Superficial Motivation



  • dezcalouette
    dezcalouette Posts: 13 Member
    This was super amusing.
    I also do the sticker thing on my calendar when I have really great nutrition/workout days. I guess second grade really has a way of sticking with you.

    I also like to listen to super sassy, fairly slutty songs (pretty much the opposite of what I listen to outside of the gym AND my personality). So, I pretend I'm one of those obnoxious divas & I somehow burn more. Haha. Would never admit that to anyone inside of the gym though.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    LOL!!! I don't have an ipod or anything like that, so I can't listen to music in the gym.

    BUT I do listen to it on the way to the gym and on the way home.... I have a rockin' stereo system in my expedition and I crank it while I listen to super sassy and definitely slutty songs! LOLOLOLOL.....

    Not at all my "outside" personality. I'm a "good girl". :wink:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I watch TV when I workout, so now I've gotten to the point where I can't sit still to watch TV. It's more a Pavlovian response than motivation, but, STILL. Plus, I have an excuse to watch slightly more trashy TV (Teen Wolf, and, uh...Teen Wolf).

    I also have a slightly less amusing motivation, which is getting fit enough that I won't get mugged again or that I don't have to worry about them catching up should I have to run from another mugger. It's also my motivation for learning Krav Maga (well, that and the fact that Krav Maga was developed by Jewish prisoners during WWII to fight the Nazis, which is totally effing BAD *kitten*).

    I'm a bit of a closet survivalist, too. I figure, the CDC has a contingency plan for the zombie apocalypse, so I should, as well. Outrunning them is in important part of that plan. See also vampires, werewolves, serial killers, velociraptors, and Cujo in relation to this. Why fight them if you can outrun them?
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    You're right! We should all have some sort of escape plan and workout regime that enables us to out run those creepy things that wanna get us!

    Hmmm... Well, until I can out run them, I'm wearing roller skates every minute of the day. YES, to bed too!
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Supernatural best show ever on the CW
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I watch TV when I workout, so now I've gotten to the point where I can't sit still to watch TV. It's more a Pavlovian response than motivation, but, STILL.

    Outrunning them is in important part of that plan. See also vampires, werewolves, serial killers, velociraptors, and Cujo in relation to this. Why fight them if you can outrun them?

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    YESSSS Zombies! If I can't outrun the undead...I'm going to be really sad, because that means I'll get bit, and I'd be even less coordinated and then I'd probably never catch anyone to eat. Maybe that could be the other half of my motivation, learn to run fast, but in case the zombie 'virus' is airborn I still catch it even though I'm fast, undead me will still have a shot at surviving because I will have...the muscle memory...?
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I am getting fit so that I am not the first to die when zombies rise!! I have also promised to kill my friend when she is turned - she gets scared when someone rings her doorbell and can't run or fight so she will be one of the first to fall!!

    I also completely agree with your supernatural motivation of surviving to be saved or helping the brothers and not being the dead girl before the opening credits!

    I love that you freaked out your mum!! :) lol
  • kerry1513
    kerry1513 Posts: 38 Member
    My motivation is that I will look better than my boyfriends ex-wife! Shallow, but it works.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I am getting fit so that I am not the first to die when zombies rise!! I have also promised to kill my friend when she is turned - she gets scared when someone rings her doorbell and can't run or fight so she will be one of the first to fall!!

    I also completely agree with your supernatural motivation of surviving to be saved or helping the brothers and not being the dead girl before the opening credits!

    I love that you freaked out your mum!! :) lol

    My best friend/former roommate and I were addicted to The Walking Dead and one night we were watching it and she pauses it, turns to me and say, "Elysabeth, when the zombies come I want you to kill me. And Lula (her cat!). And I don't want you to wait until I'm infected, I don't want to die a zombie." Then she started playing the show again and I just stared at her. Kind of like this: :noway:
  • christalouigi
    Non-superficial motivation is that I want to get healthy and want my kids and me to live long, healthy happy lives, Lord willin. My fitness background is that I've never liked exercising in front of people, and always thought myself too uncomfortably bouncy to run, but knowing a friend who runs and seeing her in my mind makes me want to do it too, looking all hot and fierce. (Enter superficial.) I want to get a sexy body where I can wear a tank or heck just a sportsbra that shows off my fierce tattoos and makes other people want to be a runner when they see me going, like I feel when I think about Jamie (my friend) running. I want to look so good that all the dudes who've took a dump on me (not literally, thank God!!) will be sorry they lost me. (Way superficial I know, but I have 2 ex husbands who made me feel insignificant and cheated on me, not to mention at least one ex boyfriend who must think he's God's git to women... but ANYWAY...) I hear songs all the time that motivate me, much as others have mentioned. Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Rhianna, Black Eyed Peas, but for me, especially Nickelback. I want to run to songs like Animal and Side of a Bullet and feel STRONG!! And Strength isn't superficial. :-)
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I missed this thread yesterday, but it's totally worth resurrecting! I frequently run a wooded trail where it's all too easy to imagine that I'm in a horror movie. However, I am *NOT* one of those stupid girl who wore high heels to a party in the woods, because we all know they end up being chased through said woods by axe wielding mass murderers. I'm more motivated by being the girl who fights back - Neve Campbell, Heather Langenkamp, Jamie Lee Curtis. It helps that my favorite running music is almost all Rob Zombie.

    And now, thanks to this thread, I've got Silence of the Lambs and images of being sprayed with a hose to add to my list of motivators. "It rubs the lotion on it's skin..." *shudder* then run FASTER
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I missed this thread yesterday, but it's totally worth resurrecting! I frequently run a wooded trail where it's all too easy to imagine that I'm in a horror movie. However, I am *NOT* one of those stupid girl who wore high heels to a party in the woods, because we all know they end up being chased through said woods by axe wielding mass murderers. I'm more motivated by being the girl who fights back - Neve Campbell, Heather Langenkamp, Jamie Lee Curtis. It helps that my favorite running music is almost all Rob Zombie.

    And now, thanks to this thread, I've got Silence of the Lambs and images of being sprayed with a hose to add to my list of motivators. "It rubs the lotion on it's skin..." *shudder* then run FASTER

    There was a specific time on Wednesday when I was running and I thought, I'll just take a wee break, and suddenly I could see the creepy Silence of the Lambs guy being all...creepy and I suddenly was like, "hmmm I think I can run."
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    Your post is hilarious - I've got to start running so I dont fall over a leaf and get killed by Jason in the woods lol!
  • ShanaDarling
    I'm gonna have to go with surviving the zombie apocalypse.

    The main point would be to outrun the zombies and live BUT! in the unlikely event that I get my brains eaten and turn into a zombie myself... I don't want to be the overweight zombie in the back not getting any brains because all the fit zombies beat me there.

    Oh, the horror!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't need to run from zombies - I can handle a shotgun like nobody's business. BUUUUUT, I wouldn't mind shooting zombies in the face while wearing an American flag string bikini. That is my superficial motivation.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1. Silence of the Lambs! The creepy guy making a suit of skin from women he's killed...if I'm fit he can't use my skin. What a win.

    5. Any horror movie ever the girls can't freaking run in the woods, I trail run, I won't trip over a leaf and get killed by Jason bc I am getting AWESOME at running in the woods.

    I LOVE these. LOVE.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I don't need to run from zombies - I can handle a shotgun like nobody's business. BUUUUUT, I wouldn't mind shooting zombies in the face while wearing an American flag string bikini. That is my superficial motivation.

    ^ I think I love you a little bit.
  • goquiltersgo
    goquiltersgo Posts: 23 Member
    A trick I use when I feel like I might want to quit is...I can do anything for XX minutes. So when you get to the 26 minute mark, tell yourself, I can run for 4 minutes. For some reason, when broken down, it sounds so much more doable!!!

    Keep it up!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't need to run from zombies - I can handle a shotgun like nobody's business. BUUUUUT, I wouldn't mind shooting zombies in the face while wearing an American flag string bikini. That is my superficial motivation.

    ^ I think I love you a little bit.

    *BLUSH* I pretty much have the hugest forum-crush ever on you.. :D