You know what I hate!!



  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    CTcutie wrote: »
    People who use headphones at the grocery store (?!) & while driving (!!). And the ones who max the volume, so I get to hear their crummy music, too.

    I am not allowed to enjoy soft music while I am shopping? Really?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    CTcutie wrote: »
    People who use headphones at the grocery store (?!) & while driving (!!). And the ones who max the volume, so I get to hear their crummy music, too.

    I am not allowed to enjoy soft music while I am shopping? Really?

    I'm not the person who originally posted that, but to me it's more of an awareness issue. Listening to soft music while grocery shopping is not a problem as long as you can still hear the people around you. Many times people have ear buds in and cannot hear you behind them repeatedly saying, "Excuse me" as you're trying to get past them in the isle. Just my $0.02.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    People who just want to do nothing and then complain about their weight.

    This. This drives me crazy. I run a weight loss competition type thing on Whatsapp (nothing big, just a bunch of friends trying to motivate each other) and my sister asked me if a friend of hers could join, so I agreed. So I add her in, and the conversation goes something like this:

    Me: So, what sort of plan are you trying out to lose weight? Person A here is using low-carb, Person B is counting calories, Person C is (etc)...

    New person: Wait, a plan? I don't have a plan.

    Me: So how are you going to go about losing weight? Are you going to create a deficit by eating less? Maybe doing some exercise?

    New person: But I don't WANT to eat less. And I'm too lazy to exercise. But I want to lose 10 kg...

    Me: ... -goes off into a private chat with my sister and threatens to feed her to alligators for subjecting me to this-

    Ugh annoying! My response would have been "Since this group is for people who actually intend to lose weight by trying not wishing, I don't think this is the group for you. You're welcome to come back if you have a change of mind. For now, I delete you."

    I wish I was direct enough to say something like that! Instead, I inwardly cringe every time we have a group weigh in or talk about weight loss tactics that worked for us (i.e. some ways we found to help us stick to a deficit) and I know she's going to start up again. I'm just hoping that she'll either get on board or quietly fade away like several other members who couldn't stick with it did. I do my best to help people with adherence, suggesting small changes and encouraging them, but I'm not a miracle worker!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    People who just want to do nothing and then complain about their weight.

    This. This drives me crazy. I run a weight loss competition type thing on Whatsapp (nothing big, just a bunch of friends trying to motivate each other) and my sister asked me if a friend of hers could join, so I agreed. So I add her in, and the conversation goes something like this:

    Me: So, what sort of plan are you trying out to lose weight? Person A here is using low-carb, Person B is counting calories, Person C is (etc)...

    New person: Wait, a plan? I don't have a plan.

    Me: So how are you going to go about losing weight? Are you going to create a deficit by eating less? Maybe doing some exercise?

    New person: But I don't WANT to eat less. And I'm too lazy to exercise. But I want to lose 10 kg...

    Me: ... -goes off into a private chat with my sister and threatens to feed her to alligators for subjecting me to this-

    As frustrating as this may be, this really gets at the heart of why people are obese. No one wants to be overweight, but they have trouble convincing themselves to do the things they need to do to lose weight. If we could figure out how to help people do that, the world would be a lot thinner.

    This is true, but I always tell people that they don't HAVE to make any broad, sweeping changes. For example, with this infuriating new member, I told her to try adding veggies to her meals to help her feel more full, so that it would crowd out higher-calorie foods and she won't have to feel hungry or suffer. She then informed me that she didn't want to go to the market and buy veggies, because her mom was the one who bought the food.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I hate those new-ish Dodge vehicles with the tail lights that go all the way across the back of the car/truck. No reason - they just annoy me.

    And since we're talking about the grocery store - I hate it when the entire family goes to the store together. Mom, Dad, Grandma, 4 kids, a cousin or two, the neighbors and the dog ... and they're all standing around in the coffee aisle, having a discussion about powdered creamer vs. liquid creamer.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    I hate those new-ish Dodge vehicles with the tail lights that go all the way across the back of the car/truck. No reason - they just annoy me.

    And since we're talking about the grocery store - I hate it when the entire family goes to the store together. Mom, Dad, Grandma, 4 kids, a cousin or two, the neighbors and the dog ... and they're all standing around in the coffee aisle, having a discussion about powdered creamer vs. liquid creamer.

    This is Costco around my neighborhood EVERY weekend... So annoying!
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    I also HATE open floor plans in offices. I currently want to murder about 15 people who don't know how to use their indoor voices at work. The cacophony of conversations and phone calls happening are making it impossible to concentrate. After lunch I'm going to go hide in a closet with my lap top and very loud music to try and drown them out.

    And no offense to the parents out there (I actually like kids), but I also hate when people bring their kids to work. It's work, not daycare, and your kids are highly distracting. We have flexible work hours so you can work from home if you have to keep your kids home! Especially if they are sick!!!

    Rant complete. Must try and get some work done now...

    Some people bring their kids to work?? Is this a thing? My kid would drive me to distraction at work. I'd get nothing done and spend all day chasing after her with colouring pencils or something to stop her getting bored. Also, I'm pretty sure I'd get sacked for it. My office would literally kill me. One time I had to drive into work to do someone a favour (on my day off!!!) and they were like " have your daughter with you......." even though I was literally on in the office for 5 minutes!!
    Yes, I can see why that would suck!!!
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    I hate those new-ish Dodge vehicles with the tail lights that go all the way across the back of the car/truck. No reason - they just annoy me.

    And since we're talking about the grocery store - I hate it when the entire family goes to the store together. Mom, Dad, Grandma, 4 kids, a cousin or two, the neighbors and the dog ... and they're all standing around in the coffee aisle, having a discussion about powdered creamer vs. liquid creamer.

    This is Costco around my neighborhood EVERY weekend... So annoying!

    That was all day, everywhere when I lived in NYC!
  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    fitbethlin wrote: »
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »

    Recently saw someone "fake" pick up the poo because other people were watching, but she didn't really pick it up. Poo-poo fail.

    This is bringing up a lot of rage in me. I end up picking up my dog's poo AND some other dog's poo if I can grab it all in the same bag. I live in a city, downtown, where there are special dog poo bags and trashcans every half block! Why would you not even pick it up when it's only 6 inches from the station where the bags are dispensed?!?

    In my neighborhood, we have geniuses that pick up and bag the poop, then LEAVE THE BAG THERE!
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    People who go slow in the left lane, then get mad when you pass them on the right.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    murph155 wrote: »
    fitbethlin wrote: »
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »

    Recently saw someone "fake" pick up the poo because other people were watching, but she didn't really pick it up. Poo-poo fail.

    This is bringing up a lot of rage in me. I end up picking up my dog's poo AND some other dog's poo if I can grab it all in the same bag. I live in a city, downtown, where there are special dog poo bags and trashcans every half block! Why would you not even pick it up when it's only 6 inches from the station where the bags are dispensed?!?

    In my neighborhood, we have geniuses that pick up and bag the poop, then LEAVE THE BAG THERE!

    *bangs head agains wall*
  • Staceygram
    Staceygram Posts: 147 Member
    dfwesq wrote: »
    Sara1791 wrote: »
    These are measurements for volume.
    1 cup is 8 oz
    eta: oh! and if anyone is wondering, a measuring cup is eight fluid ounces, not weighed ounces.
    For a quick approximation, 1 cup is about equal to .25 liter.

    If we want to get technical the liquid measuring cups are not the same as dry measuring cups.
    Myself, I weigh measured liquid portions and stick to the gram weight. I hate dragging out a bunch of measuring tools!

    Unless you're Australian. Where a standard measuring cup sizes are the same for weight and volume, but still different to the US:

    1 cup = 250mL
    4 cups = 1 Litre
    1 tablespoon = 15mL
    1 tsp = 5mL

    Yay for the metric system!

    Mine is also related to food metrics. Americans, what the *goshdarnkitten* is a stick of butter? No where else uses it. I have no idea what it is. Related to this is volume-based amounts of butter. 1/4 cup of butter? So I'm meant to smoosh the butter into the quarter cup (which may be a different volume to yours) and then try and scrape it all out with as little residue in the cup as possible? I don't care if it's ounces or grams since my scale can do both, for the worlds sake, give us values in weights.

    The other thing I hate at the moment is pedestrians who either:

    a) don't know how to walk straight and keep to one side of the footpath, or
    b) think its fine to stop dead in a peak hour crowd with people still walking behind them (I may have kneed a guy in the junk by accident because of it this morning, and the *kitten* tried to say it was all my fault).

    The measures are the same in Canada. Though we do have sticks of butter or butter with paper that gives measurements for 1/4, 1/2 and a full cup. A stick is 1/4 of a brick of butter here. Our pints and gallons also follow the UK versions rather than the US versions. I live close to the border so I'm used to converting everything back and forth including temperature depending on what news I happen to watch. :)
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    I also HATE open floor plans in offices. I currently want to murder about 15 people who don't know how to use their indoor voices at work. The cacophony of conversations and phone calls happening are making it impossible to concentrate. After lunch I'm going to go hide in a closet with my lap top and very loud music to try and drown them out.

    And no offense to the parents out there (I actually like kids), but I also hate when people bring their kids to work. It's work, not daycare, and your kids are highly distracting. We have flexible work hours so you can work from home if you have to keep your kids home! Especially if they are sick!!!

    Rant complete. Must try and get some work done now...

    Some people bring their kids to work?? Is this a thing? My kid would drive me to distraction at work. I'd get nothing done and spend all day chasing after her with colouring pencils or something to stop her getting bored. Also, I'm pretty sure I'd get sacked for it. My office would literally kill me. One time I had to drive into work to do someone a favour (on my day off!!!) and they were like " have your daughter with you......." even though I was literally on in the office for 5 minutes!!
    Yes, I can see why that would suck!!!

    I hope not on a regular basis, but I've brought my kid to work a few times. Not when she was sick, but like, I work downtown, and once we had Nutcracker tickets in the evening. She came to work with me for the afternoon so that we could leave the office, have dinner, and go to the show right after. And her stepmom works nearby, so there have been a few occasions when we did a "trade-off" downtown, and my daughter spent a half a day with me at the office or something. If it's a school holiday and I CAN'T work at home for whatever reason, she would come to the office with me (although she's old enough now that I'd just leave her at home).

    She's not a distraction, though. She likes to get hot chocolate out of the Keurig, watch a movie on my iPad, and get taken out somewhere for lunch. And I have an office with a door, so I just close it if she's here. I wouldn't have tried to do that when she was little enough to get bored and be a pain.
  • Staceygram
    Staceygram Posts: 147 Member
    Right now I'm hating rude customers, the cold, trees and stupid people.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    dpwellman wrote: »

    It is illegal to not yield to a pedestrian right of way.

    I think this is an American phenomenon. I've attempted to cross the street in other countries and it's very apparent nobody believes this.

    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    I hate those new-ish Dodge vehicles with the tail lights that go all the way across the back of the car/truck. No reason - they just annoy me.

    And since we're talking about the grocery store - I hate it when the entire family goes to the store together. Mom, Dad, Grandma, 4 kids, a cousin or two, the neighbors and the dog ... and they're all standing around in the coffee aisle, having a discussion about powdered creamer vs. liquid creamer.

    This is Costco around my neighborhood EVERY weekend... So annoying!

    Thanks, I forgot to add - I hate Costco! It's like an insane shopping frenzy every time.

    He who purchases the most muffins and toilet paper wins!

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    dpwellman wrote: »

    It is illegal to not yield to a pedestrian right of way.

    I think this is an American phenomenon. I've attempted to cross the street in other countries and it's very apparent nobody believes this.

    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    I hate those new-ish Dodge vehicles with the tail lights that go all the way across the back of the car/truck. No reason - they just annoy me.

    And since we're talking about the grocery store - I hate it when the entire family goes to the store together. Mom, Dad, Grandma, 4 kids, a cousin or two, the neighbors and the dog ... and they're all standing around in the coffee aisle, having a discussion about powdered creamer vs. liquid creamer.

    This is Costco around my neighborhood EVERY weekend... So annoying!

    Thanks, I forgot to add - I hate Costco! It's like an insane shopping frenzy every time.

    He who purchases the most muffins and toilet paper wins!

    :laugh: For real!! And don't get me started on the samples.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Pedestrians (sorry, but usually teens) who take their sweet *kitten* time crossing the street while looking at their phones.
    I saw someone doing that today and walking against a red light, into traffic. He wasn't hit, but the drivers were honking. I yelled out to warn him and about 5 seconds later as he reached the curb he looked up and smiled. I think he thought I was just saying hi.