TO WORK OUT or NOT TO WORK OUT. That be the question:)



  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    If I don't go I have to make it up at some point in the week and that's not always possible. I can't "miss work outs". I train for strength and like to compete. There's just no missing.
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    I don't work out at a gym, I jog outside. What motivates me (because honestly, most days I really don't want to!) is making sure I put on workout clothes as soon as possible. When I get home after work, the first thing I do is change into workout clothes. On a weekend, a lot of days it's what I change into when I first wake up. It may not push me to walk out the door yet and I may end up procrastinating a little while and sitting on my couch in a workout outfit, but it definitely helps. There's only so long I can sit around in yoga pants and a sports bra before I finally get the motivation to get up and go.
  • JohnnyPenso
    JohnnyPenso Posts: 412 Member
    edited March 2017
    Every day is different for me. Some days I look forward to going to the gym like I'd look forward to a large pizza with anchovies and a couple of pints of Guinness. Other days I'd rather be pulling hair out with tweezers than go to the gym. It all depends on whether I worked or how busy the day was. On days when I am fairly certain my time is mostly my own, like Saturday and Sunday, that's when I enjoy it the most. I still manage to get in on schedule most of the time during the week but being self employed and sometimes working unpredictable hours sometimes means I miss a workout or two here and there. I've got more than 2 weeks vacation coming up starting Thursday and one of the things I'm looking forward to is relaxed and uninterrupted gym time...weird.
  • Tania_181
    Tania_181 Posts: 100 Member
    I used to find it difficult to get out the door to head to the gym. I'd often procrastinate and find little jobs to do first around the house. But, after more than 6 months of going it's very rare that I feel like this now. It's become part of my routine and if I can't go for some reason then I'm disappointed.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    MrsKila wrote: »
    Hello MFP. I just wanted to know what motivates you to get out the door to get to the gym if you are a person that works out at the gym daily?
    MrsKila wrote: »
    Any tips?

    Bring the gym to you? I quit my gym and do all my workouts at home 4-5 days a week with youtube videos, saved a fortune, far more motivated and getting more benefit from it. I make sure to do it as soon as I get in from work, so I am not distracted by other things, and on a weekend it's the first thing I do when I get up. The days I am not working out I still get about 7-10km of walking in.
  • valutz
    valutz Posts: 48 Member
    Bring the gym to you? I quit my gym and do all my workouts at home 4-5 days a week with youtube videos, saved a fortune, far more motivated and getting more benefit from it. I make sure to do it as soon as I get in from work, so I am not distracted by other things, and on a weekend it's the first thing I do when I get up. The days I am not working out I still get about 7-10km of walking in.

    I did that as well. Works out great if you find the right kind of workout.
  • fbchick51
    fbchick51 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't rely on motivation. Motivation is fickle, but discipline is always there. I go whether I "feel like it" or not. It's something I have to do, like getting groceries or going to work or brushing my teeth. I just make it...not optional, I guess.

    And like you said, OP, I never regret it once I'm there.

    This. To create the discipline, I literally set two alarm clocks and 2 calendar reminders. By the time the forth one went off, I was out of excuses not to go. Plus, the calendar reminders came with little motivational sayings to help. Took a few months to really make it a habit, but now I'm at a point where I only need one alarm cause I know I'll feel like crap if I don't go.

  • ErryDayImHustlin
    ErryDayImHustlin Posts: 23 Member
    "The hardest part of going to the gym is putting your gym shoes on"
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I work out after work, I go straight to the gym from work. It used to be I could not go home first or getting out the door was too hard. Now I can go home and I will still go back out, but I prefer to go straight there.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I only go to the gym a couple of times per week...but I ride most days. I love to ride, especially when it's a gorgeous day...doesn't require much for me to get out the door...I hate when life happens and I have to miss a ride.

    Find something you enjoy doing and then things are pretty easy.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Personally a few things help me. My exercise of choice is running and/or walking. Doing local 5k, 10k events keeps me motivated - having an event on the horizon keeps me focused. My next major event is the Peachtree Road Race 10k on the 4th of July, so I'll probably find something in May to do as well. Maybe my first trail run!

    I also use an app (Pact) where I commit to eating fruits/veggies, doing daily workouts, and logging my food (at MFP). If I miss my commitment, then I have to pay. The logic behind the app: people will be motivated to avoid a penalty. And those who keep their commitments each week get a small amount of $ from those who don't. Its about $2-3 a week, which adds up. And helps pay those 5k, 10k registration fees!

    Also, sharing my intentions with friends and family... It lets them know what I'm working on, and holds me accountable because someone else will know if I flake out.
    MrsKila wrote: »
    Hello MFP. I just wanted to know what motivates you to get out the door to get to the gym if you are a person that works out at the gym daily? The reason why I ask is because once I'm out the door I'm a good I'm ready to go and I enjoy being at the gym but boy oh boy getting out the door is my problem LOL :D Any tips?

  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    I am working on making it a habit. I schedule small rewards for myself each day I do what will get mt to my health goals - I get a bubble bath, time to read, a fancy tea, etc. Once I've been doing this a while, I know I'll crave it.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    There's a blizzard here today. Most people aren't going in to work. The gym will finally be open at 1 pm. I'm walking through the blizzard to workout. No prob.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Find a workout buddy. I love running and look forward to it most mornings. No motivation problems there. However, I recently added 2x week strength training at the gym. I hate it! The only thing that's gets me out of my bed and going to the stupid gym is that I am meeting someone there. I don't want to be lazy and lame by canceling on her.
  • CanadianRockies
    CanadianRockies Posts: 10 Member
    If I'm working out the right amount, then I really enjoy my workouts and look forward to doing them. If I find myself being reluctant to do a workout, then that usually means I've increased the intensity of my workout too much too quickly. It's too much of a pain to do, and I don't look forward to the next one. So, I simply stop increasing my workout intensity for a while (or even take it back down a notch) until I enjoy it again.
  • delder55
    delder55 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought a cheap treadmill online. I am HORRIBLE at forcing myself to get out and go to the gym but it's hard to not at least get on that thing and walk for 10 mins a day. I say, I'll do 10 mins at least and if I want to keep going, I'll keep going. What's 10 mins while I'm watching TV or something right? And then, once I'm on it, I always go longer than 10 mins but just knowing I don't have to is great!
  • mis1022
    mis1022 Posts: 109 Member
    I have to schedule my workout days. On the scheduled days I don't really have a problem getting out to the gym but I am not at the point yet where I will go on a non scheduled day. I go Mon Wed and Fri.