600 calories left but no carbs



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited March 2017
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    And what is your goal?

    Edited - you lost 3 kg in one week? A lot of that is probably water weight, but that is definitely too fast for weight loss for an 18 year old male.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Sorry for sounding like a complete noob haha never had to do dieting before really so not sure what's the most efficient way

    When you don't know, you don't know. Definitely read all the stickied posts, like the one @WinoGelato linked to learn more. There's a lot to figure out when you're just getting started, but just remember that 'diet' should just mean the foods you eat, not the foods you're not allowed to eat, because really you can eat whatever you want as long as you're in your calorie deficit.
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    Carbs are usually 50-55% of my intake and I've lost 22.5lbs in 9 weeks. Your macro ratios genuinely don't matter - it's whatever works for you. If you don't think you can sustain low carb long term, you might want to rethink your approach.


    That's great :) maybe I just need to slowly increase my carbs until it feels right!
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2017
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    And what is your goal?

    Edited - you lost 3 kg in one week? A lot of that is probably water weight, but that is definitely too fast for weight loss for an 18 year old male.

    I wanna get to around 12 stone maybe 13 stone
    Yeah it's really slowed down now tho I'm losing barely anything that's what's made me causes of eating carbs
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    Calorie requisites are based on your stats as well as activity level as well as your stated rate of loss target. You can't really compare your calorie targets to someone else's without also comparing stats.

    You're also an 18 year old male.

    I'm a 42 year old male and I lose about 1 Lb per week eating 2300-2500 calories per day.
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    Has no one suggested bacon?

    I mean, also, all that stuff about how carbs are delicious and there's no need to keep them that low if you don't want to.

    Not a massive fan of bacon too salty haha
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    That's great :) maybe I just need to slowly increase my carbs until it feels right!

    This is your journey, your road. There is a lot of great advice on these forums, but in the end I think you'll find you'll need to try different things to see what works for you. Take what you read and are told with a grain of salt, but try things out. Maybe you feel fuller eating more fats and proteins. Maybe carbs make you feel amazing. Everyone finds what works for them and it's not going to be the same for every individual. As long as you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight. Wish you all the best!!

    Oh, and +10 for the bacon suggestion @annacole94
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    So why are you only eating enough calories for a dinky woman??
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    I am eating 2000+ calories a day + 200+g of carbs a day and lost 117 pounds.

    That's awesome! How long did that take?

    It's been a two year process but i consistently lost 10lbs a month while i was heavier (252lbs) until i hit around 160lbs then it slowed down after that to about 4 pounds per month since i found lower calories very hard to manage and was not sustainable for me, and thats usually the problem, when you start weight loss lower calories seem easy at first but eventually it stops feeling easy and it makes it very hard mentally to eat more because you think wanting to eat more = failure but it isn't. Having a higher calorie amount and losing weight at a good normal rate is the way to do it, eating the foods you enjoy is also the way to do it, you can eat high carb if you want to, i did, because i love carbs, i am a bread, pasta, potato and rice girl through and through but i always just made sure i stayed within the calorie goal MFP gave me a long the way and i made it to 135 pounds that way

    That's really good!! Maybe I just need to stop worrying about it as much! I just really wanna get back to how I use to be a year ago as soon as possible
  • megbob
    megbob Posts: 7 Member
    I count only my carbs and protein, I try to keep under 50 grms of carbs and try to get in 120 grams of protein (this is my challenge) I started this on 2/6 and to date I've lost 9lbs. I also do fasting 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating.
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2017
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    So why are you only eating enough calories for a dinky woman??

    I don't know I'm gonna fill my diary tomorrow!
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    megbob wrote: »
    I count only my carbs and protein, I try to keep under 50 grms of carbs and try to get in 120 grams of protein (this is my challenge) I started this on 2/6 and to date I've lost 9lbs. I also do fasting 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating.

    What's the benefits of fasting? I've heard of them diets what are like 5 days on 2 days off and stuff but how does it make you feel?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    So why are you only eating enough calories for a dinky woman??

    I don't know I'm gonna fill my diary tomorrow!

    I would just start with MFP's macros for a few weeks and then tweak from there
  • gregory17
    gregory17 Posts: 1 Member
    I usually find it a lot easier to regulate calories in when I reduce carbs. Cutting breads and gains dramatically reduces your calorie load. Right now, I have my carbs goal at 15-20% trying to lose weight, but will do more once per week so my body doesn't acclimate completely to a low carb diet.

    [There's actually a lot of ppl who dispute the calories in/ calories out model and focus on other items (i.e., insulin, sugar). But calories in/out is a good starting model.]
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    I am eating 2000+ calories a day + 200+g of carbs a day and lost 117 pounds.

    That's awesome! How long did that take?

    It's been a two year process but i consistently lost 10lbs a month while i was heavier (252lbs) until i hit around 160lbs then it slowed down after that to about 4 pounds per month since i found lower calories very hard to manage and was not sustainable for me, and thats usually the problem, when you start weight loss lower calories seem easy at first but eventually it stops feeling easy and it makes it very hard mentally to eat more because you think wanting to eat more = failure but it isn't. Having a higher calorie amount and losing weight at a good normal rate is the way to do it, eating the foods you enjoy is also the way to do it, you can eat high carb if you want to, i did, because i love carbs, i am a bread, pasta, potato and rice girl through and through but i always just made sure i stayed within the calorie goal MFP gave me a long the way and i made it to 135 pounds that way

    That's really good!! Maybe I just need to stop worrying about it as much! I just really wanna get back to how I use to be a year ago as soon as possible

    The way i see it is, the time is going to pass anyway.. If you stick to a healthy calorie deficit you are going to be someone different each month that passes by.. By the time you hit goal you will have learned how to maintain your loss, which is far more important then actually losing the weight

    That's my exact goal I wanna get to a stage where I feel like I can eat things and still feel good within myself and look good I'm still gonna calorie count but I'm not gonna care as much I got myself to this weight now it's time to get myself back
  • Hardcastle99
    Hardcastle99 Posts: 46 Member
    I feel like 2280 is loads when I look at other people's diarys there on like 1600

    I'm on 1600 cals because I'm 5ft5 and 133lbs...

    What are your stats?

    I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18

    So why are you only eating enough calories for a dinky woman??

    I don't know I'm gonna fill my diary tomorrow!

    I would just start with MFP's macros for a few weeks and then tweak from there

    Yeah good idea! I'll increase my carbs too 40 as I feel like that's achievable

    Also anyone have a rough idea how long it will take me to lose 20 kg