What was your final straw?

Aderlay Posts: 59 Member
I'm new-not-new here. Tried and failed...thought I was doing decent on my own until I hit a few roadblocks that broke that final straw. Thought I'd share:

1. My lace underwear broke when I put them on
2. I work in a gym and see the looks of members and workers. Their comments hurt
3. I couldn't get a job at an awesome place because I'm bigger than all the others

Add all that in, and this morning I said Enough is Enough. I've been working out, but not enough. I've GOT to stop binge eating, and portion, portion, portion. My name comes from a fictional land, where the struggle is real; to keep me from forgetting I can do it too. I'd love new friends- of any sort.


  • patricia_uol
    patricia_uol Posts: 6 Member
    Mine was getting diagnosed with HBP and I'm only 25! It really was a wake up call!
  • Tylerman35
    Tylerman35 Posts: 66 Member
    Mine was just realizing how bad I was eating. Sugary cereals, pop, barely any water, pizza, McDonald's, desserts, etc...

    Now after joining here and talking to a buddy of mine who is a personal trainer (calisthenics) I've been eating amazing for two weeks
  • knev2691
    knev2691 Posts: 1 Member
    When I saw a candid photo of myself that a friend shared innocently on FB, I lost it. Seeing myself from that ugly side angle, and how big my arm looks in it. NO MORE.
  • Aderlay
    Aderlay Posts: 59 Member
    It's amazing how much I can see myself in these responses. I took my 'Before' pics this morning. I didn't cry, but I did get really angry. How the blue hell did I NOT see myself getting bigger again, like what kind of rose-colored blinders was I wearing?!

    I appreciate you all sharing.
  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    I tried getting on a roller-coaster and the restraints couldn't fit over me.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    being diagnosed pre diabetes and looking 7 months pregnant
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    There were a number of issues creeping up - snoring, GERD, lack of energy, but the big one was signing on to be a den leader for my son's cub scout unit. I was not going to be a hypocrite. The day after I signed on I started walking and watching my calories.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    Aderlay wrote: »
    It's amazing how much I can see myself in these responses. I took my 'Before' pics this morning. I didn't cry, but I did get really angry. How the blue hell did I NOT see myself getting bigger again, like what kind of rose-colored blinders was I wearing?!

    I appreciate you all sharing.

    Putting it on is just like getting it off, it's gradual and not that noticeable until you look back. It's taken almost 5 years for me to accummulate the extra bulge I had going on last year. I was shocked when I looked at the difference between a photo of me in August last year and this weekend and that's just 1/3 of it coming off. I didn't really notice that until I looked back at the old photo.
  • andy_from_mn
    andy_from_mn Posts: 34 Member
    It has to do with my behind closed doors bedroom activities.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    My daughter's high school graduation in 2012 was my final straw. The pictures of me were disgusting. I cried. My son graduated in 2014 and the pictures are vastly different. I'd lost 30 pounds. My youngest graduates in 2018 and I expect those pictures to look different too. I started lifting weights in late 2014 and instead of looking skinny I want to look fit!
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    Starting a new job and being forced out of my comfort zone...and having to order a new uniform and being forced to accept my old one hadn't actually shrunk in the wash. And the fear of gaining even more weight cos I had moved to a sedentary job and everyone told me that working in an office would make me gain at least 10lb due to sitting all day.
    So I began running again and weighing and logging again.
    Man, those first few weeks back on MFP made me realise I never want to go back. It seemed harder this time round!
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Having to face all my clothes that still have the tags on them. I refuse to spend more money on larger clothes when I am capable of releasing this weight and getting into my cute clothes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    About 4.5 years ago I went in for my 38 birthday physical and came out with some really nasty blood work. Basically my doctor told me I needed to make some life changes or I was looking at the prospect of being very sick by the time I was 60, if not dead.

    I have two little boys at home and a beautiful wife...it was basically a no brainer. I really didn't set out to lose weight so much as improving my nutrition, breaking some bad habits, and regaining my fitness...losing about 40 Lbs was gravy.
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member

    simply, i was tired of feeling like *kitten*. that feeling was the norm, so i forgot that there were other ways of feeling. and i'm not just talking physically.
  • ChristaDuvall
    ChristaDuvall Posts: 13 Member
    Sigh. My wake up call was last week. I turned 40 and my partner planned a surprise party for me.
    I was looking at pictures afterwards and I didn't recognise myself in one of them.
    That was pretty scary.

    So here I am. Fat, 40, and not fabulous.

    I'm setting really small goals for myself, it seems far more attainable than looking at the big picture.

    I'm looking for friends and motivators!