, and have calories left, eat, unless of course it bothers your stomach. If youre not hungry, and your above the minimum recommend, then it's ok not to eat. (if you have time, push it off to later until youre hungry)

    There's no magic to meal timing, and you'll see plenty of threads where people will let you know that there's no real difference between eating lots of little meals or fewer big meals, for weightloss/metabolism, despite those books trying to tell people it's a magic formula to change your metabolism. Mostly it's a formula to sell books.

    Psychologically, it may be worse to skip, because sometimes people overeat the next meal if they skip one, but that doesn't always happen. Basically, go by your calories, and eat them when it makes you happy. :)
  • delisha527
    delisha527 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks guys I ended up having a small snack I'm glad I did I don't wanna binge in the am
  • Aftronthegreat
    Aftronthegreat Posts: 54 Member
    its 10:30pm here and I am about to eat so I also don't stuff my face in the morning! I try not to skip meal / snack time- otherwise I don't feel hungry until supper and I gorge all of the junk :(
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    I don't mean on purpose. For example today I got off work at 5 ran a few errands went to the gym and by the time I look up it's 830 .... I go to bed by 1030. Would you still have dinner late even tho your going to end up sleeping soon which I heard isn't good to do or do you just fast and lay it down for bed?

    I really just eat when I am hungry. I have breakfast around 10, and a late lunch around 3 or 4. I have a small snack at night when I get home from the gym, or before I go, just depends on the time and if I am hungry.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Skipping one meal is not going to affect you much.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I typically don't eat dinner until 8:30 anyway so your situation wouldn't cause me to skip it, but I do skip meals. I rarely eat breakfast and if I'm not hungry or am planning a bigger than usual dinner I will often skip lunch too.

    And typically one day a week I fast, so on that day I skip them all.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I eat different amounts of calories depending on the day. I usually would just not eat if I wasn't hungry, but if it was going to be a lower calorie day the next day, I would probably go ahead and eat the evening before.

    In general, I skip breakfast everyday.

  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    I try not to skip meals however my meals are very low calorie... supper is generally my highest calorie meal of the day...
  • mallory_2014
    mallory_2014 Posts: 173 Member
    I skip breakfast everyday during the week. I usually only eat breakfast on the weekends. A lot of the time if I have a late lunch I won't eat dinner but just have a snack. Sometimes I'll eat dinner at 9/10 pm.

    Eat if you are hungry.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    I don't mean on purpose. For example today I got off work at 5 ran a few errands went to the gym and by the time I look up it's 830 .... I go to bed by 1030. Would you still have dinner late even tho your going to end up sleeping soon which I heard isn't good to do or do you just fast and lay it down for bed?

    I eat dinner at right around 8:30 pretty much every night and have done so for yeah, I would've eaten dinner...because I always do. The only issue with eating before bed is if you personally have digestive has zero bearing on weight management. I go to be around 9:30.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    Thanks guys I ended up having a small snack I'm glad I did I don't wanna binge in the am

    If you had skipped it and then had a really big breakfast because of it, you'd still be good unless you overate by more than your planned dinner calories.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I try to always come in under my daily goal, but not way under. If I skipped a meal for some reason, I make it up later in the day. If I have several hundred open calories at the end of the day, I'll snack on some cheese or salami before bed.