Apple cider vinegar



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    @mjpree FYI, @Look_Its_Kriss has convinced me that she knows whereof she speaks and won't speak whereof she doesn't know. I don't rate chances good for anyone that engages in internet debating with her.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    @mjpree FYI, @Look_Its_Kriss has convinced me that she knows whereof she speaks and won't speak whereof she doesn't know. I don't rate chances good for anyone that engages in internet debating with her.

    Hear, hear!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited March 2017
    Just gonna leave this here:

    Edit: For those who never click a link:

    Dr. Oz’s peddling of mind-boggling health products, dispensing medical advice of a maniacal and delusional lunatic as well as poorly-written TV jokes are a clear violation of professional ethics and human decency all together. This board was charged with a monumental task of disciplining such an egregious deviation from common sense and evisceration of moral principles of medical profession. After an extensive review of our options and solicited input from the AMA, Health Insurers Association of America, U.S. Congress, Doc McStuffins, President Dr. Ben Carson and Nurse Practitioner General, we have concluded that only a single course of action adjudicates his transgressions and reciprocates the consequences of his quackery. Dr. Oz is hereby ordered to return back to his full-time surgical practice starting Monday. To reiterate: He is to provide direct patient care in accordance with standards endorsed by his specialty board, while abiding with the policies and procedures of the facility where he is credentialed to practice. No more, no less. While some may find this measure too harsh or unfair, we feel that the punishment fits the crime.”

    In the follow up interview to the press release, Dr. Angie O’Graham, M.D. chairman of the board, sent a clear verbal message:

    “We’re serious about this Mehmet! The shenanigans stop now! No more TV shows. No more hanging with celebs. No more squid tears extract, asparagus semen balms, or pistachio secretion potions. You used to be a descent surgeon and now you’ll be back to the grind with the rest of us. You first case is scheduled on Monday. Good times are over!!!”
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    If you had links to the actual studies, it would be extremely helpful, because not all peer reviewed studies are equal. For that matter, not all journals of peer reviewed studies are equal either. Without seeing the study and how it is conducted and being able to research if others have followed up and achieved the same results, which is an extremely important part of the process of peer reviewed scientific study, simply stating that there have been studies means nothing.
  • Ljay30
    Ljay30 Posts: 31 Member
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    I can't find the study, can you link it please?
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    I can't find the study, can you link it please?!po=47.0000
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Ljay30 wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    I can't find the study, can you link it please?
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    I can't find the study, can you link it please?!po=47.0000

    I thought the poster said there was a proven double blind study about weight loss?
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    It just boggles my mind that people can be this gullible and naive. SMH

    I guess everyone wants something for nothing. Bad news. You have to put in the work to get what you want. One single thing did not make you gain weight. No one thing will make you lose it.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Apple Cider Vinegar does a lot of things that are fantastic. To say it does nothing for weight loss is just an uninformed statement. I can post over 30 pro ACV sites. You should never just taste a swig of it because it will burn your mouth, esophagus and can choroid your teeth. You mix it with water and lemon/honey, put a tablespoon in herbal tea, put it on your salad, coleslaw. 2 tablespoons a day does so much good for your body.

    NONE of these are reputable scientific sources! Cosmo? Seriously? Dr Axe is a quack. Authority nutrition? Lol.

    Sorry, but no.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Apple Cider Vinegar does a lot of things that are fantastic. To say it does nothing for weight loss is just an uninformed statement. I can post over 30 pro ACV sites. You should never just taste a swig of it because it will burn your mouth, esophagus and can choroid your teeth. You mix it with water and lemon/honey, put a tablespoon in herbal tea, put it on your salad, coleslaw. 2 tablespoons a day does so much good for your body.

    NONE of these are reputable scientific sources! Cosmo? Seriously? Dr Axe is a quack. Authority nutrition? Lol.

    Sorry, but no.

    The only one of those I would even click on is WebMD and they say the same thing as the study linked above: there is some correlation to vinegar helping regulate blood sugars but more study is needed.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    Apple Cider Vinegar does a lot of things that are fantastic. To say it does nothing for weight loss is just an uninformed statement. I can post over 30 pro ACV sites. You should never just taste a swig of it because it will burn your mouth, esophagus and can choroid your teeth. You mix it with water and lemon/honey, put a tablespoon in herbal tea, put it on your salad, coleslaw. 2 tablespoons a day does so much good for your body.
    Just because a site is pro something doesn't make it fact.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Apple Cider Vinegar does a lot of things that are fantastic. To say it does nothing for weight loss is just an uninformed statement. I can post over 30 pro ACV sites. You should never just taste a swig of it because it will burn your mouth, esophagus and can choroid your teeth. You mix it with water and lemon/honey, put a tablespoon in herbal tea, put it on your salad, coleslaw. 2 tablespoons a day does so much good for your body.

    NONE of these are reputable scientific sources! Cosmo? Seriously? Dr Axe is a quack. Authority nutrition? Lol.

    Sorry, but no.

    The only one of those I would even click on is WebMD and they say the same thing as the study linked above: there is some correlation to vinegar helping regulate blood sugars but more study is needed.
    Yep..but the rest? Pssshh.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Apple Cider Vinegar does a lot of things that are fantastic. To say it does nothing for weight loss is just an uninformed statement. I can post over 30 pro ACV sites. You should never just taste a swig of it because it will burn your mouth, esophagus and can choroid your teeth. You mix it with water and lemon/honey, put a tablespoon in herbal tea, put it on your salad, coleslaw. 2 tablespoons a day does so much good for your body.

    NONE of these are reputable scientific sources! Cosmo? Seriously? Dr Axe is a quack. Authority nutrition? Lol.

    Sorry, but no.

    The only one of those I would even click on is WebMD and they say the same thing as the study linked above: there is some correlation to vinegar helping regulate blood sugars but more study is needed.
    Yep..but the rest? Pssshh.

    Agree 100%
  • mjpree
    mjpree Posts: 11 Member
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    <shrug> It's your body. If you want to believe ACV is a magic potion, enjoy it to your heart's content.

    Nope, not a magic potion, just scientific fact.

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. ;)

  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    I never noticed anything special about it but I always have it on hand. My salad dressings are usually just a mix of olive oil and either ACV or lime juice with some spices. I always have some on hand in the shower - if there's some build up on my scalp from all the dry shampoo I use ACV gets rid of it in a pinch and makes my hair a lot shinier.

    A dash of acid comes in handy all day. Sometimes when you are cooking and it's just missing that little something, it's often acid. Sometimes if your armpits are a little funky, a dab of ACV or lemon juice does the trick. Acid can help exfoliate, and many moisturizing creams and serums are absorbed more easily with a slightly lower ph.

    I regard it as any other healthy, natural food item. No special power other than the fact that it's useful in many situations. Also I like the taste of it way more than balsamic or red wine vinegar.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    mjpree wrote: »
    mjpreece1 wrote: »

    It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why.

    I have worked up to having 2 tablespoons ACV, 1/2 lemon, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a glass of water first thing in the morning; at night, about an hour before bed, I have 1 T ACV with 1/2 lemon, but no cayenne. If needed, you can also add some honey for flavor, but I never needed/wanted that. Raw, unprocessed honey is the healthiest. I recommend the brand Really Raw Honey (in a glass jar, rather than plastic).


    @mjpreece1 -- just because a video says something doesn't mean it actually does what they say.
    I could make a youtube video saying that eating Fajita seasoning caused me to stop absorbing fat in my food, but that doesn't make me right

    @Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment!

    It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately disseminated to the medical profession. Had you watched the video, you would know that it references double-blind studies; you can't get much better than that!

    I stand by the legitimacy of my post as it will help, rather than hinder, others' weight loss progress.

    Appropriately enough, a little reading on Dr. Greger turns up that he's a staunch vegan advocate who is known for cherry-picking medical research to support his agenda. And that "" is HIS website and was formerly known as the "Vegan Research Institute". He has made guest appearances on Dr. Oz and it seems there are some in the medical community who consider him quite the crackpot.

    [ETA:] It seems that doesn't think much of him either:

    The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.

    <shrug> It's your body. If you want to believe ACV is a magic potion, enjoy it to your heart's content.

    Nope, not a magic potion, just scientific fact.

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. ;)


    No need to yell.