Are your partners supportive?

Are your partners supportive of your journey?

My partner will help me by getting me the food I need in the house, not waving delicious treats in my face and will help me do exercises correctly to better myself.

But I don't think he believes I'll actually be pretty skinny one day.
I mean I'm a size 14-16 now and I want to be at a size 8-10 and I'm 5'7"
I don't want to be like boney skinny but as slim as I can be without looking like I've gone too far? If that makes sense.

I don't know if I just misunderstood him but I dunno
Just made me think because he is supportive but I don't think he believes I can do it?


  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    When my husband and I met (almost 20 years ago), I was between a size10-12. I'm a size 4 now. He tends to like thicker women. He's been extremely supportive, b/c he would also prefer me to be comfortable with myself...and not complain about my weight.

    I'm think he's found new things to be attracted my "new" muscles.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I met my boyfriend last year when I had already started to lose weight and was doing weight training and used to be healthy and he doesn't mind it. He's quite supportive of me and my journey and helps to boost my confidence when I feel bad about things, like if I haven't been to the gym in a few days or my diet hadn't been that great he'll tell me that tomorrow is a new day and I'll get back to it eventually.

    Me and him do eat pretty bad food at the weekends but when I stay at his during the weekends it usually is my cheat day anyway! He often makes jokes as well that I should be able to lift something that's heavy because I go to the gym and I have muscles apparently
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Are your partners supportive of your journey?

    My partner will help me by getting me the food I need in the house, not waving delicious treats in my face and will help me do exercises correctly to better myself.

    But I don't think he believes I'll actually be pretty skinny one day.
    I mean I'm a size 14-16 now and I want to be at a size 8-10 and I'm 5'7"
    I don't want to be like boney skinny but as slim as I can be without looking like I've gone too far? If that makes sense.

    I don't know if I just misunderstood him but I dunno
    Just made me think because he is supportive but I don't think he believes I can do it?

    I'm 5'10 and a size 6. I don't look skinny.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited April 2017
    My wife and I were both competitive athletes once upon a time turned recreational yeah.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    My husband is supportive he wants me happy and me at a healthy is me happy have you asked your sig other if they believe in you are you just assuming he thinks you can not do it?
  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Not very much. It's not that she tries to sabotage me, but rolls her eyes if I don't want a second plate or desert. I mention IF, she says it's ridiculous...
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    In short, yes.
  • beginforthelasttime16
    beginforthelasttime16 Posts: 533 Member
    my boyfriend is super supportive. He wants to lose weight and be healthy too so when I tell him I want to do something (ie the Whole30) he willingly does it too!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    My boyfriend is my gym partner - so YES! It's awesome, I enjoy going to the gym with him. He also eats all of healthy recipes I find, without complaining (sometimes I get a that was delicious, other times silence). ha I am the grocery shopper, so he doesn't really bring much junk into the house.

    ***Side note: sometimes we overthink what others may think of us. Quit that, I use to over analyze what I "thought" others were thinking, this is when I had depression. Take it for what it sounds like it is - support. Be happy, a lot of people struggle because their SO/spouse isn't supportive at all. Keep going ***I am 5'7 and a size 8/9 american women size pants - at my heaviest I was 200 lbs (for me that's heavy, I've always been an athlete)

    You can do it
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    me and my bf met on a bodybuilding FB group so we're very supportive of each other. We are both macro geeks
  • kenzienal
    kenzienal Posts: 205 Member
    My boyfriend is constantly supportive. He goes to the gym, I work out at home. I plan on going to the gym with him once my 90 day home workout program is over, however.

    The days he gets home from the gym(and after my workout), we usually go for a walk. Last night I was feeling pretty lazy after my workout and just wanted to sit on the couch and grub on chips. Instead, he motivated me to go for a walk with him, and told me I can have the chips after dinner (knowing I would be too stuffed by then to even want them anymore.) He's too smooth.

    He tells me I am pretty how I am, but encourages me to get better. He wants me to feel better about myself not for him, but for myself. He always compliments how far I have come when I am feeling down, and gives me the little kick in the butt I need when I am not feeling my workout.

    I would have probably given up long ago if it wasn't for him. Even at my biggest, (158lbs), he still always told me how pretty I was. Now I am motivated to get back to the size my body is meant to be (135lbs) to impress him even more.

  • stelly76
    stelly76 Posts: 120 Member
    Yes. My husband tells me he is proud of me when I reach goals or stay consistent. When I'm feeling frustrated, he helps motivate me.
  • haymanchantal
    haymanchantal Posts: 4 Member
    My boyfriend called me an ugly fat whale and when I go on holiday on the beach there will be no water left
  • haymanchantal
    haymanchantal Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2017

    He called me a whale
  • haymanchantal
    haymanchantal Posts: 4 Member

    I know I'm not beautiful but I don't think I'm ugly??
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    My boyfriend called me an ugly fat whale and when I go on holiday on the beach there will be no water left

    You're not fat or ugly! What he's doing to you isn't right and he shouldn't be treating you like that at all!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    My husband has been incredibly supportive. I love him dearly and I know he is greatly relieved at my success, because it means our chances of living and being together longer just went up a huge amount!