Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    First day back was good, though I ended up being over-stimulated and sleeping terribly (work is a big change from lying on the couch for a month - all the activity... and people!!)

    Getting back to logging was a bit of a shock to the system, I'd forgotten how little 1400 calories.... even though I didn't cave into office goodies, my combined meal total was 350 cals over!

    Oh well, I remember now:

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :)
    - Stay within calories :/
    - Go for short walk & meditate at lunch :/ didn't manage to do this - had to read a document in preparation for a 2pm meeting (this lack of break probably contributed to my rubbish sleeping). I will today though!
    - Don't get sucked into work stress - maintain distance / chilled attitude :| Semi ok on this - I didn't get stressed, but I could feel myself getting sucked into the excitement... (i'm a nerd - I love my job). Need to avoid this if I'm going to avoid working stupid hours again!
    - Listen to music at work :| Didn't have much opportunity, wasn't at my desk much
    - Finish life planning exercise :/ Was exhausted and just collapsed on sofa! Probably understandable though....

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Stay within calories (excluding alcohol)
    - G&T only at pub

    - Go for short walk & meditate at lunch
    - Don't get sucked into work stress - maintain distance / chilled attitude
    - Listen to music at work
    - Stop working when leave work!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Thank you! I missed you all as well - I did think about posting while I was off work but I decided to give myself a break for a while. I was also quite curious to see how I'd do at maintaining my weight without calorie counting - turns out not so bad! (Though I was removed from temptation like office cake, pub trips, etc)

    I'm doing quite well recovery wise.... Unfortunately health issues were not sorted by the operation (turned out to be a misdiagnosis...) so may require further treatment in future which is annoying / upsetting. However for now I'm feeling fine!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member

    I'm doing quite well recovery wise.... Unfortunately health issues were not sorted by the operation (turned out to be a misdiagnosis...) so may require further treatment in future which is annoying / upsetting. However for now I'm feeling fine!

    You had an op you didn't need because they misdiagnosed?!
    That must be awful!
    I'm glad to hear you're recovering well though, as for your commitments, make sure you take it easy :)

    And enjoy that G&T :wink:
  • dwntwn5
    dwntwn5 Posts: 69 Member
    I need to re-embrace the JFT thinking. It's really just for today... Yesterday didn't go well...

    JFT Wednesday
    - Log everything I eat today - :( I logged until dinner. And then, I ate tortilla chips for dinner right out of the bag!
    - Do laundry tonight - Yes! Did 5 loads!
    - Drink water during the day - OK - I did, but not as much as I'd like

    JFT Thursday
    - Log everything I eat today
    - Refill my water bottle at least 3 times at work
    - Stay within calories

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yesterday W 4/5/17
    1) At happy hour with former colleagues, only one adult beverage and try to order something on the menu that won't blow up the daily calories...not sure I will have many good options - Yes, had one bottle (not pint!) of light beer and ensalada de pollo with lots of lettuce / veggies, which tasted yummy...I looked at the menu online before going and made my choices, and stuck to them! I even resisted the free tortilla chips and salsa on the table between every other guest (it seemed). Me, decline tortilla chips?!? The time was really about friends getting together, and not the food / drink (so much). I logged everything and ended up in the red by 101, but I'm counting this as a win! :wink:
    2) Prep for next week's seminar - completed "day of" tasks, still have post-event tasks :smile:
    3) Floss - Yes Day 2 :smiley:
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - Yes 10:28, have been cutting it close, want to wind down / in bed sooner :smile:

    Just for today R 4/6/17
    1) Have pre-logged food for today...stick to plan!
    2) Due to gale warnings and temps in 40s today, skipping lunchtime spring hike at workplace...walk in evening after choir
    3) Test survey and cert emails and links for next week's seminar
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 no TV
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Better late than never, right? I've been in meetings since early this morning and this is my first chance to get on here.

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Log every single bite.
    2. Stay under 75g carbs
    3. Stay under 29g sugar
    4. Finish Day 1 tasks of project spreadsheet before I stop working today
    5. Ear buds on at work and focus! Steer clear of drama. Stress is not good for anyone!
    6. Positive attitude. (Example: Be grateful to have a job, not crabby because I have to work!)
    7. Get at least 5000+ steps today
    8. Take 15 minutes today of quiet time, perhaps meditation app?
    9. Unplug one hour before bed, read & journal
    10. Get up one hour earlier so I can get done earlier tomorrow and start the weekend early! (Maybe even work from home tomorrow!)

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    1. Actually relax tonight after doing 4 shifts in 5 days.
    2. Do some cleaning or something light to keep me moving a bit. But make sure I rest.
    3. Drink 40 oz water.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited April 2017

    1. Track all food :)
    2. under 75 G carbs :)
    3. walk on at least one work break :)
    4. do at least one self-care activity :) did an oil cleansing in the AM and a face mask at night
    5. cardio/weight workout :)
    6. 10+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    2. under 75 G carbs
    3. do a bit of gardening
    4. do at least one self-care activity
    5. swim a mile
    6. 10+ cups water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited April 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Are.. are you a chef?

    I don't even know what some of them are let alone how to make them!!
    What's a zucchini? Is that what I call a courgette?

    Shrimp ceviche?! What are they!!

    If you ever have like a dinner party and you're short of guests... *nudge nudge* :wink:

    I'll bring wine!

    Nope, I am not a chef, but I cook pretty well. I eat super-simple things now though--a lot of my culinary skills are wasted since I have to eat low carb--I rarely make bread or cookies, for example. If you can chop veggies and turn on an oven though, all of these things are doable.

    Yes, zucchini is courgette or marrow on your side of the pond. What I am talking about is zoodles--you can make them on their own, but I think that mixing them half-and-half with regular pasta (capellini, spaghetti) is nice. You can make them with a spiralizer or a julienne tool. Have you ever used Pinterest to look for recipes? You can find tons of idea for what to do with zoodles there.

    Ceviche is a typical dish all over Latin America, but it varies from country to country quite a bit. In Mexico it is usually tiny shrimp in a cocktail sauce. In Peru, most ceviches are fish-based, but you can also find ceviche with mushrooms or pretty much any shellfish. I lived in Ecuador for many years, so the ceviche that I make is basically like this...the recipe is in Spanish, but just watch and you will get it.


    I use hot chiles instead of bell peppers, and orange juice as well as lime juice. It is usually served with fried plantains or popcorn, but those things can be omitted for a lower-carb dish. If you make it with shrimp you cook them first...for fish, just marinate it in the citrus juice overnight, no heat needed. This is such a great thing to eat on a hot summer day.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,397 Member
    finish the water!
    Nothing after 6:30!!
    Eat only in kitchen!!!
    Prep for tomorrow
    Portion control
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Results of Jft...thursday..:
    1. Actually relax tonight after doing 4 shifts in 5 days.....semi... saw my one niece and nephew for a few mins. Got a massage tho didn't relax with that because of the knots getting out.
    2. Do some cleaning or something light to keep me moving a bit. But make sure I rest. -- did cleaning and exercising.
    3. Drink 40 oz water. ---yup!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Thursday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :smile: 9 felt like I was going to float away
    2. Meet my calorie goal :smile: I was under again, whoop whoop!
    3. Meet my step goal :smile:
    4. Record everything I eat and drink :smile:
    5. Do one other physical activity today :smile:
    6. Do some sewing for stress relief :neutral: Boo! Missed it again!

    Friday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Meet my calorie goal
    3. Keep carbs under 20g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink
    5. Do one other physical activity today
    6. Finish presentation for work

    Yesterday was a bit harder to get through and I ended up being a little bit hungry by the end of the day. I am finding it hard to keep my carbs and calories within my limits, but trucking along. I need to go to the grocery store, I need more veggies that I can snack on during the day!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member

    Ceviche is a typical dish all over Latin America, but it varies from country to country quite a bit. In Mexico it is usually tiny shrimp in a cocktail sauce. In Peru, most ceviches are fish-based, but you can also find ceviche with mushrooms or pretty much any shellfish. I lived in Ecuador for many years, so the ceviche that I make is basically like this...the recipe is in Spanish, but just watch and you will get it.


    I was in Barcelona last year for work and tried ceviche at a restaurant there. I am really squeamish about sushi, so I was quite impressed with myself for giving this a try. It was fish-based and really quite good!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member

    Wow thanks for that! Will deffo take a look at that video and pinterest
    Im not too great at cooking.

    For example the other day I said to my OH "I need to go buy a pack of butter so I can make a shortcrust pastry"
    His response? "F*** that you can go buy the premade stuff!!"
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for Thursday
    - Be in the Green - no? Not by much though
    - Try to beat yesterday's carb and sugar intake - don't know but haven't checked!
    - Drink plenty yeah did okay with this!
    - Try some guided meditation - yeah and was nice :)
    - Get some exercise in - I walked the dog in the morning but nothing else

    Goals for Friday
    - Be in the green.
    - Check the carb/sugar intake and beat it
    - Drink plenty
    - Meditation
    - Exercise

    April Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi gang! I've been hanging in there, doing pretty good with my steps water and calories. Nope no stretching exercise walking nothing *sigh* Feeling really overwhelmed right now. Like one more thing? Noooooooo. Need to take some time to regroup.

    Just for today: Friday

    Relax. Being uptight does not help me solve world hunger
    Find the good in those around me and compliment them on it
    Be thankful for the great life and all the love I have

    Hope this finds you all well. Happy Friday!!!! ❤
  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    Hey there. Struggling a bit today, all I can think of is cake. So far resisted. So, jft, bike ride, eat at maintenance or less, bit more gardening, bit of woodwork. Checking back in on myself at the end of the day!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Hang in there! Hope you are having a better day today. Relax and remember, at least it's Friday! :wink:
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey there. Struggling a bit today, all I can think of is cake. So far resisted.
    Kudos to you for resisting the urge. I have the same issue with bread! Ugh! At least, I'm being strong for now. I am way below my step goal for today so heading out for a walk. Have a great day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Hey there. Struggling a bit today, all I can think of is cake. So far resisted. So, jft, bike ride, eat at maintenance or less, bit more gardening, bit of woodwork. Checking back in on myself at the end of the day!

    Step away from the cake!
    Better yet, give it to me :wink:

    But seriously well done for resisting!
    I'm resisting everything I look at today :cold_sweat:

    Need to go shoppinggg