Grunting -- how important is it ...



  • FatPorkyChop
    FatPorkyChop Posts: 83 Member
    When I sometimes do cardio classes (not weight lifting) some clowns grunt or scream, and I swear that really annoys me, I want to beat the life out of them (but I keep it all inside :) )
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I'd rather involuntarily grunt than fart

    Me too but if you're lucky you do both at once and the grunt is louder than the fart.

    Pro tip
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I'd rather involuntarily grunt than fart

    or pee.

    I've done all of the above

    Same here. I'm choosing to blame it on having kids and my bladder not being what it used to be.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Hmm, if I have to fart I walk away from my workout area and pass by the treadmills to crop dust.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    _Bro wrote: »
    Hmm, if I have to fart I walk away from my workout area and pass by the treadmills to crop dust.

    Not me. I do it right in the squat rack, so that I can have it all to myself.
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    I've always equated grunting while lifting to "kiai" in marital arts. In Japanese martial arts specifically, one of the reasons for doing kiai is to focus your energy (ki) behind your strike. It also focuses your attention/awareness on the moment of impact.

    @CafeRacer808 lol i just had a dragonball z flash back haha

    Darn it, you beat me to it :D

    Back OT, I've made sounds during extreme physical exertion, mostly as part of breathing. I found it very therapeutic during childbirth (not lifting, but still physically demanding) and during weighted squats and anything with bench presses. It starts out as a hiss, and moves to a grunt during the peak of the movement. It's my personal "thing", so I haven't thought about others and whether or not it counts. Some folks are louder than others. It makes me glad I work out at home, so I don't have to be self-conscious about giving death-glares to those who are excessively moany :p
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'll go back to the pink weights and toning.

    Exactly what my Dr prescribed for me when I was dx'd with RA.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    edited March 2017
    If I'm squeezing out a final rep on like an RPE of 9-10 then I'll give an "arrrrghhhh" as I breathe out.

    I've got a guy at my gym who half reps and without headphones on shouts "come on! One more! No two more! You've got this! Ahhhhh one! Okay now two!" The whole time working out by himself. On literally every exercise
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I tried humming a song but grunting the song sounds way cooler.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Does making grunting noises help lift more weight?

    Pretty sure the grunt is an involuntary result of struggling to lift something heavy...particularly at the end of a set.
  • ItsAllMental819
    ItsAllMental819 Posts: 68 Member
    _Bro wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'll go back to the pink weights and toning.
    Haha! Obviously, my post is in jest... today I had to up the level of sound/headphones to escape the deathly moans that were being made by someone else "working" out

    Glad you clarified lol... I figured it was but wasn't positive. Imo, Unless your moving ungodly amounts of weight your only trying to draw attention to yourself!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    <--- 500+ deadlift... you bet your sweet *kitten* I grunted.

    Oddly enough, I don't grunt on deadlifts. Not even the 500lb+ ones. But any squat over about two plates sounds like someone is torturing a cow to death.
  • Deadlifting_Away_Doritos
    Grunting should be reserved for that last tough rep or max effort, not every single rep like some tools.
  • tentawon23
    tentawon23 Posts: 1 Member
    I mostly grunt getting in and out of the car.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i once spent a sunday morning in an otherwise quiet gym 'with' a guy who spent the whole time going nuts on the upright-row station like he was trying to cross the pacific alone. and he moaned as he did every rep.

    idk if he was hoping to pick someone up by playing a free sex-noise trailer, or what. but that was the most off-putting thing i've ever heard in a gym.

  • Deadlifting_Away_Doritos
    i once spent a sunday morning in an otherwise quiet gym 'with' a guy who spent the whole time going nuts on the upright-row station like he was trying to cross the pacific alone. and he moaned as he did every rep.

    idk if he was hoping to pick someone up by playing a free sex-noise trailer, or what. but that was the most off-putting thing i've ever heard in a gym.

    Lol! Reminds me of that Adam Sandler skit.
  • Deadlifting_Away_Doritos
    Yes about ten seconds left of my last interval during hiit I'll grunt because I feel like I'm going to die and it just happens I don't know. My gym is very very loud anyway and everyone is too into their own workout. The gym is the last place I know for peace and quiet, my gym anyway.

    Or so you think! Lol!