Toughen up, you snowflakes



  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    Maybe you asked a question that was already asked 5 minutes ago and will be asked again 5 minutes from now, and people are sick and tired of hearing and answering the same thing over and over?
    I agree with your post, except this ^this^ part.....if the forum thread search feature worked at all in a sensible way, then the above-problem would be alleviated. MFP, pleeeeeaaaaase fix the forum serach feature.

    I have also noticed the search feature to be rather cryptic in its results. Although, there are obviously some members who do not even *try* to check and see if anyone has posted their question or topic previously. (I'm talking to you "Which HRM should I buy?" people.)
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    you are AWESOME!!! lol... and I looooooooove "snowflake" LOL
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    OP - Original Post/Original Poster Person if you are down with OPP.

  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I totally agree!! Couldnt have said it better! Except I have a question, dude what is an OP?

    Heh heh heh.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I disagree with one point....

    Weight loss IS NOT difficult.

    In fact, weight loss is REALLY easy.

    The difficult part is to learning self control.

    There ain't no pill, drop, shot, or powder for that.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    OP - Original Post/Original Poster Person if you are down with OPP.


    Thank you for gettin it :)
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    Amen Taso! Good word!
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    one more thing about using the search engine. if you don't see it there. gee i don't know GOOGLE IT! its amazing all the stuff you can find out there.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    one more thing about using the search engine. if you don't see it there. gee i don't know GOOGLE IT! its amazing all the stuff you can find out there.

    I find it's often easier to go to google and search "your topic +". The search feature on MFP can be a bit clunky.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    standing ovation.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    one more thing about using the search engine. if you don't see it there. gee i don't know GOOGLE IT! its amazing all the stuff you can find out there.

    I find it's often easier to go to google and search "your topic +". The search feature on MFP can be a bit clunky.

    Yes, actually if you put it in this form, then it will restrict the results only to the particular site:

    search terms

    for example

    hcg diet

    (about 3,810 results for that one, by the way :laugh: )
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    So what you are saying is...I SHOULD eat my exercise calories?? confused-smiley-17432.gif

  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Can you please tell this to my Mother in Law? The woman thinks she is not losing weight because she hasn't been drinking her tomatoe juice, not because she doesn't do any kind of exercise. She eats well, but doesn't get off her couch all day.
  • Aw, what's the matter, you asked a question and didn't like the answers you got? Maybe you were looking for someone to "OK" your plan to try something unhealthy, harmful, or just plain stupid? Maybe you asked a question that was already asked 5 minutes ago and will be asked again 5 minutes from now, and people are sick and tired of hearing and answering the same thing over and over? Are you looking for the "shortcut", the "easy way", perhaps a product, maybe one featured in an infomercial, to help you lose weight and become fit with a minimal of effort. Or maybe just a pill? Do you really think you can buy success?

    The "rules" of success are easy - eat right and work out. Following them is not always easy. It's hard work and it takes discipline. You *will* spill blood, sweat, and tears before it's all over. Save your crying and your tears for the workout where you've hit a new personal best, and spare us your crying on the forum when someone didn't beat around the bush and gave you some straight info without sugar coating.

    Want support? Keep your mind open and work towards optimal health and fitness, and you will receive unlimited support here.

    You want someone to spell it all out for you? Read a book, hire a trainer or a nutritionist, or reach out to an MFP member and have them share their routine with you.

    Don't be lazy. Don't come crying about lack of support when people advise you to avoid bull****.

    i love you but am so mother effin scared of you right now.