Went over my calories....I feel like crap.



  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    Been there done that. You have to put it behind you and move on. Tomorrow is a new day and you can look forward getting back on track. I have felt like a failure many times but I picked myself brushed of the dust and move on. You can talk with me if you need n ear to listen. I'm throwing this out but if you want to I am on facebook and in some very supportive groups if you want to friend me I can get you into these supports group. :flowerforyou:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Learn from it. You're a bored eater. Keep yourself busy and it won't happen as much. Honestly, this is a marathon, not a sprint. If you give up every time it's tough or doesn't work perfectly you'll never get anywhere. Cut yourself some slack, it's Friday!!
  • yankeefamily05
    Hi Greg,

    Don't sweat it man. I do this quite often. I'll do well for several days, and then *POW* weekend or party or something else comes along and I go well over my calories for the day. I'm still down 40 lbs+ since I started my new lifestyle. That's what you have to think of it as, a different mindset of life changes, not just "dieting rules". That's why diets always fail. But having a general trend of being more healthy is something that gives you the wiggle room to slip up now and again, and just keep going on.

    Stick with it man, keep it going, and you'll see some good results. Hope that helps man. =)

    I agree with this 100%! I have fallen off the bandwagon at least 3 weekends since the end of March 2 weddings, one bachelorette party later I am still down 47 pounds! This is what keeps you going (it does me anyway)
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I also did really well this week. But tonight I am just super depressed and drinking and eating crap and I will definitely be over.

    Right now though I don't give a rats *kitten*.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    It happens to all of us. Whenever it happens to me (more than I care to admit!) I try to remind myself of the decision I made almost a year ago. I remember the woman I was...I remember making the decision to change for good. Yes, I was heavy then, and still am, but I am quite proud of that woman that took that leap of faith. It took a lot of courage to make that decision, as I am sure it did for you. Honor that person...don't let that person down. If you fall...get up! All is well, Rome wasn't built in a day, you know. Take care. :smile:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    All week I've been doing great at not going over my calorie goal but tonight, I'm pretty sure I went over by almost double. Ugh.... boredom drove me to eating. Now I feel sick and just want to say "to hell with this diet." If I quit, I fail.... obviously. FML.

    We can all relate! If I had given up every time I blew it, I'd still be overweight. Instead, I jumped back in and started again. After many, many stalls... here I am at my goal!!! Chin up - you got this!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    It happens - don't beat yourself up about it, but learn from it - what happened, how did it get so out of control - what can I do different next time..... It is all about learning some coping strategies....

    Now brush yourself off, and get back on the truck in the morning - it is still going in the direction of your new healthy life - one day at a time....get on - hold on - and remember to enjoy the ride!
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    It happens to us all. Why not take a long walk? It might not close the plan gap but its a positive reaction and its better than sitting there feeling down!

    Good Luck!
  • aubarnold
    aubarnold Posts: 64 Member
    A fellow South Carolinaian :) Im in Charleston....anyhow I think you should write down how you feel after eating like that, and the next time you are bored, lonely, whatever, read it and hopefully you can make better decisions :) You can do it!!
  • ckclontz
    ckclontz Posts: 68
    Okay, you had a bad day. We're human, it happens. Don't beat yourself up over it, just look forward and know that you can do better. You know what you should and shouldn't do, and you turned here, knowing you'd get the support you need. We're here when you need a shoulder, and you'll get back with it tomorrow feeling stronger and more determined.

    Don't expect instant success, and you won't find instant failure. It took you a long time to get where you are, and it'll take a long time to find your way to health. In the meantime, try writing down - not necessarily here unless you want to - what you LIKE about yourself. Do you have a good heart? Do you have nice eyes? Will your hands hold others who need help? Can your back take a load off of someone and make their heart lighter?

    Once you get done with your list, keep it and reread it often to remind yourself of just how much you really are worth. You'll surprise yourself. You're worth more than you think you are, and you WILL succeed. When you need someone to take a load off of your back, turn to us. We'll be here waiting and ready. :)
  • myfatiscoatedwithfat
    Ohhhh Gregarino.....

    Don't sweat the burgers friend!!!! Having a bad day is only going to make you kick *kitten* tomorrow.

    Do a two a day. Burn those calories tomorrow. If I didn't have cheat days I would shoot myself in the face. I love me some double bacon cheeseburgers. What is life without them? Yes, it's down right not worth living my friend. Do one cheat day every once in a while, but plan it and do it with your friends so you aren't sitting in the dark alone in your post gorging discomfort.

    May I suggest this????? http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicMealTime#p/u/33/7Xc5wIpUenQ
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Been there! So you went over ~ accept it ~ and move on. Start tomorrow with a clean slate & a good, healthy breakfast and go from there ~ one meal & snack at a time. I ate 3 cinnamon rolls on Sunday evening (4 if you count the one I had for breakfast) ~ had myself a small pitty party & then asked for support from friends. After talking to them I'm back on track and feeling much better ~ and you will too! Best of luck!
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    It's Friday. You're young. Take that girlfriend out and get your booty dancing. As long as you don't down the beers you can burn a good portion if not all of the extra cals off.
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    I know the feeling. I went to a movie and dinner (Mexican) with my daughter tonight. Now I am trying to burn off the cals that I am over on stationary bike without burning out. I have the warrior dash tomorrow.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Yeah, what everyone else is saying. Tomorrow's a bright new day ... ain't no way you look like the type of guy who's gonna let something like one fail day totally derail you. You're stronger than that, right? :)

    So, c'mon: forgive yourself. Learn from this experience. (Fail days like this have been really valuable for me. I do NOT want to feel like this again! As a result, my splurges have gotten smaller over time.) And start fresh again tomorrow.

    Stay the course, man. You can SO do this.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Don't quit! We ALL and I mean ALL have those days.. Of course we do, we're human! We didnt gain it over night and we wont be
    losing it over night! Tomorrow is a new day and if you set out to make it fantastic, it will be! Don't stress and don't get yourself down. You're doing great! Just the fact that you posted on here when you needed help, shows you really care!

    Good luck! Take a deep breath and move past it! You got this!!!
  • TammyThrasher
    hang in there and don't give up, you get wake up and start again, Be encourage!
  • Evrgrn247
    Evrgrn247 Posts: 15
    Just start over tomorrow. We can always start over just don't give in.
  • GregBaker87
    Wow. Everyone posted pretty much the same thing so I guess "majority rules." Thanks to everyone. Total strangers with a common goal cheering me on and telling me not to get discouraged.... It means alot.
  • hollind
    hollind Posts: 1
    Make this an opportunity to learn from a mistake. Remember how lousy you're feeling now and the next time you're in this situation (and chances are you will be) think about whether you want to feel "like crap" again. Probably not. It might actually help you to move past that moment and not overeat. Good luck!