Who else is a Melting Pot?



  • DavyRockhit
    DavyRockhit Posts: 168
    Silly me... I saw the topic and thought this was about Melting Pot -- the fondue restaurant and I got all excited!
    I love that place :)

    Irish (mostly)
    Tiny bits of...German, French, Dutch

    Super funny!

    here is a true story: I called my great aunt up to find out what my mom's side ethnicity was & she replied "hillbilly" LMAO I then did my entire heritage project on the culture of so-called hillbillies both definitions my family matched...
    Appalachian mine workers & Michigan farmers
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    German, Dutch, Scottish

    Nothing really interesting that I have found so far but I am curious as to how you found out the information about your relatives?
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    I love this kind of stuff.

    I'm English, Irish, Swedish, German and possibly Dutch. If you look at a family reunion picture of 80+ people they are ALL White. Weird coincidence but I am not related to any other ethnicities closely that I am aware of.

    Anyways, I'm supposedly related to John Robinson, the man who coordinated the Mayflower boat to come to America and who did so hidden in Holland or somewhere. He never came across I don't think. My grandmother on my dad's side's last name is Robinson.

    We also had a family member involved in the Boston Tea Party. I'm not sure who but the majority of my family lives in Massachusetts except for my dad's parents as they moved to Idaho to be closer to the ski resort here.

    I'm also supposedly related to King Olaf of Norway from like 900AD and apparently he was a viking raider. That also means that MILLIONS of other people are related. :) But still cool none the less!

    My husband is Italian and his grandfather is actually in a pretty cool picture.

    How interesting. I wonder if we are some how related because I know my family's last name was Robinson as well!
    Fun to think abou none the less!
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Canadian of English and Scottish descent. Also a small bit of Dutch on my paternal grandmothers side.

    Story is...family originally settled in what is now South Carolina. When the colonies revolted my family remained loyal to the British throne, and fled north to Canada. In return for their loyalty they were granted farm land near Peterborough, Ontario. Loyalists who fled were promised compensation for the land and homes they abandoned by George Washington himself, but it never happened. :grumble: :wink:
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    German, Dutch, Scottish

    Nothing really interesting that I have found so far but I am curious as to how you found out the information about your relatives?

    My mother and grandmother actually did a ton of it... and this was pre-internet days. Like in the 1970s. A lot of going to the library, public records, flipping through documents and writing letters. My mom has all of it in the basement and it's just so fun to look through. Many obituaries, marriage licenses, etc.

    I know more about the family that has been here the longest. Those who came to America more recently, like the Italian, Belgian and Cuban, I don’t know as much about.

    But about 6 months ago I stumbled upon this website… it’s called Find A Grave


    It was eerie! I started with my grandparents. It had all there information and pictures of there graves! So weird… and no, no one in my family put up or offered the information. Its all the people who run this website.
    THEN, linked to it they had my great grandparents. Not only information about them I didn’t even know, but PICTURES of them I had never seen!! From there I was able to look up and find out more info about my family. It was crazy… check it out. Maybe your family is on there.
  • mrslong0508
    mrslong0508 Posts: 9 Member
    I am proudly 1/2 Cherokee and 1/2 Welsh. Although my brothers definitely got the "native genes" I am so fair skined it is not even funny.
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member
    half irish & half armenian (you guys heard of the Kadashians right:) as you see, the armenian side one! lol.....
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    Me I am a proud Mutt...... the ethnicities I have (that are known) are:
    Irish,scottish, brittish, itialian, mexican, spanish, french canadian, pensilvania dutch, navajo, cherokee, and german

    Grandmother moms side is Irish scottish brittish ,and pensilvania dutch
    Grandfather moms side German, french canadian cherokee and navajo,

    Grandmother Dad side is Italian irish (both her and her mother were women of the night or close to it, there were some crazy story and non of the 13 kids had the same father)
    Grandfather dad side is Mexican spanish (debateable)
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    Me! Me! Me!

    I'm half Filippina and half Caucasian. WOOT WOOT!!
  • Emma422
    Emma422 Posts: 71 Member
    Your classic oreo :)

  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    My Grandma used to say, "When someone asks what you are..tell them you're a Heinz...because you have so many different flavors"...LOL...I don't get it...but all the old people laughed when she said it.

    Mom: Half Italian/Half Chippewa Indian
    Dad: African-American

    Most people mistake me for Hispanic...so much so that the Nurse at the doctor's office gave me Spanish forms instead of English!!
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    Just two flavors in my pot, Black & Puerto Rican.
    Kinda boring compared to a lot of you guys.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Very interesting thread! I'm Norwegian, Greek, English, and Danish.

    My Greek great-great-grandfather (father's side) came to the US through Ellis Island. My dad's mother's side were famous glassmakers for royalty in Norway. I am also related to a very famous Norwegian writer.

    My mom's side is really unsure... Their last name is Taylor (VERY common English name) and they've been living in Texas for as long as they know. So it's possible I have anything in my blood on my mom's side. My mom and grandmother look like they have Native American roots to me.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    English, Bahamian, Dominican, Indian, and Native American (Seminole).
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    My heritage is CRAZY! English and, get this, Scottish! I mean, how did those nationalities even meet up?

    I'm exotic, really.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I am Japanese and German. Both sides of my family made it clear about their wish to maintain their racial superiority, and both sides hated me growing up (they still hate me as far as I know too). When I was as young as 3, I was called an abomination and threatened with death by people on both sides. One of my uncles told me I should kill myself because I was a mark of shame on the family bloodlines.

    This is why my ultimate goal in life is to enslave both Japan and Germany and force them to make me a fleet of luxury sports cars.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Well, I'm part Irish according to some members of my biological family. Haven't researched it, but has got me thinking....
  • caitiecait
    caitiecait Posts: 8 Member
    My mother is caucasian, but of English and Irish descent. My maternal great grandmother came to Canada from England when she was a child, and I believe Irish on my grandfather's side. My father is black and American.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    my children have all this and are half French too