New and just found out I'm a diabetic. =/

I've been dieting for years! (Since 2007). Just found out Wednesday I'm a diabetic. I could use any tips and advice I can get. Please feel free to add me.


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Track your carbs (sugar = carbs) and make sure to keep them down, you still want to intake carbs just don't be excessive. Exercise is your friend as well, even if it's just walking. Follow your Dr's orders as far as any medicines and the like goes.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    sorry about that. i am to. with a little self control you can beat it. or at least control it. i'm on insulin it tough but you need to listen to your doctor. maybe see if he or she can refer you to a dietitian or health nurse. you can have foods like anyone else just watch portion size. you can add me
  • irwinka64
    irwinka64 Posts: 4 Member
    this program was recommended two years ago when I attended a pre diabetic class at the YMCA. I thought I was doing good and stopped tracking , gained weight back so here I am again Using fitness tracker is a good start. But see if your doc can find a class for you too. Too much bs on the internet. Do you test your sugar?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited March 2017
    @Ms_Gemini89 best of success as you learn managing your health. I know there is a MFP sub forum with both Type 1 and 2 diabetes that discuss how they eat that is helpful in their case. That may or may not be of interest to you but I suggest it as an option since they seem to be very knowledgeable and are not the pushy types it seems. A few years ago I started to eat more like some diabetes and it is doing a good job of managing my joint and muscle pain.

    You do have to join to get access to the informational resources they maintain but you can remove yourself at a click of a button if it is not your cup of tea.
  • karl_hildebrand
    karl_hildebrand Posts: 2 Member
    My wife and I have Type 2 Diabetes. We manage it with diet and exercise. My last two A1C were 5.8. My highest was 6.4.
    We go to Diabetes classes at our hospital once a year or so . I get a blood test every 4-6 months with my A1C test. We were diagnosed borderline Diabetic about four years ago.
  • bcclenney
    bcclenney Posts: 12 Member
    9 months ago my A1C was 11.7. My blood work was a disaster. I now avoid eating things with added sugar and refined white flour, etc, eat lots of fruit, vegetables, lean meats. I have the occasional pizza or burger, but mostly "clean" eating. I don't avoid fat, it is not the enemy. I walk every day and lift 1-2 days a week. I was lifting every other day for 5 months, and will probably get back to that, but I've kept busy with yard work and other exercise recently. A couple months ago I had my A1C checked again, and it was 5.0. The rest of my blood work is also looking good!
  • Ms_Gemini89
    Ms_Gemini89 Posts: 6 Member
    boyank1188 wrote: »
    this program was recommended two years ago when I attended a pre diabetic class at the YMCA. I thought I was doing good and stopped tracking , gained weight back so here I am again Using fitness tracker is a good start. But see if your doc can find a class for you too. Too much bs on the internet. Do you test your sugar?

    Yes I do. My average is 177. This morning it was 187 fasting. I just started exercising again today and watching what I'm eating. I feel like im guilty eating whatever I mattet what I eat.
  • Ms_Gemini89
    Ms_Gemini89 Posts: 6 Member
    bcclenney wrote: »
    9 months ago my A1C was 11.7. My blood work was a disaster. I now avoid eating things with added sugar and refined white flour, etc, eat lots of fruit, vegetables, lean meats. I have the occasional pizza or burger, but mostly "clean" eating. I don't avoid fat, it is not the enemy. I walk every day and lift 1-2 days a week. I was lifting every other day for 5 months, and will probably get back to that, but I've kept busy with yard work and other exercise recently. A couple months ago I had my A1C checked again, and it was 5.0. The rest of my blood work is also looking good!

    Wow!!! My a1c is at a 7.7 right now. Definitely can't wait to see my numbers go down.
  • NicholeCharlton
    NicholeCharlton Posts: 10 Member
    my a1c started out at almost 9... just had it checked and it was 6.6! back down to pre-diabetic but that is on medicine (metformin and victoza) and with watching what i eat... but i am slowly losing the weight - down 20 lbs in 9 months... recently started tracking w/ MFP and noticed a HUGE difference. i went to a nutritionist to help me figure this eating thing out and it actually worked. even if i don't lose a ton of weight - i notice that i actually *feel* better when i'm eating clean :) so i highly would recommend taking some sort of class to get you on the right track eating-wise... but you're doing great by tracking here! best of luck!