The Daily Diary Thread



  • irish1139
    irish1139 Posts: 1 Member
    In the diary, how do you change something you have already typed. How can I delete something that has shown up three times. Help someone. I don't know how you can reply to me. Tell me what to do please. H-e-l-p.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    irish1139 wrote: »
    In the diary, how do you change something you have already typed. How can I delete something that has shown up three times. Help someone. I don't know how you can reply to me. Tell me what to do please. H-e-l-p.

    I don't know if my answer will help you because I don't know if you use a smartphone or a computer. However, for me, on a comuter ... in my food diary, every line of food I have entered has a button at the end of the line ... a red button with a white dash through it's middle. Click that one to delete the item. To edit ow much, click the line entry of the food description itself, it would open up the "how much" dialogue box. ... just change how much or the meal and press save.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    How you diet questionaire by @NoAnalHere

    And questions for all! :
    1. Does your diet flop on the weekends?
    2. What ways do you try to stay on track?
    3. How do you deal with social outing revolving around food?
    4. Do you have a support system? ( weather online or not)
    5. Are you hard on yourselves when you don't reach a goal in a specific time? ( like 1 pound a week)
    6. Is anyone paying attention to their mental health? And what are you doing to improve it? [/quote]

    My Answers ...
    1 - No, my diet flops from day to day.

    2 - I drink a full glass of water at least every 90 minutes and before taking my first bite of food at my meals. It's hard to drink a very cold glass of water, so I have switched to tea-temperature water ... like what comes out of my Keurig with no pods in it.
    ALSO I listen for my body to tell me to stop feeding it ... this doesn't work if I scarf the food down fast, but if I take the time to chew completely and give the jaw a break along the way, my stomach will talk to me ... it says 'burp'. And I know I'm done eating then.

    3 - I do one of 3 things ... 1) eat lightly all day to prep for the occasion. 2) eat a little something before I go ... if food will be served pretty much right away, otherwise if there will be snacks and appetisers, I eat a few of those or ... 3) I say the 'heck with it' and eat until I'm full.

    4 - My support system is MyFittnessPal.

    5 - I used to beat myself up emotionally when I fell short on my weight loss or nutritional goals. I don't any longer because I have now taken responsibility for myself. If I overeat, then I overeat and know that any setback will slow me down but not stop me.

    6 - I always pay attention to my mental health. If I cannot manage my emtions and temperment, then I seek outside help from a medical practitioner for advice. I don't take any medications that change moods. Sometimes the thing I need is to do something physical; do someting differently than I have been; talk to a friend; write a blog about it; sleep; get engrossed in a book; watch a lot of movies; listen to a lot of songs; cry; find something to laugh about.
  • infinitynevermore
    infinitynevermore Posts: 98 Member
    NoAnalHere wrote: »
    And questions for all! :
    1. Does your diet flop on the weekends?
    2. What ways do you try to stay on track?
    3. How do you deal with social outing revolving around food?
    4. Do you have a support system? ( weather online or not)
    5. Are you hard on yourselves when you don't reach a goal in a specific time? ( like 1 pound a week)
    6. Is anyone paying attention to their mental health? And what are you doing to improve it?

    I've been lurking since the thread started, but I'll throw in my 2 cents.
    1. Most of the time, no, but every other weekend or so I'll go over.
    2. Meal planning, meal planning and more meal planning. Some days I have not only the whole day but the whole next day planned. Also: lots of water. Keeps me too full to be hungry outside of mealtime.
    3. Like my niece's birthday party this past Saturday? Well, the plan was to bring my own food and explain that I was "on a diet" (hate using that phrase but it helps people not shove food into your face), but that didn't happen, so I just limited what I ate and tried to mitigate the damage as much as possible (and only went over my limit by 66 cals).
    4. This site, my mom, sometimes my husband (when he's not waving fast food in my face).
    5. This week I'm stalled on my loss (probably water weight); I'm trying to tell myself it's ok, but I am kicking myself a bit for it.
    6. With a history of mental health issues, I have to pay attention to it to avoid a relapse. When I'm feeling less than ok, I put in my headphones and turn up the volume. Helps most of the time.
  • NoAnalHere
    NoAnalHere Posts: 97 Member
    Good Afternoon! Just reporting in!

    My recorded MFP weigh ins are on Mondays and well its MONDAY! Scale difference says -1.7 pounds this week :) I was doing really well all week and then Sunday I ate pizza and garlic knots. But thats not the point. My cals for that day ended up being 2,300 when I usually stay 1500 and under. So I possibly ate .3 over robbing me of a 2 pound loss but a loss is still a loss!

    random: My mother trying to be supportive in my weightloss brought me "protein granola" and peanut butter (because I dont have any) to reach those protein goals. The reason I dont buy peanut butter is because spreading it on low cal bread doesn't make a difference to me. [ peanut butter and banana sandwiches soo good] I'm SUPER glad she's on board but chicken thighs would have been just as great ;D. Now I need to share the peanut butter and granola out before I inhale it all. Sharing Is Caring!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @NoAnalHere ... I was checking out the challenge listing and spotted one that is starting up this week ... thought of you .... here's the link ...
  • mystica17
    mystica17 Posts: 8 Member
    I am on my third day and so far so good.
  • j_trea1
    j_trea1 Posts: 20 Member
    Here are my answers to @NoAnalHere questions.
    1. Does my diet flop on the weekends, heck it flops sometimes in the middle of the week, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I don't go to far over because with my allowed calories per day of 2250 plus riding my bike 2 or 3 times a week, when I do my long rides I burn over 1000 calories. On most days I do well to get to 2250 so I can't imagine I can actually eat back 1000 calories on top of that.
    2. The ways I try to stay on track is to eat things that are filling, meet my goals and low on calories. In addition I lift weights 3 times a week and ride my bike 2-3 times a week. On the bike rides I go for two shorter rides one is an hour and the other 30 minutes and the middle of the week ride I go for 20 plus miles regardless of time. Between the weight lifting and the riding it pretty much helps. They also help with my stress load.
    3. Luckily right now we don't have to many social outings because my wonderful better half is in school going for her third bachelors degree and she spends most of her time in school, or studying so there isn't much time as I am also taking classes on line and running the house being mister mom so not a lot of free time. By the way I never realized how much house work there really is to do in a single day.
    4. My support team is me, this app/website, and seeing what is going on with my dad from not taking better care of himself and not wanting to turn out that way.
    5. I am not overly hard on myself about anything because I am basically lifting weights very light now due to injuries I have basically had to reteach myself how to lift properly. I literally went from being in probably the best shape of my life to being able to lift half of what I could before. So I have learned to cut myself some slack.
    6. I pay attention to my mental health on a daily basis. I do what I need to so I can stay as low stress as possible. The odd thing, the things that stress me out are things that don't really bother most people, but I have kind of habituated to odd stressers so everything I just take in stride and take things as they come and adjust accordingly.

  • j_trea1
    j_trea1 Posts: 20 Member
    So, I have still not been on a scale to see how much I actually weigh. I am fairly confident that I am somewhere between 225 and 235, but even if I knew the number for sure I know it needs to go down. I have however, gone from a 44 inch waist measurement in the beginning of March to 43 inches, and I measure that at my true waist right around the navel. I feel that is a great sign of progress to lose an inch off my belly in a little over a month. I would have to guess that the mix of a day or two a week over calories with the two days I do my longer bike rides usually not being able to make back up the calorie burn probably balances out pretty well. I just wanted to share my personal success, and although it doesn't include a weight change I think it is certainly a good one. I do know the heaviest I have been was 244 pounds and that was towards the end of 2015. I do need to get to the doctor here in the next few weeks for a physical so I should get a weight then. I'll see how far off I am on my estimate on my current weight. I hope you are all doing well and also having personal successes as well.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Climbing back in the saddle after a 2 1/2 month leave. That's my worst problem (not being able to stick to this.)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Hey, I'll try to get on my own high horse ;) just so that I can ride along with you!
  • Gorda2Guapa
    Gorda2Guapa Posts: 7 Member
    I've hit the reset button and I'm climbing back on too!! :D Brand new week for a fresh start!!
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    I also need to check in and weight myself daily to keep myself in check. the weekly thing just wont work for me.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    It's going to be hot tonight so I'm going to try to do some strength training instead of going for a walk. I have a ton of grading to do and the words are starting to run together.
  • caitky1013
    caitky1013 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't check my weight everyday, once a week is good enough for me, but I do use the food diary, check my newsfeed, make sure I comment or post something everyday. This is still new for me, I've only been on MFP now for a week, but I've lost 2lbs this week, so I'm happy. I am finding that I am becoming slightly obsessed with it...I log on several times a day to see how people are doing, if there is anything interesting happening with the Group I am in, etc. Mind you that is during the week though. I have to work on what I do on the weekends. Those are the hardest. This weekend I didn't log my food after I ate it, which I had been doing, I logged everything in at night...and wow did I go over my set limits on Saturday. Sunday was better and I was below my limits, but still not as good as I had been doing during the week. Anyone else have this problem? I'm debating actually finding a second job or volunteering my time to get me out of the house on the weekends to help avoid this problem.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Didn't happen last night. But today is another chance to try again. On the plus side, I did prelog. Using the app has helped because I can have my device right with me and I don't have to run back and forth between the kitchen and the computer. :D
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I did weights last night! Lol it made me feel so weenie :D kind of discouraging but hopefully if I keep it up I'll see some improvement.

    Need to maintain a pretty strong deficit cuz Saturday I'm going to a party and plan to let loose!
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    So.... 7 1/2 months and I'm back again. I remind myself of a diet book my mother used to have on her bookshelf. It was titled "how I lost 30,000 pounds. Of course, the story of the writer was that she would lose weight and then gain it back. I topped out at 222 this last time I fell off the wagon. I'm at 210 today. Renewing my plans to be down to 165 by the end of 2018. 57 pounds in 57 weeks. Pound a week. That's reasonable, isn't it? Already set my goal for 2019. MAINTAIN 165! I've installed a safety bar on the wagon this time. Supposed to keep me from falling off. Oh... and Happy New Year everyone!
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Back again after being back again, and again, and again, and again. Nothing much has changed. I'm at 210 today after renewing my diet for the umpteenth time. Still want to be 165 by the end of the year. Still going to try.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    My daily calorie limit is 1500. I'm on a 2-day streak!