getting tired of this about to give up.



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I've only lost 2 lbs in the last two months. It's incredibly frustrating. But I don't quit. And I don't bag the whole day because of one mistake. If you ate a guilt-ridden meal, go for a walk. It's not too late in the same day to turn it around.

    And I agree that maybe you should concentrate on one thing at time. Losing weight is about baby steps until you're the complete package. Work on one thing at a time, and when you have that down, start something else.

    Years ago, a friend lost a lot of weight. I was super jealous because I didn't feel I had it in me. She said to me, "you have to want it." I shrugged her off, thinking she was gloating. But now I get it. You really have to want it. More than that candy bar. More than those potato chips. More than sleeping in and not exercising. More than sitting on your duff and watching tv. You have to want it!
  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! That's the great thing about changing your you might have messed up but each day brings you a clean slate. It might take a while to get used to the new changes....take it slow. Get a good group of support here on MFP and around you in your daily life. I was where you were for 3 years! I would be working out three times a day and not lose a single pound! You have to really be ready for it and embrace it...the ups and the downs. WE ALL HAVE THEM!!!!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    You need to dig deep and figure out why you keep sabotaging yourself.

    Are you eating too little calories, and then because you're still hungry, you binge? Are you depriving yourself of "treat" days? Are you eating too much processed food which in turn triggers your desire to eat more crap?

    Find out what the problem is, and try to fix it. It's not going to happen overnight, but only you can change your attitude.

    My 2 year "healthy lifestyle" anniversary is tomorrow. What clicked for me was a facebook friend posted this quote:

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.

    Good luck on your journey!

    ETA: oops, I mistyped. My actual anniversary was on the 20th! I missed it! darnit!!! haaahaa
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    No, no, don't give up. Perseverance is so important during this journey. I know you must feel frustrated and ready to give up, but if the plan A is not working, change your strategy and keep going. Keep what's good, progressively change what is not. You are exercising, that is such an accomplishment already!
    I used to be an emotional eater and ate whenever and whatever. What really helps me is to think ahead of time.First, it makes me much more aware of what I am eating. For me is all about planning. Before I get really hungry and feel like eating a whole cow, I have already planned and prepared my meals. This way I can control myself.Also, I'm big on snacks. I never leave home without my snacks (ex:greek yogurt, fruit, a spoon of peanut butter, cheese and crackers, carrots and hummus, etc). This really helps me stay in control.
    Maybe it would be good to share some info on what you are doing, and I am sure many people have gone through the same and can give you some advice.
    Good luck! You can do this. If I am doing it , everybody can. Take this as game and learning process. Good eating habits don't come in one day, it is through repeated successes and failures that you will learn and achieve your goal.
  • mcdell
    mcdell Posts: 14
    NO QUITTING ALLOWED! Seriously, you need to add friends to encourage you and keep logging your calories. Its not all about losing weight but more about learning about yourself and improving bad habits. Make it a journey, even if it's a journey of high and lows. Im glad that you you connected today so you can get the encouragement that you need:)

  • nofatjack
    nofatjack Posts: 1 Member
    good post
  • Don't give up! If you have done it once, you can do it again. And so what if you pig out, we all have our pig out days I am sure. You just need to get back up and start fresh the next day! And definately do the workouts even if you do pig out. Every little bit helps. A workout is better than no workout reguardless of how much you eat. Start with little steps like taking a 30 minute walk, and then build up to bigger things. You can do it, you just need to set your mind to it!
  • Maybe you're trying to do too much too fast? I would recommend concentrating on one element at a time until it's habit and then adding another one. So, for example, more water, then less salt, then less sugar, 2 hours of exercise a week, more veggies, etc., etc. and let them build on eachother rather than trying to jump in all at once. You may find that the first item makes you feel good so you're ready to add to the new healthy ways rather than feeling deprived....

    Don't give up on yourself - you really can do this!!

    So true!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Don't quit! Please! It can be done. I agree with the post above that said you need to be mentally ready. Its so very true. Re-evaluate why you want to do this. You're reasons for wanting to lose weight must be important or you wouldn't have spent three months at it so far.

    Take it one meal at a time. Don't think of it as having to change everything all at once. Pick one thing, get it under control and then move onto sometihng else. you can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to add me for support.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Amysgetnfit Posts: 231
    well said!
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    (just sayin'!)
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    y'all are right I do need to re read my signature that's what helped me lose the 8 pounds to begin with thanks guys
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey chickie, I believe we know each other (if you went to AHS). Don't give up. Keep exercising. Maybe ficus just on that. Then maybe work on things one meal at a time. And stick around here to read up on how to eat :)
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    Hey chickie, I believe we know each other (if you went to AHS). Don't give up. Keep exercising. Maybe ficus just on that. Then maybe work on things one meal at a time. And stick around here to read up on how to eat :)

    I did go to ahs so we might know each other. .and I have decided to stay: -)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Yeah, I gave up about a hundred times in my life. This time it stuck because I was ready mentally. You have to get your mind right before your lifestyle change will work. I would suggest starting off slow. Go for a walk everyday, give up soda, etc. One thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself. If you think of it as a diet, your doomed from the start. When you think of it as a lifestyle change, it's easier to start slow. You can do it.

    I agree. I also "tried" to lose weight about 30 times or so before MFP. Finally, I got my head in the right place, focused on the goal I wanted to reach, and decided not to "try" this time but to actually DO it. I fully agree with making slow changes and easing your way in.

    You CAN do this!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    here comes a little tough love.

    dont you dare think abt quitting because YOU CAN DO THIS.. no matter how many times you have a bad day or eat the wrong thing, get over it ,that is no excuse to quit we all slip up, and its gonna happen more times than you care to know, just get back in the game,, read every post and listen to what people are telling you, take it to heart we are all trying to live a healthier lifestye and its not going to be easy,we have folks here who just started a min ago, some who have been on this road for a year, or two or three or who cares how long it take NOTHING YOU HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IS GOING TO COME EASY, NOT-A-THING.

    so you have got to fight hun, you are so worth it, your young, you have your health and the ability to literally put one foot in front of the other and try again tomorrow, some people dont have that, but you do and you have it today so do not take it for granted, DO NOT EVER, take your health for granted it is a gift.

    now, dry those eyes and get your butt back in the game, educate yourself on how to achieve good nutrition and a healthier lifestyle, one day at a time, and do not focus on the scale, focus on how the human body works, how it burns fat, how it processess food, how and why it needs water, become a expert on it YOURSELF that will help you to understand why sometimes the scale wont move, no matter what you do, understand how your body works by doing your homework, its not about the scale its about how to achieve a healthier lifestyle first, THEN any weight you loose in the process is a bonus.

    good luck hun, you can do this we can help whatever you need help with just ask somebody here bec somebody is going thr the same things your are right now and together we can all help one anohter reach our goals one step at a time.

    friend me if you need to. i will be here.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I am not sure where I found this quote (could have been on MFP) but I printed it out and hung it in my cubicle at work and at home...

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time"--Thomas A. Edison

  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Dude, you're young, you're beautiful and you want to be a pro fighter! So, fight sister, fight! You can do this. Stick with it and your head in a different place. Nothing is going to happen over night and you will not get any results without some work, some changes and some sacrifice. If you want to be a pro fighter/wrestler then you will benefit from lifting weights. If you aren't already doing this, get started right now! Get a couple good books from the library or Amazon or where ever you get books in your town. I recommend "New Rules of Lifting" for a great weight program. I'm sure you can find some nutrition books you like as well.

    Do this! Good luck, work hard and feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's possible. Get working!! ;)

  • tklahn
    tklahn Posts: 4
    I get like that too. What I have been doing is making myself take a walk each night when I get home from work. Up and down my block 2x is 2 miles. That gets the digestion going then I can sit and have my dinner semi guilt free. As far as portions. I have been using those tiny plates not regular dinner plates that way I dont take as much food. That not only keeps down calories but portions as well and THAT is the real struggle. Good luck and dont stop!!!!