Not seeing progress after 10 weeks



  • dania201
    dania201 Posts: 48 Member
    Are you male or female? Just curious. It also seems like you are eating a lot of processed foods, is that correct? You may want to cut back on the empty calories, faithfully track and be sure you have a least a daily deficit of 500 calories.

    Processed foods are not empty calories.... Weight loss is ALL about calorie deficit no matter what foods are consumed.

    I know I love processed foods, lets be honest
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    To look at your weekly net or total calories from the app, go to your diary and click on nutrition. Then click on calories at the top, and in the middle just below that you can adjust it to the week view. You can toggle between total or net calories on that page. I like it because I tend to eat more on weekends too.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    neekoosh wrote: »
    btw, I'm currently 20 years old and 187 pounds. Have a belly I'm looking to make flat.

    How tall are you?
  • bedwellchris
    bedwellchris Posts: 57 Member
    If you really want to lose, then you have to be serious and figure out what works for you. You are young and shouldn't have a problem especially if you are moving a lot. I started about the same time as you. I'm 63 years old and have lost 19 pounds. I do work out for 60-70 minutes 6 days a week. Are you on a college campus? That should give you lots of walking during the day. Or if not, go out for walks along with your regular exercise. I usually do not eat my exercise calories though to help out because of my age.
    Everyone is really right though about logging exactly what you eat. Even if you weigh and properly document, I think that it is difficult to log perfectly. Get in those fruits and tons of veggies which will really help. Good luck. You can do this!
  • neekoosh
    neekoosh Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone, I never knew the amount of support on this community! I am going to be more accurately logging my food, and take all of your suggestions and tips into account.