What is your best fitness achievement to date?



  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    Age 20: Completed a 2-month expedition with backpacking and canoeing (sometimes carrying the canoe on top of my pack!).

    Age 30: Ran a half-marathon.

    Age 45: Finished my first triathlon.

    Age 46 (last month): Beat my rowing coach at a 1000m sprint!

    Next month: To be determined. :)

    These are awesome achievements!

    Was just wondering whereabouts your expedition was?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    hmaddpear wrote: »
    Having been obese most of my life, I dropped 70 of the 100lb I needed to a couple of years ago. And then I started running! Having never run before, I completed my C25K in June two years ago, and last weekend ran the Lincoln 10K. The time wasn't too impressive, the distance, for 2 years in, not that great, but the fact I'm still running two years later makes me feel good about myself.

    (I have horrifically low self-esteem most of the time, so anything that I can actually say "I'm good" about is hugely important to me.)

    That is a great achievement, congratulations on your 10k :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Today is my 40th birthday- Reaching it is my best fitness achievement to date and the reason I started this thread

    Now that is a significant day in anyone's life but for me it is the day I have fought against for 13 years.
    At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. I lived on under 800 calories a day for years. (Ramen noodles and rice cakes were my total diet.)
    I was hospitalised and force pump fed via a vpn twice over the years.
    Due to the lack of nutrients during my developing years I have severe bone density issues which used to be able to leave me not able to get out of bed for a week at a time. The pain was ridiculous and I lived on pain killers to get through every day.
    Then at the age of 26 I met my husband. He made me see life in a different way and I started to fight against it. I started to eat the number of calories my body needed and I started to take calcium and vitamin D daily. I got stronger with every week and month that passed.
    I started to exercise to help with bone density and strengthen the muscles around my spine (L1&2 C12 totally damaged). There were times I literally cried with pain to get up but get up I did.
    Further down the line I was strong enough to start the couch to 5K. Running was my aim due to the way it strengthens bones.
    Then from there went on to 10k and half marathon training.
    Fast forward to now and I am not in a wheel chair like the Doctors said I would be by 40 if I lived that long.
    I'm 40, ran 12 miles on Sunday, have very little pain and get a lot less bone cracks or breaks every year.

    Don't listen to your limitations- Push it with every thing you've got. Your older self will thank you for it.

    To any one who under eats calories. Don't. I look much better now with a BMI of 20 then I did as a skeleton with a clothes hanger for shoulders!

    I'm going to enjoy my day (Read week, I'm the queen in my house so can have a queens length brthday :) ) with a smug look that I am strong and healthy.

    Happy birthday and congratulations on your amazing and inspiring achievements! You rock!
  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    neldabg wrote: »
    Mastering the side splits. ^^ I've always admired flexible people, and I always felt that doing the splits was one important move that demonstrated flexibility.

    Great job!! What did you do exactly and how long did it take?? :-) @neldabg
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