Ladies: Do you cheat during your period?



  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    When I was still losing, I just ate at maintenance for a few days. Now I just make what I eat work within my calories for the week. I don't do the whole "cheat" thing. It implies there are bad foods and sets me up for guilt and bad feelings. For the record, I've eaten dairy free ice cream with a handful of df chocolate chips (Im lactose intolerant) every single night, even through my days of losing. Its delicious. I love it. So I make space for it. ;)
  • allieL2016
    allieL2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I try to fit foods I like into my calorie count. A favorite "time of the month" comfort food for me is buffalo chicken mac and cheese. I use whole grain pasta, and I make my own cheese sauce so I can dictate the ingredients. One serving is only 484 calories! Making small ingredient changes to an otherwise unhealthy food is how I "cheat"!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why is this even a question.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    "Junk food" does not cause weight gain, too many calories does.

    Incorporate treats into your daily goal and stop "cheating". Cheating implies something bad.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I maintain so I don't "cheat" ever... I just eat. Yes I may eat more chocolate when aunt flow is hanging out but ladies, quit guilting over "cheating"! Xx
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight, regardless of what time of the month it is.
  • SarahBelle43
    SarahBelle43 Posts: 21 Member
    In the past, PMS has really de-railed my daily habits, food and exercise especially! I now take an oral birth control that stretches MTOTM from every month to every other month. there are some that can stretch it to twice a year. This has been a great help to me being more consistent, and might be worth talking to your doctor about it your period really interrupts your life.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I usually eat a lot more during pms

    It only lasts a day or two and then I move on

    I eat at a slight deficit all the time anyway so it works fine
  • lymphoidorgan
    lymphoidorgan Posts: 4 Member
    I always cheat during my period, even though I know I shouldn't.
    It seems to be what is currently holding me back, doesn't help that I retain a bunch of the water weight which makes the scale go up even if I'm good. So I get discouraged.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Nope but then PMS doesn't really make me hungrier or give me cravings.
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    I usually eat over, but try not to make it too much - usually I just eat more chocolate or chips of some kind... This time it was ice cream!
  • JustMissTracyToo
    JustMissTracyToo Posts: 74 Member
    I never cheat...on anything. During my period, if I want the chocolate, I eat the chocolate. If I want the pie, I eat the pie, all of it! 9 times out of 10, the treat will fit into my calorie goals for the day. If not, big deal. It's one week a month, and I deserve to enjoy and be comforted by my food if need! Still not cheating...
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I am so freaking hungry leading up to Aunt Flo!! Now that I'm maintaining, I give in a bit and I do eat more. Once AF arrives, I'm no longer hungry like that and I'll eat in deficit to lose the 1 to 2 lbs I may have gained. I've been maintaining for a year now and that works for me.
  • remidowu
    remidowu Posts: 13 Member
    Yessss!! I always over eat but then just balance it out the rest of the week
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Started mine yesterday. Am on a calorie reduction again, following many months of eating at maintenance. Haven't needed to increase my calories as yet, from set daily calorie goals.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Cheat? The only rules I have are "eat no more than you maintenance for the week", "log everything honestly " and "walk the dogs at least twice a day"

    No, I don't "cheat". I might enjoy more chocolate than normal, but I always make sure indulgences fit within my weekly goals.
  • jadeh218
    jadeh218 Posts: 36 Member
    Honestly yes. I find I'm ravenous. Craving *kitten* food. I need to do something about it though. Prep for it or something. My resolve is always at it's lowest when it's that time of the month. I seem to retain water too.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    *Hides demolished packaging of box of belgium chocolates I bought for myself the day before shark week under rug* "Me? Noooooo....."

    I never plan to "cheat" but I inevitably end up maintaining that week overall as chocolate and cheese has the attraction of what I can only describe as some form of super-crack to me for a few days. TBF I really need to up my exercise to compensate for the inevitable wagon face planting I do every month.
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    No. I work way too hard to remain in a deficit. I work extra hard to not screw it up when I know I may be tempted...usually the week prior is when the cravings hit. I could easily undo weeks of progress and I'm just not willing to do that.