20 lbs in 6 weeks!!! Challenge! (7/21 to 9/1)



  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    SOOO my question is - now that we have all 20 people, how does this all work, like will there be a post or something somewhere that we always look at?? this is the first challenge that i'm going to be doing on MFP and I really don't know how it works! :D
  • klinzer
    klinzer Posts: 4 Member
    I'm all in my current weight is 260 and I wan to lose weight because I have health issues and I want to be a better and happier me!
  • bubbyp
    bubbyp Posts: 37 Member
    SOOO my question is - now that we have all 20 people, how does this all work, like will there be a post or something somewhere that we always look at?? this is the first challenge that i'm going to be doing on MFP and I really don't know how it works! :D

    Yeah its my first challenge too! What happens now??
  • Hi , katieerin90 who started this has gone to bed, but the idea is to keep each other motivated, weigh in on thursdays and aim to do a certain amount of exercise, and reward ourselves with treats ie hot bubblebath etc.
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    right, I did see all of that in the original post - but I'm wondering like WHERE will we be posting all of this stuff?? is it going to be in this board right here, or somewhere else?
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I saw this after there were 20 people. Is there room for 21? :smile:
  • I would love to join in! ;) I just started the gym this past Monday and MFP a couple of days ago! I am taking Zumba classes 3x a week a pilates/yoga class 1x a week and exercising on the machines 3 days a week. I am VERY determined to get this weight off. I would love to get the first 20 off in 6 weeks! :-) Hope I am not too late to join in!
  • I want in also!! Is there room for 22/20?? My starting weight is 167, and My goal is 135. What do we do from here (provided that I can still join )
  • 11aking
    11aking Posts: 30
    I want innnn! Please? My starting weight is 148, and I'm going to college! It'd be awesome to drop 20 :)
  • i wanna join.. lol my weight is 144 and i want to get down to like 125 just to feel good about myself. is there more room for me...
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    Is there me room for me too?? I'm starting at 161. My want to get to my prepregnancy weight of 145.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    WELCOME to:

    Yes there is room for all of you!!!! That's 27 if I'm not mistaken!!!! Good luck to all!!

    Our very first DAILY CHAT is right here!!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/295636-20in6-daily-chat-closed-7-21

  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Great! My weight today was 170.8 lbs. I would love to lose this weight before my family vacation to the beach October 1st.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    I want in too!! My weight as of this am is 236.8. My ultimate goal is to be under 140.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    I want in too!! My weight as of this am is 236.8. My ultimate goal is to be under 140.
  • o4itsme
    o4itsme Posts: 16
    I think you are over twenty people, but I would love to join too!! I also don't know if I can do twenty but I love the feel good approach.
    CW 202
    GW 180
    Let the fun begin!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Feel free to join in the thread linked above!!! That makes TWENTY NINE LADIES!!! <3
  • audweaver
    audweaver Posts: 23
    Can I join too? I will log my starting weight this am when I get home from work. My motivation is an up coming cruise and Disney . Leaving for this trip the end of Sept. Me and my husband will be celebrating our 5yr anniversary and his 40th b-day and I want to look sexy for him.:tongue:
  • Zeeeleee
    Zeeeleee Posts: 15 Member
    Great, so I'll be lucky # 30?

    Would love to be down 20pounds, then I'll be what I weighed when I got married. (Is it just me or does married life have a way of piling on the pounds? Why is that)

    Motivation: have a beach body for summertime! (I live in Australia so its still winter here)
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