What has surprised you most about losing weight?



  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member
    kar328 wrote: »
    When I lost weight, I learned to like/love myself. I learned to look in the mirror or at pictures, without cringing. What surprised me the most is the confidence it brings, both physically and mentally. The coworkers are a mixed bag - there's support (and reading various threads here over the years, they're not as bad as some) but at the same time you can feel the jealousy and the backhanded compliments. I think the fact that there was no magic cure/pill/detox is the big factor - just education, calorie logging, portion control and a strong desire to change. I just remind myself I am doing this for me.

    I have experienced the same benefits as you described and also the underhanded and so called good compliments of some but yet I can discern their envy through it. :|
    I don't let that bother me because I'm the owner of my own life and regardless of family or friends opinions, it's what matters to me, my health and happiness that matters. So I have learned to keep moving in life with or without them.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Someone else mentioned this and I agree. The steadily increasing catcalls as my weight has steadily decreased. it still happened when I was obese but not as much. Now I can barely step outside my front door without it, it's tiresome and degrading.
  • HGarcia1527
    HGarcia1527 Posts: 69 Member
    I find it to be most successful knowing that I am not on a diet. I am just making healthier choices much more frequently and working on regularly. I was surprised but how easy it has been to lose weight by making such simple decisions each and every day. I started at 235 on 01/09/17 and have lost just over 25 pounds thus far. It has been such a lovely journey and remembering how much I enjoy fitness and how much of an outlet it is for my day to day routine is amazing. best of luck
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    We waste less food and spend less on it, as I am much more mindful of what I am buying and know what's in the fridge and cupboards at all times because I've planned meals better. Eating fresher makes me feel better psychologically, like it's a nice thing I'm doing for myself. Being pleased to look in the mirror is very nice, and like someone said it doesn't solve other problems but it is one less stressor to carry around and I find myself conscious of that often.
  • Islander4Life
    Islander4Life Posts: 22 Member
    Roobyzooby wrote: »
    "I am cold all the time. I feel like I can never get warm (unless when I am working out). Especially my hands and feet. "

    No just me then...

    Same here!
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    So many of the above! The main ones for me are:

    1) How easy it is when you stick to it. Why have I never considered calorie counting before?!! All these fad diets were a waste of time.

    2) How much it becomes a habit. Even on my 'bad days' I'm still conscious of what I'm eating, and I like to log the calories even though I go over. I like knowing how much it will effect me.

    3) The being cold all the time thing... THIS IS TRUE!

    4) I'm now very judgemental of overweight people... seeing someone who is overweight not doing anything about it makes me sad. I just want to try and help them become healthy and show them how easy it can be.

    5) How I still see the fat girl every time I look in the mirror. 43lbs down and just 20 to go and I still feel like I look exactly the same. Losing weight doesn't magically solve everything.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited March 2017
    How shocked I was when I started reading package nutrition labels.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    That it is very much a mental game as well. About 3 months in I realized I needed to get back into counseling and deal with the stuff I'd been avoiding. I've been going every 2 weeks since the last week of 2016.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    That nobody else could care less.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    My life didn't magically improve. I still have all the same problems.

    ^^This. Yeah some health benefits, and my clothes don't fit, but I'm still the same person with the same issues.

    Interesting and I can certainly empathize.

    But, I feel so lucky because my life COMPLETELY, 100% transformed in amazing ways. The more I lost, the more powerful I felt. So much is possible for me now that absolutely was not before. I feel free, like my old self, my real self. What a gift! :smile:

    At the same time, the more I lost the more I realized the weight was disguising something that needed to be addressed. Some old hurt / trauma that I didn't realize was running the show until it surfaced as I lost more and more of my "protection." I guess I have more issues! :wink: But life is a lot better and more fun now. Even in my miserable moments. Haha.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    The increase in street harassment. If I'm totally, utterly 100% honest, I don't know whether the reason I don't currently want to go beneath BMI 24 is because I think I'll be happy with that and I can't be arsed with the work to get lower, or because I'm worried about any further increase in attention.

    I've heard women say they used their weight as a shield, but I didn't really understand; I get it now, oh yes.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I was surprised that only after a few weeks I went from walking 15 min totally out of breath to walking my first 5k.

    I'm still surprised as is my family that I like hiking:).
  • Harrison_girl18
    Harrison_girl18 Posts: 7 Member
    Confidence! It's an amazing feeling to look in the mirror and see your very hard work has paid off. That's what keeps me going when I wanna not finish the work out or have a cheat day.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    That i could still eat pizza and French fries and drink alcohol and still lose weight.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    That my dedication and determination resulted in my losses. It's all about ME and how badly I want it. And I want it bad. I'm FINALLY acheieving results after years of "diets".
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    What surprised me most was discovering that the feeling of hunger is an enjoyable sensation.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    What surprised me most was discovering that the feeling of hunger is an enjoyable sensation.

    I found this too in a sense. More that the hunger sensation is not as bad as I once thought and now don't run to the fridge every time I feel a little twinge of hunger.
  • Nightmare_Queen88
    Nightmare_Queen88 Posts: 304 Member
    Quality of sleep got better. I stopped snoring. Acording to my boyfriend anyways. Lol. I'm gaining more and more confidence in myself everyday. I can now look in the mirror and see someone who's proud of who they are and the person they've become. I now have an undying love for myself like never before. It's something amazing to know that you've accomplished the "impossible". Or at least what you thought was impossible doesn't seem so impossible. It becomes easier and enjoyable. And yes people treat me differently. Especially people from my work. People who didn't utter a word to me before, now do. And I'm getting more attention, not warranted I might add, from guys. It's nice though. Losing weight can be difficult, but it's not impossible. Once you start and see results, you won't want to stop. :)