Milk or no milk?



  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    It's not necessarily the milk that's important; it's the calcium you gain from it. Milk is also a great source of natural sugar, vitamins, and protein. I, unfortunately, have become lactose intolerant over the years and found solace in substitutes. To me, I wasn't a big fan of hemp or almond milk. Soy is okay -- just as long as it's a organic and unsweetened. I personally like coconut milk because it's a "raw" product and not thick like soy milk.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I think its important for Calcium. I have switched to either almond milk for only 35 calories or coconut milk.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Milk is a good beverage for its mixed macro nutrients and vitamins.

    Personally I've never seen a point in drinknig 1% vs 2%... not enough of a calorie difference.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.
  • ohpurdysure
    Correct, we are blind when it comes to the milk issue.. People should be more informed about this subject, but we are raised to beleive we are suppose to drink cows which we are not and do not have to have it..
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist, racist and anti-Semitic website. Rense is not a reliable source for anything except fostering and promoting a great deal of hatred in the world.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist and anti-Semitic website.

    Was not trying to start an argument. I didn't bash anybody else's thoughts on the matter as you are doing. I was merely referring the person asking to my personal point of view, which they asked for. So you can either do some more research that is unfunded by the dairy counsel or the dairy association, and when you have done sufficient research then I will debate with you. But until then, I will not.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    I just read this article, and everything it says is

    a) sensationalist, using buzzwords inspired to create fear

    b) present in a VAST majority of food we eat otherwise (you think dairy is our only source of casein? Or that all of our other food is allowed similar levels of bacteria?)

    c) out and out complete and utter bull.

    To top it off, most of the 'sources' quoted by the article are unreliable, non peer-reviewed (so no science involved at all), and outdated.

    If you don't want to drink milk, thats fine. But please don't spread propaganda fear-based conspiracy theories.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist and anti-Semitic website.

    Was not trying to start an argument. I didn't bash anybody else's thoughts on the matter as you are doing. I was merely referring the person asking to my personal point of view, which they asked for. So you can either do some more research that is unfunded by the dairy counsel or the dairy association, and when you have done sufficient research then I will debate with you. But until then, I will not.

    You are missing (or rather, avoiding) the point. You posted a link to an article and site with no credibility whatsoever. If you want to deal in facts, then there is something to discuss. But you're not dealing in facts.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist and anti-Semitic website.

    Was not trying to start an argument. I didn't bash anybody else's thoughts on the matter as you are doing. I was merely referring the person asking to my personal point of view, which they asked for. So you can either do some more research that is unfunded by the dairy counsel or the dairy association, and when you have done sufficient research then I will debate with you. But until then, I will not.

    You are missing (or rather, avoiding) the point. You posted a link to an article and site with no credibility whatsoever. If you want to deal in facts, then there is something to discuss. But you're not dealing in facts.

    Then feel free to stop by the British Medical Journal (, the New England Medical Journal ( or even Scientific News ( and just type "milk" into any of their search engines to find HUNDREDS of peer reviewed and scientific/medical studies with the facts if you are afraid of the initial website I posted.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist and anti-Semitic website.

    Was not trying to start an argument. I didn't bash anybody else's thoughts on the matter as you are doing. I was merely referring the person asking to my personal point of view, which they asked for. So you can either do some more research that is unfunded by the dairy counsel or the dairy association, and when you have done sufficient research then I will debate with you. But until then, I will not.

    You are missing (or rather, avoiding) the point. You posted a link to an article and site with no credibility whatsoever. If you want to deal in facts, then there is something to discuss. But you're not dealing in facts.

    Then feel free to stop by the British Medical Journal (, the New England Medical Journal ( or even Scientific News ( and just type "milk" into any of their search engines to find HUNDREDS of peer reviewed and scientific/medical studies with the facts if you are afraid of the initial website I posted.

    I'm not 'afraid' of Rense. He's a career conspiracy theorist, UFO believer, racist, homophobe and anti-Semite. Frankly, I find it patently offensive that you posted a link to such a website on MFP. ESPECIALLY when it does not help you to prove your point that you believe milk is dangerous. I doubt I'm the only one offended.

    I never offered an opinion one way or the other about milk. You apparently decided that I had one contrary to yours because I said your original source was not credible. And at first, rather than supply a credible source, you launched ad hominem attacks.

    I may read your more credible links later. Thanks for those.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member

    Rense is not a reliable source for anything.

    Well unfortunately, I cannot share the medical reports of the doctors and nutritionists that I work with here online, so that is all I can give. In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Then you should post those, not a link to a conspiracist and anti-Semitic website.

    Was not trying to start an argument. I didn't bash anybody else's thoughts on the matter as you are doing. I was merely referring the person asking to my personal point of view, which they asked for. So you can either do some more research that is unfunded by the dairy counsel or the dairy association, and when you have done sufficient research then I will debate with you. But until then, I will not.

    You are missing (or rather, avoiding) the point. You posted a link to an article and site with no credibility whatsoever. If you want to deal in facts, then there is something to discuss. But you're not dealing in facts.

    Then feel free to stop by the British Medical Journal (, the New England Medical Journal ( or even Scientific News ( and just type "milk" into any of their search engines to find HUNDREDS of peer reviewed and scientific/medical studies with the facts if you are afraid of the initial website I posted.

    I'm not 'afraid' of Rense. He's a career conspiracy theorist, UFO believer, racist, homophobe and anti-Semite. Frankly, I find it patently offensive that you posted a link to such a website on MFP. ESPECIALLY when it does not help you to prove your point that you believe milk is dangerous. I doubt I'm the only one offended.

    I never offered an opinion one way or the other about milk. You apparently decided that I had one contrary to yours because I said your original source was not credible. And at first, rather than supply a credible source, you launched ad hominem attacks.

    I may read your more credible links later. Thanks for those.

    why does every post end up with an argument... no one was preaching here -- whether it was credible or not. More so, I would like to believe people had enough common sense to determine whether what they read on the internet is true or false.

    Medical research can be flawed -- whether it is credible or not.

    If you want to drink milk... drink it. If not, don't. If you want to smoke -- do so... if not, don't. Fast food? It's your lifestyle.

    Calm down people =)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Absolutely! Protein, calcium... If you want to cut down calories & fat, drink skim (fat-free) milk.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    In this case, they are a very reliable source. If you do any research at all and look for sources that were not FUNDED by the Dairy Association, you will find it, too.

    Yeah, because information compiled by an animal rights activist is a lot more reliable. :laugh: :laugh:
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    Is milk ok to include in a diet?

    Honestly, you really dont need milk. There are many other ways to get the calcium your body needs without drinking milk. BUT, you have to make sure you are getting enough calcium or its osteoporosis later on...

    Here's a page from Harvard University.

    I love milk but b/c Im watching my calories I have very little of it and replace the calcium in other ways...

    Good luck
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Milk is great! But some people don't like it. My mom only has milk in her cereal. She doesn't like to drink it. But with everything, too much, even of a good thing, is not a good thing. So don't overdo it.
  • realdisco
    realdisco Posts: 9
    If you really want it then go ahead.
    Tasty alternatives are Silk's Almond Milk and So Delicious' Coconut Milk.

    Keep in mind that when you are consuming dairy milk or soy milk, you are taking in estrogen.
    This would be the greater concern for anybody.
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I use reduced fat milk for my cereal but I love almond milk and that's what I use when making protein shakes.
    I say give almond milk a try.. it's low on calories.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Keep in mind that when you are consuming dairy milk or soy milk, you are taking in estrogen.
    This would be the greater concern for anybody.

    Sure, except the average male naturally produces far more estrogen each day than you'd get from consuming gallons of dairy milk. The amout of estrogen you get from milk really isn't a concern....

    Soy milk, on the other hand, should probably be eaten in moderation for men....just to be on the safe side.