My motivation is really starting to die.

Hi all I'm after some advice or even inspiration. I started my diet January 2016, today I hit a 420 day streak tracking. But my issue is my motivation is starting to die. I lost 30kg taking me to 77kg now and while it was a great result I guess but I'm not happy, The weight loss was easy to do and I've maintained for almost a year now.

I've ended up skinny fat and what I mean by that is for those who don't know is with clothes on you look skinny, take of the top you look fat, I'm 20% body fat but no matter what I do I can't lower the body fat percentage. I've even pulled in a personal trainer this year and while I'm doing everything right I am getting no results. I've said in other thread I've been working out lifting heavy weights now consistently 4-5 days per week for what 15 months now.

I'm wasting my time basically and hence I've very close to saying *kitten* it and jacking it in, I'm not looking to look like Arnie but hell even something so spur the motivation along would help but there is basically nothing happening.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    You still need to eat though. Don't track your intake for awhile and find some form of exercise that is fun.
  • jacobsl221
    jacobsl221 Posts: 75 Member
    Yes, the same exercise all the time will generate the SAME results. Change it up a little, and in the mean time, rejoice that you have maintained your weight at your new body shape. Most people can't do that.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Skinny fat is probably better than plain old fat...

    Maybe take a break? Not completely and not forever, but give yourself some time (2 weeks? A month?) where you eat and maintenance and take some time away from the heavy lifting. Do things you enjoy doing.

    That being said, if you haven't progressed much in 15 months, even while working with a trainer--is there a chance that you have any medical issues going on in the background that you are not aware of (low T, etc.?) Might warrant having a comprehensive physical with your doctor...
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    Skinny fat is probably better than plain old fat...

    Maybe take a break? Not completely and not forever, but give yourself some time (2 weeks? A month?) where you eat and maintenance and take some time away from the heavy lifting. Do things you enjoy doing.

    That being said, if you haven't progressed much in 15 months, even while working with a trainer--is there a chance that you have any medical issues going on in the background that you are not aware of (low T, etc.?) Might warrant having a comprehensive physical with your doctor...

    I'm thinking the same myself, there is literally no progression.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    You lost weight by cutting your calories far too much and as a result you've lost muscle mass.

    It's hard work to gain muscle.

    15 months with no results means there's something seriously wrong with your training programme.

    Nope, I never had any muscle mass to begin with. I think my programme is fine, its provided by a my PT, Last year I tried things like bigger leaner stronger, 5x5, 6 day PPL
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    You, yes you! If you're searching for the one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.

    Very true.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    ugofatcat wrote: »
    And if you weren't putting in all this effort, where do you think you would be?

    Good point.
  • jennknut
    jennknut Posts: 32 Member
    Time to change it up...maybe try something new? I ran and ran and even did a half marathon...yep logged hundreds of miles and never lost a pound. I started doing circuit training and my body responded in a way that it hadn't with running. My mantra is Patience and Consistency. Really look at what you have been eating and maybe you will see a pattern that also needs to be changed? Don't be discouraged. Your health is so much more important than how you look.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    You lost weight by cutting your calories far too much and as a result you've lost muscle mass.

    It's hard work to gain muscle.

    15 months with no results means there's something seriously wrong with your training programme.

    Nope, I never had any muscle mass to begin with. I think my programme is fine, its provided by a my PT, Last year I tried things like bigger leaner stronger, 5x5, 6 day PPL

    You've said you're getting no results in 15 months, how can your programme be fine?

    I started this programme in January, I do a program maybe 3 months and then re-evaluate things.

    I'll actually post it.

    Reps are either in the 4-6 rep range or 8 - 12, When I can do either 6 or 12 reps for the 3 sets I add weight.
    Its 4 days per week.

    Day 1
    *Dumbbell Incline BP 6 reps x 3 sets
    *Barbell Bench Press 6 x 3
    *Dumbell Bench Press 6 x 3
    *Close Grip BP 6 x 3
    *EZ Bar Curl 8 x 3
    *Barbell Standing Calf Raise 8 x 3

    Day 2
    *Deadlift 6 x 3
    *Dumbbell 1 arm row 6 x 3 each arm
    *Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 8 x 3
    *Barbell Bent Over Row 6 x 3
    * Ab Circuit ( 3 exercise to failure)

    Day 3
    *Military Press 6 x 3
    *Barbell Incline BP 8 X 3
    *Bent over delt raise 8 x 3
    *Lat Raise 8 x 3
    * Dumbbell Standing Calf Raise 8 x 3
    * EZ Bar Curl 8 x 3

    Day 4
    *Back Squat 6 x 3
    *Barbell Standing Calf Raise 8 x 3
    *Dumbbell Lunges 8 x 3
    *EZ Bar Curl 8 x 3
    * 3 AB circuit
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    jennknut wrote: »
    Time to change it up...maybe try something new? I ran and ran and even did a half marathon...yep logged hundreds of miles and never lost a pound. I started doing circuit training and my body responded in a way that it hadn't with running. My mantra is Patience and Consistency. Really look at what you have been eating and maybe you will see a pattern that also needs to be changed? Don't be discouraged. Your health is so much more important than how you look.

    Funny I have heard similar stories with weight training, Guys into body building getting no results, they then switch to powerlifting and things take off.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out that you started this thread because you're not getting results, yet now you're saying you're happy with what you're doing.

    As the saying goes, If you do what you've always done, you'll get the results you've always got...

    No I know you're not, the point is I must have done what 5 programs now, everything from low rep stronglift type workouts to roid based high rep programs and nothing has really done anything worthwhile.

    Perhaps my expectations are too high, perhaps I am comparing myself to folks who are using a little extra to get results if you know what I mean.
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    How much weight are you working at?

    So this a calculator to determine your 1 rep max without actually doing a 1 rep max. If you are wanting to build muscle, you should be working at 70-80% of your 1 rep max. For example, if your 1 rep max on the bench is 200 pounds, you should be doing 160 pounds.

    It can be dangerous to determine your one rep max without a partner, so this calculator may help you:
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Congrats on the weigh loss. There have been a bunch of good suggestions and I agree you are in a better place now than if you would not have been doing anything.

    Have you had a physical lately? I noticed in your profile you are 35. It would not be unreasonable to question your testosterone levels. Lots of information out there, sample article:

    You might want to check with a medical professional. Do not just randomly use some T=booster from a supplement store. Get T-levels checked and if clinically low, work with a reputable doctor that can advise you of the risks and benefits.

    Best of luck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out that you started this thread because you're not getting results, yet now you're saying you're happy with what you're doing.

    As the saying goes, If you do what you've always done, you'll get the results you've always got...

    No I know you're not, the point is I must have done what 5 programs now, everything from low rep stronglift type workouts to roid based high rep programs and nothing has really done anything worthwhile.

    Perhaps my expectations are too high, perhaps I am comparing myself to folks who are using a little extra to get results if you know what I mean.

    So I'd start with ruling out medical issues, and then have a conversation with your trainer about your goals and realistic results and time frames.