What type of threads get your attention?

Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
What makes a good thread? What makes a bad thread? What catches your eye?


  • Rhody_Hoosier
    Rhody_Hoosier Posts: 688 Member
    What makes a good thread? What makes a bad thread? What catches your eye?

    The participants. Usually the people I have been interacting with regularly. Group think and stuff. Good question.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    If the title is funny I usually go for that, if the pic is clever or funny I go for that too I guess I just like funny :D
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    edited March 2017
    I like the compliments and best features threads -- mostly because I love to give compliments. I like receiving them too :).

    I like food threads, because I like to cook/bake.

    I like flirty threads, because I do like to flirt -- even though I'm married. Just don't message me with x-rated stuff outside of the thread. I'm not here for that.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Apparently this thread is getting no attention it's moving slow as hell
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    I am, quite lucky because most of, the threads aren't concerning something that either; isn't relatable to me or that I've no, insight upon even; though it's not or never has, been my situation & thus I am able, to participate regularly within; them!
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Any that lets me indulge in my narcissism.

    You may have noticed how I quickly make the thread all about myself.
    I've noticed
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Any that lets me indulge in my narcissism.

    You may have noticed how I quickly make the thread all about myself.
    I've noticed
    U just gave me an idea
  • JustMissTracyToo
    JustMissTracyToo Posts: 74 Member
    I like controversial stuff, but other than that, if I like the last poster I'll check it out.
  • M1ssdanni
    M1ssdanni Posts: 104 Member
    Any that look trollable

    You behave yourself ;)
  • mattdhall
    mattdhall Posts: 85 Member
    Anything that looks like a real discussion. I can't stand the 'person above you' garbage.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited March 2017
    Pizza. Always pizza.

    Other than that, anything I think I might be able to contribute something halfway intelligent to. I avoid the clean-eating, heavy-lifting, and ego-boosting threads. Just not my thing :relaxed:
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I like threads with witty, humorous posts. Not the ones where people get all butthurt and flag happy because they can't "hang with the big dogs".

    So much this. I don't get offended easily and have never used the flag option because you know what? I am an adult, if I don't like something I either voice my opinion or move on. Don't be a tattle tale.

    In my years here I think I've used the flag option once or twice but it was for a racist P.O.S. who deserved it. I have no problem owning it though. It doesn't have to be anonymous as far as I'm concerned. In fact, I prefer if it weren't.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I like threads with witty, humorous posts. Not the ones where people get all butthurt and flag happy because they can't "hang with the big dogs".

    So much this. I don't get offended easily and have never used the flag option because you know what? I am an adult, if I don't like something I either voice my opinion or move on. Don't be a tattle tale.

    I'm really disappointed that I can't flag my own posts. I keep posting beautiful pictures of the best parts of nature while I'm stuck here in an office building, and it's not fair, damnit!
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    I think threads where people can comment on the person who posted right before them would be kind of fun.