Fitbit and Calories-Can this be right???



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP, @PAV8888 gave you great info about how the systems work and why it's important to set reasonable goals, enable the safety net of negative calories, and then trust the two systems to work out the numbers that you can rely on to meet your goals (it may take a few weeks if this is new activity, new FitBit, etc).

    I just wanted to share that I'm a 5'2 female over 40, maintaining my weight around 120 lbs, averaging 14k steps/day and my Total Cals Burned (or TDEE) per my FitBit and actual results is ~2200. I'm set at active and my adjustments are usually around 300-400 cals. I used FitBit to manage the last 15 lbs of my weight loss and have been maintaining for 2.5 years now. So the numbers you were concerned about in your initial post seem about right to me,given your current stats and your activity level. I lost most of my weight eating between 1600-1800 cals, and I'm much shorter and lighter than you. You should absolutely be eating more than 1600 calories for that activity level with your current stats.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member

    Today i have 28,005 steps

    After doing what Pav said and changing my activity level to highly active (i am in maintenance) i got a calorie goal of 2340 calories per day.. LOL (Which is right on par with what i thought my TDEE was as an average)

    When i enabled negative calorie adjustments i got another 760 calories on top of my 2340 calories today.

    I don't understand why enabling negative calories would give you more cals today, when you've already had a high step count and more for accounted for what MFP thinks is your baseline NEAT calorie target? Negative calories should only come into play on days when you do less than MFP thinks you would normally burn, like if I'm ill, or on a long road trip, or stuck in meetings all day and don't get above 8-10k steps (I'm set at active). I probably would give it a few days for things to normalize.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,924 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I will give @PAV8888 suggestion a try and see what happens.. at the moment the math seems a bit out of place so im going to have to wait and see if im the same in 30 days or if i have a drop in weight suddenly.. i had a 5 week stall before at 213 pounds for that long.

    Two things.

    CHANGING settings during a particular day.

    I would look at that day with an asterisk as there are delays in integration information exchange, and potentially bugs when the goals and settings change halfway through the day. The same applies to time changes that are do not take place simultaneously on both Fitbit and MFP. Or sometimes when changing Fitbit devices during a day.

    Second (and I am sure that there will be some disagreement from the gallery), our bodies do adjust CO to a degree with both reduced and increased calories.

    This adaptive thermogenesis tends to cover a wider range of adjustment going down than going up; but there definitely exist examples in both directions.

    A common example going down is a reduction in core temperature (often described as feeling cold) when losing weight. Reduction in core temperature = less calories burned = reduced calories out = a small adaptation that reduces CO and slows down weight loss. Similarly other changes to NEAT such as reduced twitching also take place. Reduced activity after a workout compared to activity that would have otherwise occured is another one.

    An extreme example going up is hypermetabolism during recovery from anorexia where people have to sometimes eat in excess of 3k calories for months at a time in order to gain any weight even if they are not exercising.

    But usually going up the breadth of adjustment is smaller and as people who have recently lost weight we are mostly primed for regain, and in particular regain of fat.

    Where is all this going?

    That just because you are not gaining at 2100 does not mean 2100 is your maximum. Maybe it is, or maybe 22, or 2300 is your actual maximum.

    Unfortunately the only way to find your true maximum is to probe with carefully measured CICO until weight regain occurs.

    I will anegdotically tell you that in the past few weeks i've increased my goal by about 150 Cal, and it has yet to make a difference to my weight that I can quantitify.

    But my hair and nails are now growing more rapidly and I HAVE been sauntering around with a bit more energy during my walks.

    And I admit that my level of logging probably verges on obsessive, so making such small changes may be quite challenging for people who log more loosely.

    sigh.. i am just so mentally tired of all this... stuff.
    psychiatrist and others think i should eat more then 2000, i don't think i even want to eat more then 2000, but no one seems to give a crap about how *I* feel about it.. i don't want to increase calories until i gain cause the amount of sodium in my diet already masks my weight for days, dr wants me off caffeine, it's going to make me incredibly tired for weeks, its going to effect my workouts, so im not even going to be able to sweat out all the sodium i normally do to get my water weight off and yet im supposed to some how see weight gain.. no.. it will be too late and i am not really in the mood to spend another month trying to take the weight i just relost off again for the third time. Then all i have to listen to is fitbit does this, and i should probably trust it, but then adaptive thermogeneis this and this could effect calories out.. so don't really trust what fitbit or MFP says on days where you switch activity or a time change or if i workout and then decide to spend the rest of my day off sitting around.. why have a day off if i have to constantly be up and moving because fitbit doesn't like it when i sit.. i spent $230 on a gadget that probably isn't giving me accurate info because this morbidly obese fat girl was fat her whole life and this adaptive thermogeneis thing isn't taken into account on fitbits readings.

    all i want is to not be fat.. i don't want to eat more til i gain, the last thing i want is to go back to being the worthless disgusting scum under peoples feet that i spent 29 years of my life being and all this stress over a stupid gadget is driving me crazy and at this point, i am going to bed and shoving the bloody thing in a drawer and thats the end of that.


    Methinks you're missing the spirit of adventure there my friend, OR that you're perhaps tackling too many issues, all at once!!

    First get the basics down.

    Then, and only then, play around.

    Gadgets, estimates, feedback loops. And as I like to call them, happy brain hamsters!!!

    We each have to find our own path to long term sustainability Kriss.

    I **personally** don't expect that I will be able to maintain my weight loss if i stop tracking/being pre occupied with how I eat and move. Not in the near term.

    So playing around and optimising is just part of me having fun while continuing to pay attention to what I must pay attention to.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Kind of hard to get the basics down when every single time I think I have an answer to what I'm supposed to be doing or expecting from either calories or gadgets or Fitbit or MyFitnessPal or whatever there's always oh but then there's this or oh but don't do that or oh change the setting to this or something else to do or think about or something Else going on so I'm obviously never going to figure it out because I'm retarded and dumb. So there we go I have admitted to everybody that I am retarded and I will no longer bother people with my advice because for the love of God I can't even figure out my own BS


    I'm not familiar enough with your posts to know if you just need to vent sometimes or if you genuinely are in a bad place tonight, but I feel compelled to remind you that you are a valuable person and help *a lot* of people on here! I can't believe with all the success you've had, and the good health you seem to enjoy, that you'd let yourself get stressed out over minutiae! You'll work out these last little pieces of the puzzle, but keep enjoying the big picture in the meantime! :)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Kind of hard to get the basics down when every single time I think I have an answer to what I'm supposed to be doing or expecting from either calories or gadgets or Fitbit or MyFitnessPal or whatever there's always oh but then there's this or oh but don't do that or oh change the setting to this or something else to do or think about or something Else going on so I'm obviously never going to figure it out because I'm retarded and dumb. So there we go I have admitted to everybody that I am retarded and I will no longer bother people with my advice because for the love of God I can't even figure out my own BS

    It's virtually impossible to figure out the details of how MFP and FitBit work together - they use different algorithms and I nearly drove myself crazy trying to reconcile the math. It's just not worth it. Set the two up to sync, enable negative adjustments, don't double dip by logging step based activities in MFP, and trust the process. Don't overanalyze it.

    That said, you seem like you're in a dark place tonight and I hope you realize that you aren't any of those adjectives you used to describe yourself. You are a funny, sarcastic, smart, brutally honest, caring, empathetic person who has already helped countless people on these boards in the short time you've been posting here. Go to bed, clear your head, and start fresh tomorrow.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Fear not Kriss, I'm right there with you. I had serious analysis by paralysis with my fitbit, and i still do to an extent. I drove myself nutso in the beginning, and i'm sure the good people here were sick of seeing all of my fitbit questions. You're still new to yours, I've had mine for over 2 years lol

    So what i did was set myself to sedentary on here, and sometimes i eat some, half, none or all of my calories back and leave it at that ppffffttt I know the basics, and that's good enough!! I'm not going to give myself brain strain over trying to figure out the minutiae and algorithms and x=y equates to c blah blah blah

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I just bought a basic Flex used on Ebay and would never in a million years sync it to my MFP account! My activity varies a lot from day-to-day, and I bought it to be able to verify (or most days, correct) my generic MFP numbers. It's been a very useful tool for me and gotten things moving again, but I know I'd go insane trying to wrestle with negative adjustments and whatnot.

    And BTW @Look_Its_Kriss , if you do decide yours isn't for you, you can definitely get some decent money back by reselling it. ;)
  • jringold1
    jringold1 Posts: 45 Member
    Hummm, wow - I seemed to have created a firestorm in a short time. Sort of like I threw a turd into a swimming pool!

    So, I have learned a lot in a short time just going back and reviewing all of this. Everyone has contributed so much info. @PAV8888 I would say that you have forgotten more about weight loss and nutrition than I will ever know. @try2again , I will take your advice to heart - My hips are pretty sore - sore enough for a Toradol (Rx pain med). I walked 6K steps at lunch today around our corporate campus and by the time I got back I pretty much collapsed in my desk chair in pain. (I did 17K steps yesterday) So yea, I was so excited about all the negative calories that I got too ambitious and pushed myself a bit hard.

    Kriss - What's the deal dude? I get the frustration. But you seem to be discounting all the good things you've done. When you posted your before and after pic the other day, I said "I want to do that!". I do see your point - I know that once I am close to my goal weight, I certainly would not want to mess around with something that could add pounds back - even just a few, for a short period of time.

    I don't totally understand the fitbit/MFP integration either. However, I am going to follow it for a month and see what happens. If it works, then I will just chalk up the integration to other things I don't understand like how my son's bank account can go to under $1 two days after I put money in it or how I am able to not go-off in meetings that really piss me off.... :-)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    @Look_Its_Kriss sorry your frustrated. If you need the help of a numbers guy (I'm an accountant) I'm always willing to help you. Just not sure I can or not.

    @jringold1 I'm about your size and hit ~ 2000 cals per day. Feel free to look at my diary (not last Friday though) if you want to know what it looks like. My plan is to exercise enough to get MFP to tell me to eat 2000. But outside of exercise, I have a tough time hitting 2500 steps a day. So I have to do 30 mins on the treadmill and walk the dogs to even get to 8K. But that gives me enough to eat 2000.

    I've had a wrist thing since before I found MFP and I find it works out pretty close to what I need to be doing, so if it gives me 500 cals more to eat, and I eat less than that, I lose more than I should. It feels good until I start reading about gallstones. Yikes.