Always hungry



  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    edited March 2017
    If any one has any tips on how to stay full through out the day I would really appreciate it. I feel like I have tried everything. I eat breakfast, I have cut out sugary foods for breakfast. I eat salads before my entree at lunch and dinner. I try and only snack on fruits, and mostly raw veggies (usually with hummus) . I track my water intake to make sure I'm drinking​ enough. And I changed my goal to only lose 1/2 lb a WK. All this and I still feel hungry in-between meals, which is killing my weight loss because eventually I give in and eat too much. Please help.

    Hummus is high in fat,watch your intake of it..Did you try eating several smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to 3?

    Per 100g, there's only 10g of fat. 8g protein, 6g fiber. It's a pretty well-rounded item, not sure why you'd think it's high-fat.

    Besides - many people follow a high-fat, high-protein diet for health reasons and fat is much more satiating than simple carbohydrates. Dietary fat is not the enemy! Except for trans fats, those are no bueno.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    When I eat breakfast, I'm hungry all day long. Literally every hour I would need to be eating to beat the hunger cravings, and that would be over 2x my calorie limit. I don't eat until 1 -2 pm, and I'm really not hungry the rest of the day. I don't snack at all. Eating all my calories in a 6-8 hour window has made all the difference for me.
  • Taraven87
    Taraven87 Posts: 4 Member
    It took me awhile to figure out what foods keep me full longer and what amount I need to eat/ when I need to eat to stay relatively comfortable. Sometimes I go through periods of time when I'm hungrier than usual, and I just have to decide if I'm ok still logging but just maintaining for a couple of weeks (and sometimes I am! I honestly think these little breaks have kept me from throwing in the towel) or if I want to suck it up and stay hungry and get to my goal faster. As long as I'm not starving when I am trying to fall asleep, it's usually not too uncomfortable to manage. As others have stated, feeling hungry is normal. If you've just started, it may take awhile to un-train your brain from associating a little bit of normal hunger with extreme discomfort/ the urge to immediately eat. That took a few months for me, but a lot of the physical discomfort I used to associate with being hungry subsided. I expect at least some degree of mild hunger throughout my day; sometimes I find having some green or herbal tea helps. I have found that personally, protein keeps me feeling fuller, so I've modified my diet to include more of it. I also took out a lot more of choices; it's easier to stay on track if I have a pre-planned meal that I know will be within my calories and set me up to stay satisfied until my next meal. If I eat a relatively low-cal breakfast, snack, and lunch, I typically have half of my calories leftover for dinner, and then I can have a dinner that feels "normal" (not like diet food, but not a binge either) and go to bed feeling satisfied. Works for me, may not work for anyone else, but it did take me a few months of experimenting before I found a plan that kept me within my calorie allowance and kept me from becoming miserably hungry. Don't be afraid to try new things if your current strategy for staying within your calorie goal isn't working!
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    edited March 2017
    I will say something a bit controversial....

    It's okay and it's normal, to be hungry. It's only in the past century or so where humanity has such an over abundance of food. Hunger up until then has been a very normal part of life (and for many people in the world it still is!!).

    Physically and literally losing fat is the act of starving your body from less food than it uses. No matter what anyone ever tells me, you can not convince me that it's supposed to "feel nice". It's a necessary evil. Case in point, will power will power will power. Decide what's important to you. Is the extra food more important than losing a half pound this week? That's something only you can answer.

    First of all amazing username, lol. I was in Area51.

    Second, when I first started dieting / calorie counting (call it what you may), I was indeed hungry all the time. Most noticeably in the first week or two. After that my body got used to having less food, I guess, and I could keep myself satiated on a reasonable amount of food. I think my initial hunger was psychological, not "stomach based", but that doesn't mean it wasn't "real". If you feel hungry, you're hungry. And I was ravenous. So, yeah, I agree that sometimes hunger is something you just have to deal with and push through. Especially at first.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have to disagree with everyone recommending nuts/nut butters for protein! Nuts are fats that bring along a little protein for fun.

    I don't eat meat and have an iffy relationship with soy (though I love edamame for protein when my body decides to play nicely with it). My favorite sources for protein are egg whites with limited whole eggs (for health reasons), cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, lentils, and black beans (they're my favorite, but all beans, really). I have celiac disease, otherwise, I'd be hitting up seitan.

    I agree with something BlueSkyShoal touched upon in regards to learning to deal with hunger when you first start dieting. I've recently had to retrain myself to diet again because I had slipped back into bad habits.

    A lot of us have messed up hunger signals. When I first started dieting, I made a concerted effort to eat VERY slowly, taking very small bites and chewing everything very thoroughly. Slowing down while eating enabled my natural satiety signal to start kicking in.

    Try mixing up your macro balance, OP. Make sure you're getting more protein and eating plenty of fibrous, low calorie vegetables (you can eat a lot of veggies and make a high protein dip for them out of Greek yogurt with a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix and that will keep you full for a looooong time, for example). Try eating your food more slowly so that you give your body time to realize it's full, and yes, try giving delaying breakfast a chance unless you wake up ravenous for it. I'm with those who do better skipping breakfast and just drinking a couple cups of tea until around lunch time.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I will say something a bit controversial....

    It's okay and it's normal, to be hungry. It's only in the past century or so where humanity has such an over abundance of food. Hunger up until then has been a very normal part of life (and for many people in the world it still is!!).

    Physically and literally losing fat is the act of starving your body from less food than it uses. No matter what anyone ever tells me, you can not convince me that it's supposed to "feel nice". It's a necessary evil. Case in point, will power will power will power. Decide what's important to you. Is the extra food more important than losing a half pound this week? That's something only you can answer.

    It's not controversial to me.

    In fact most people who fail losing weight because they cannot tolerate some uncomfortable feeling of hunger.

    There are different kind of "hungers". There's the kind that is detrimental to health but there's also the kind that feels kinda nice. You may get the kind of hunger that energizes you to work and create and enjoy good dishes.
  • Zengrizzly
    Zengrizzly Posts: 76 Member
    I will say something a bit controversial....

    It's okay and it's normal, to be hungry. It's only in the past century or so where humanity has such an over abundance of food. Hunger up until then has been a very normal part of life (and for many people in the world it still is!!).

    Physically and literally losing fat is the act of starving your body from less food than it uses. No matter what anyone ever tells me, you can not convince me that it's supposed to "feel nice". It's a necessary evil. Case in point, will power will power will power. Decide what's important to you. Is the extra food more important than losing a half pound this week? That's something only you can answer.

    *mic drop*
  • counting_kilojoules
    counting_kilojoules Posts: 170 Member
    I go for a walk every day. That gets me enough kilojoules to eat a bit more which helps. Some people find emphasizing different macros helps (eating higher fat/lower carb or higher carb/low fat or eating more protein.) Personally, I find if a meal has some protein, some carbohydrate, and some fats in it and if I can bulk it out as much as possible (soup or vegetables) then I do best. I also save most of my kilojoules for the end of the day because I can cope with being a bit hungry during the day but I don't like to go to bed hungry.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Another vote for no breakfast, and eating bigger meals (2-3)later in the day. No snacks....

    Eating many small meals a day made me feel constantly hungry/hangry and I was always thinking about food.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Drinks help, too. I'll have tea after lunch, and it keeps me busy for an hour. And then I'll have a coffee for my afternoon break around 3, just with a bit of milk. Insignificant calories, helps keep me full to my next meal.

    I did have to retrain my hunger, though. I used to snack every morning. Now I don't. I used to snack in the afternoon. Now I usually don't. Cutting those 200-400 calories is a big deal, and it had to happen for me to hit my targets. I was really hungry at those times, and now it's fine. Or else tea.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Mission carb balance tortillas are a very filling food for me. Sugar free jello and almond milk with chocolate protein powder are great for those "hangry" moments, also.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'd probably stab a family member I tolerate if ya'll made me skip breakfast. I wake up hungry, but it all depends on how OP feels. I do think there's a certain limit to hunger, and learning (or relearning for a lot of us) actual hunger signs.
    Before lunch my stomach was rumbling, and the hunger had been building for an hour (I'm at work for 5hrs before lunch). This afternoon I thought I was starving, ohhhh the horror tummy so empty, when in reality I realized I hadn't been drinking any water.

    Fiber doesn't fill me up at all, right now I'm eating a lot of fiber in prep for surgery and I have the same appetite I always do. Protein and fats do, so you could just hand me that 'high fat' hummus, please.