Why do I get tired after exercise??

Help me Please!! I always hear how you will get lots of energy and feel so good after exercising. I am the exact opposite. I feel peaceful, calm and want to curl up and go back to bed. What am I doing wrong? I do 60 min of water aerobics 3x a week and pilates videos during my son's naptime. I am just so tired and want to know what I am doing wrong!!

Also should I be eating the calories I burn doing exercise? Or stick with just my regular daily allowance?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I get tired also. I laid down for a half hour yesterday after working out and felt great afterwards. You're not doing anything wrong, it means you did something.

    Eat your exercise calories as your weight loss deficit is already built in to your diet.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    are you drinking plenty of water during and after your workout?
    I usually never have a ton of energy afterwards.

    I rarely eat any of my exercise calories back
    but it depends on the person and what your comfortable with, I personally feel like I ate way too much if I eat any of them back so I usually stick with 1000-1200 calories a day
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Your body get energy from food.
    Excercise use energy.

    If you're not eating enough food to give you energy to excercise and function well afterwards then you're not eating enough.
    The buzz that comes from excercie isn't actually an energy increase though, it's endorphines rushing around a body that knows it either has enough energy left or knows that it will be given enough energy to continue to excercise and function. Which is why when I used to knacker myself out at salsa (gosh I miss that) I was buzzing from it because we'd then go out for dinner and get the energy back, plus the energy I needed to walk home and my body was glad of it.
    If you feel tired after excercise, that's your body saying that it doen't believe it has any energy left, or that it doesn't believe it will get any more energy. So yes, if that's you, you need to eat at least some excercise calories back. Especially with aerobics as that's cardio and requires a fair bit.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member

    http://shouldieatmyexercisecalories.com/ (2nd page has lots of links will give you great info)

    Good luck
  • fldillon
    fldillon Posts: 22 Member
    Could be many reasons. How is your diet? If you aren't fueling your body properly it can really affect your workouts. Are you over exercising? It's good to push the limit but there is such a thing as too much exercise? Are you drinking enough water? Exhaustion can be a symptom of dehydration.
  • Could be many reasons. How is your diet? If you aren't fueling your body properly it can really affect your workouts. Are you over exercising? It's good to push the limit but there is such a thing as too much exercise? Are you drinking enough water? Exhaustion can be a symptom of dehydration.

    I have good days and bad as far as the diet but usually am at or below my calories for the day but usually don't eat my exercise calories at all. How would one know if they are over exercising?? I am new to all of this so kind of clueless. I can always drink more water. I usually don't drink during my workout becasue I push myself hard in the pool.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    potassium.,........make sure youre getting your alloted amt of potasium for the day......be careful with the amt........it happened to me , my Dr suggested it and it worked............good luck, again, Im not a professional but it helped me out.........Lloyd
  • potassium.,........make sure youre getting your alloted amt of potasium for the day......be careful with the amt........it happened to me , my Dr suggested it and it worked............good luck, again, Im not a professional but it helped me out.........Lloyd

    Will definately try up the potasium. Just checked and have been way low on that and protein so will up both those and hope for good results
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    I ran into this problem being soooooo tired once when I had taken up running. I had gotten up to 3 miles a day but after a couple of weeks I seemed soooo fatiqued. A nurse friend suggested I start drinking some of those drinks with electrolytes in them. The only think I ever drank was plain water. So I bought some PowerAde Zero which has no calories. The Strawberry flavor is quite tasty. Anyway, that did the trick. Energy came right back.
  • I ran into this problem being soooooo tired once when I had taken up running. I had gotten up to 3 miles a day but after a couple of weeks I seemed soooo fatiqued. A nurse friend suggested I start drinking some of those drinks with electrolytes in them. The only think I ever drank was plain water. So I bought some PowerAde Zero which has no calories. The Strawberry flavor is quite tasty. Anyway, that did the trick. Energy came right back.

    Definately gonna try that too
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yes, you need to eat your exercise calories, not only for energy, but because if you don't, you will eventually stall your weight loss and/or even gain, plus when you start to eat normally you will gain instead of maintaining.

    Strenuous exercise may make you tired, especially if it is new. However, if it's not new, you might want to try eating a banana about 30 min before and some protein right after (like a clif bar you can take with you to the gym).

    With regard to the eating exercise calories, here is a fantastic explanation as to why it will help you:


    I am an avid exerciser but there are days I am tired -- most Wednesdays, in fact bc my Tuesdays are killer and I have late rehearsal.

    Today I went paddleboarding in the ocean -- it was really choppy although the surf was only about 2 feet, but I am WIPED OUT tonight.

    I do suspect, however, that your lack of energy may be related to lack of calories.

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I ran into this problem being soooooo tired once when I had taken up running. I had gotten up to 3 miles a day but after a couple of weeks I seemed soooo fatiqued. A nurse friend suggested I start drinking some of those drinks with electrolytes in them. The only think I ever drank was plain water. So I bought some PowerAde Zero which has no calories. The Strawberry flavor is quite tasty. Anyway, that did the trick. Energy came right back.

    Definately gonna try that too

    Great suggestion! You can get electrolyte-enhanced water too -- SMART WATER is just one brand; most stores have their own now, in case you prefer water over sweet drinks (I do).

    Also--make your own for free: large bottle water with a pinch of salt and juice of 1/2 lemon.

  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    it depends on the workout, i think!
    cause after zumba i'm always energized and my day is always better after zumba class, but after pilates, i'm soooooooooooo tired, and i usually take a nap!
    pilates is more "flowy" if that makes sense. not as fast pace as running or zumba, or elliptical
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    it depends on the workout, i think!
    cause after zumba i'm always energized and my day is always better after zumba class, but after pilates, i'm soooooooooooo tired, and i usually take a nap!
    pilates is more "flowy" if that makes sense. not as fast pace as running or zumba, or elliptical
  • I am so glad I found this post! I was feeling amazing with my new exercise and eating but then all of a sudden I was just soo tired, especially after exercise. After reading this I checked my food diary and found out I'm generally 1-2000 mg under on my daily potassium intake - yikes! I'm focusing on upping it this week and hopefully it will make a difference.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm always extremely tired after a workout, but I work my butt off. usually feel better after I eat something. You probably just need to eat.

    Ok- so what does potassium have to do with it.. and is the 3,500 default number on MFP a good number to shoot for?? (also I believe 1 banana will get you to that number?)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Fatigue is a normal reaction to exercise as is a feeling of calm (endorphins babbbbbby.)

    Extreme and prolonged fatigue is not.

    If you are using MFP's calculations for weight loss then you should eat back most if not all your exercise calories depending on how confident you are that you are getting an accurate reading for your exercising.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    that more energy if you exercise bit is something that builds over time.

    you exercise consistently and eat healthy and make these things a natural part of your life, you will be someone with more energy.

    if you are going into this looking for instant gratification - then start a weights or 5K/15K program where you can see yourself level up.

    But the long term effects dont always land in your lap immediately - you build that up. you are the master of your own fate.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Fatigue is a normal reaction to exercise as is a feeling of calm (endorphins babbbbbby.)

    Extreme and prolonged fatigue is not.

    If you are using MFP's calculations for weight loss then you should eat back most if not all your exercise calories depending on how confident you are that you are getting an accurate reading for your exercising.

    man you just made me want a post-thanksgiving food coma
  • catnap1996
    catnap1996 Posts: 5 Member
    You're probably not eating enough. If you are under your daily allowance and not eating the exercise calories , you aren't fueled for the workouts. At some point, you will likely plateau and not lose weight. Your body will hang onto it to fuel the workouts