Short ladies... what is your goal?



  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yay for all the short ladies!! 5'0 34 SW 152 CW 143 GW 105-115? I've been about 30-50 lbs overweight for most of my adult life so i don't even know what that will look like on me:) Eating around 1200ish cals give or take and riding my exercise bike for at least an hr a day:)
  • tamarbatavraham
    tamarbatavraham Posts: 21 Member
    teamgiff4 wrote: »
    5'2 115
    Alllll the weight goes to my butt/thighs. The last 5 pounds makes a big difference.... and no matter
    how much I gain, my bra size stays the same :neutral:

    OMG me too!! When I did 6 months of study abroad in college and gained almost 20 lbs, not an ounce of it went to my boobs! I suppose it balances since if they shrunk any more they'd just be non-existant! :D
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    5'4", shooting for 125, but will be happy once my waist is back to sub-30" and I can get a 32" bra on again.

    These are my exact goals!
  • TKFoxfire
    TKFoxfire Posts: 3 Member
    5'1.5" with a goal of 125.
  • irshdncr72
    irshdncr72 Posts: 6 Member
    grettiej wrote: »
    grettiej wrote: »
    I think the real question here is what are you looking for. Frame wise? When I was 118 lbs I was a size 0 and little to no muscle. I'm Almost 5ft3 138 size 4 jeans but I powerlift so I have a lot of muscle. I know the more muscle I put on that scale will rise. All depends on what you want to go for.

    This is something I identified in my goal. I'm 5'4" and shooting for 120-125, but ultimately, I'm working to get a sub-30" waist with tone...not ripped. I can't say exactly what waist size because the last time I was skinny (not toned) was before my kids, and my hips stayed out after their deliveries. Therefore, sub-30 and toned.

    I'm glad someone else can relate :)
    grettiej wrote: »
    grettiej wrote: »
    I think the real question here is what are you looking for. Frame wise? When I was 118 lbs I was a size 0 and little to no muscle. I'm Almost 5ft3 138 size 4 jeans but I powerlift so I have a lot of muscle. I know the more muscle I put on that scale will rise. All depends on what you want to go for.

    This is something I identified in my goal. I'm 5'4" and shooting for 120-125, but ultimately, I'm working to get a sub-30" waist with tone...not ripped. I can't say exactly what waist size because the last time I was skinny (not toned) was before my kids, and my hips stayed out after their deliveries. Therefore, sub-30 and toned.

    I'm glad someone else can relate :)

  • irshdncr72
    irshdncr72 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is 120 but I'd settle for a lower percentage body fat and more definition ☺️