Beautiful Behaviors - March 2017



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hello all!!

    I'm doing horrible with food - getting on a different schedule is tough, but slowly I'm getting there!

    My job is perfect, I love it!

    Caught up on all of the posts. I haven't been by a computer lately and so I tend to forget to respond sometimes.

    My beautiful behavior is to keep on working on liking myself and work towards my goals!

    Picked up a third job so I hope in the fall I can drop it down to just one. We shall see. Two of the three are standing/Moving and I know that will help me out in the long run!

    Have a great rest of the Sunday!!!!
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    edited March 2017
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    today i took a 1 hr yoga class, first time in years, and i finished it. i plan on going again next week and get this to become a beautiful habit.

    Way to go! Yoga is my lifesaver on stressful days. I practice at home to save money and because my arthritis causes me to make a lot of funky adaptations. But I have a great collection of dvds and YouTube channels, and have created a nice studio area in my basement. If only the dogs understood the concept of personal space! Keep up the good work.
  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not into yoga but since there seem to be so many of you enjoying it I thought I'd post a link. Do Yoga with Me
    Came across it a few weeks ago, most videos are free.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi - Awesome, yoga is so beneficial
    @woznube7 - having a job you like is wonderful. You are a hard worker - 3 jobs! Keep making those positive changes and thoughts
    @trailgirl777 - Superhero! Going out to eat and staying within goal is hard! 2 days in a row, how wonderful.
    @AlisalGal - don't the cuddly dogs add to the peaceful yoga?! haha
    @mir1104 - I'm going to have to check that out. I need to do more yoga

    Update: I took yesterday off from working out because I have bruises everywhere from digging hits in volleyball. I also pulled a groin muscle, so cardio would have been painful. lol I did decide to have my "official" cheat meal last night because I ate good all day yesterday and since I played volleyball for 5 hours, it's almost as if I earned it.
    This morning it's back at it with fasting - no breakfast. I've already drank 64 ounces of water to flush out all of that sodium. Tonight is lifting and maybe a little cardio. Consistency is key.

    Thought for the day: Create healthy habits not restriction. ***This, because I believe in enjoying life. This is what we are doing with this Thread - creating beautiful/healthy ways of thinking and not restricting or allowing negative thoughts in our lives. :wink:
  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been very lazy with food and exercise this week. I logged my food every day but went over calorie count every day. I realized that I haven't been drinking the amount of water that I usually drink. Wondering if that has an effect on my overeating. I tend to do better with calorie count when I drink lots of water and have a salad for either lunch or dinner.

    So my goals for the week are drinking water, salad for one meal a day and treadmill 5 days this week.

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @trailgirl7 - two days! Yay! I thought I blew it last night because I went out with my mom and son. I tend to talk and not watch my portions, but, I ordered a vegetarian flour tortilla and it was full of yummy vegetables, topped with their own guacamole and the red stuff. It was in range. It was healthy. It was yummy!

    @mir1104 - you are so right! If I can keep my calories around the same each day, it helps my general health. Which is a good point because I am already planning a splurge day... Okay after six days, I will splurge, but I promise not to go so far overboard that I negate all six days of work. Do you ever splurge?

    @happysherri - I thank God - really - that I have found a diverse group of individuals online who do not insist on perfection and restriction. I can sit and read posts and just soak up the good vibes. Seriously, even people who are struggling have chosen to love themselves!

    Hi to jess! I think you will like yoga! @Alisalgal is right about it being a real stress reliever. I also adapt yoga poses according to my health needs. It's good like that.

    Libby way to go! And welcome back. Be kind to yourself while working, okay @woznube7 ?

    @CT0526 - you might be right about the water. I've noted that as well.

    I feel better now. I started out the day sick and hoped not to spend it in bed. I hit the "like" button for many posts. I giggled at some. I nodded in agreement at some. I prayed over some. I marveled at some.

    Now, I'm going to go get dressed and paint bee boxes! I'll tell the old fart in the mirror that I love her. I'll love my God. I'll relate as a friend to at least one human being, face to face.

    Love to all.

  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    Wow, love all the positive thinking and behaviors on this site! I'd like to join, but know I need to improve my mindset and my behaviors. My beautiful behavior today will be to help my daughter pack for an 8-day Appalachian Trail hike. Spending time with her is always worthwhile and makes me happy. :)
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    @aleahurst What kind of bee boxes? Decorative boxes, or actual beehives? I've a backyard beekeeper; it's a great hobby!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    If you all heard a woman screeching, that was just me. I was cleaning a bee frame and a black widow climbed out of it's corner to see what I was doing. I imagine you heard me all over u.s. and Canada.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Hi, @rdevol ! Welcome! Spending time with daughter sounds awesome!

    @jessiquoi - Very good, Jess! The urge to eat only comfort food during snowstorms is also a southern trait. You would fit in nicely in Arkansas. Stay warm!

    @Alisalgal - I painted houses for bugs today. My son is the beekeeper. He gets stung and I clean wax and paint boxes. However, today, I screamed real loud. we were cleaning up boxes from last year and a black widow came out of a frame.... I screamed. It hid. I carried the frame outside and refused to touch it! Spring got an early start here. It is freezing tonight and I've covered all my plants, but most everything is blooming right now.

    My beautiful behavior for tomorrow.... let me think. I have a long to do list for tomorrow. However, both my relational and spiritual goals have been off kilter lately. So, I believe I'll take time to practice good relationships tomorrow. Not sure how, but after coming eye to eyes with a black spider, I'm not thinking calmly!

    Love to all.

  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    Weekend splurge, it's a must. I think it's what puts me back every time, if I was able to avoid it...but to be honest I'm not.

    @Alisalgal and @aleahurst
    Wonderful you get free honey!! I see the bee boxes here in the country, never knew someone who has them.
    So the beekepers really do get stung? I suppose that story about "the bees know him" just a story!

    Training is done. My ankle was a little sore and I was a little out of breath, figure out doing sprints, but I've got three easy days before the race, I'll be ok.
    Sticked to my diet yesterday and today altough I had a little extra makes me suffer to leave it open when I know it'll turn dark.

    Tonight I'm going to indulge shamelessly in a sauna. Used to get them weekly but not this year and I do miss it.
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    @rdevol this Is where you improve your mindset & behaviors. I have been working at it for along time - lots of reading to find the tools I can use to be the real me. Best & hardest part of the journey!

    @jessiquoi - so proud your working to stay at it in a rough patch. That is when you are truly winning & your an inspiration!

    My favorite quote- is the Arena by Theodore Roosevelt. Some days I'm thinking I'm in the mud or at least I showed up today. Those days count too.

    @aleahurst - your challenge is really working for me. On weekends I kind of zone out of monitoring my eating but I'm still with it. Thanks your idea is helping to break 6 months of lackluster habits! So glad I plodded through that 6 months of yoyo determined not to give up even if not successful either.

    Hope all is winning in their areas of struggle today!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @trailgirl777 ! Wow! Good for you!

    I've been close, but within range, also!

    I think my splurge day will be planned meals that I like. I don't want to go more than 800 calories over my allotment. But I will want something toasty crunchy. Those things are usually high in calories. Something like parmesan baked onto my favorite veggies. Or Mom's homemade bread toasted and buttered. Or Mom's bread with parmesan baked onto it. Shrimp and veggies with...
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i am grateful for the encouragement to keep posting, as my struggle to get back on continues. i got on the scale finally and went up a few pounds, but nothing that i can't handle emotionally. still not tracking. bleh. i don't know why. thank you to all of you for being here and posting such motivational and honest sharings! love this group. <3
  • kittens_info
    kittens_info Posts: 10 Member

    @socalnikki22, I am the same. I have the same feelings towards my scale. I have written a list to remind myself it's not about weight loss, its about making healthy habits. it lists all I have accomplished so far.

    @jessiquoi you are still here posting, stay positive.

    now if I would get rid of this cold/sinus infection I could start working out again
  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2017

    really depends on your food preferences but if it's the crunch you're missing (I do!) there are alternatives...carrot chips, kale chips, oven baked chips...right now I'm using nori sheets cut up, toasting them in a non-stick pan with a little salt sprinkled on them. Helps a lot with the craving for salty and crunchy.

    Well today was tough, I was out training at 4am in an abandoned parking lot and it was so cold. By the time I got home I was frozen solid and ended up having way too many carbs to warm up.
    On the positive I have made a veggie only lunch and pre-planned my dinner so I'll only go overboard with 90 calories. Woohoo! It's the first time I recover a mistake, sort of proud of myself. :)
    Swimming tonight, then dinner and straight to sleep.
  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    @mir1104 Thanks for the crunchy food suggestions. My husband is really missing his chips!

    Hubby and I weighed in this morning. He's lost 10.5 and I've lost 12.5 lbs! We feel that doing this together has really helped keep us on track.

    It's very cold here so I'm off to my treadmill.

    Have a great day everyone!