


  • aquaticneko
    aquaticneko Posts: 10 Member
    I thought 30 would be a turning point (good or bad?) or something for me. I was quite nervous about it. Turns out everything is exactly the same. Except now when people try to persuade me to do things I don't feel like or treat me like I'm a kid, I'm just like "I'm 30 years old, crotchety, and I'll do whatever the hell I want." And then I do because I'm an old lady who doesn't give a crap.

    This was exactly what happened to me. I was nervous for weeks before. Everyone was going on about the big 30 and I just wanted to go hide in corner and never come out. On the big day, to my surprise I felt ... normal :) The initial nervous feeling was replaced by happiness and having so much great friends and family around. I now stick by the saying that age is just a number. I certainly didnt feel any older.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Probably 30 years.
    It felt like a lot of "this is who you are forever now, you are definitely a settled adult" and looking at my life was I content with where I was and who I was. It wasn't like I felt old but had mixed emotions about life. .
    I'm facing 43 this year and the 40's have been great!

    Perhaps at 22 you feel you will be transitioning to a new life stage for you- maybe separating from family/friends more as you all get careers, get married, move away, etc.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My 30th birthday was awesome...I was halfway through the last semester of college (graduated in December)...a week prior I moved in with my girlfriend...a couple of days prior I was offered a job to start upon graduation at the accounting firm that I really wanted to be at...on my actual birthday I took my girlfriend on a hot air balloon ride that morning and proposed and was engaged...we had a big party back at the house that evening with a bonfire, plenty of beer, and grilled jerk chicken.
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    30 bothered me, and 35 is about to bother me as well. I think in both cases it's because of the want for children, and how hard that can be if it isn't happening.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    Nope I'm 26 and can't wait to get older not everyone gets that privilege.
  • strshllw84
    strshllw84 Posts: 256 Member
    31. I felt like wow, now I'm really in my 30s.
    But I actually joke every year that it's the anniversary of my 29th birthday. This year it was the 4th anniversary!
  • Tayykisses
    Tayykisses Posts: 265 Member
    damnnn you look way older than 21.

    Lol i dont know whether thats degrading or a compliment! haha but i get that alot
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    No age has bothered me yet. I just embrace it. It’s going to happen regardless of how you feel about it so why stress about something you have absolutely NO control over. Besides 22 is SO young. In some eyes you’re just a kid. No offense of course. I mean that in a good way.
  • denversillygoose
    denversillygoose Posts: 708 Member
    I just turned 40 and I feel amazing. It bothered me to turn 30, but only because I was at a crazy transitional time in my life.