Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy That definitely sounds like water bloat so I wouldn't worry too much about it. You must have had a fun day outside yesterday to get so sunburnt! I'm sending more positive vibes your way so that you can hopefully make it through the weekend!

    @brahns5 Welcome!

    @janetay01 You're right, the gorgeous weather is definitely playing into my apathy. Thank goodness it's Friday. Congrats on the loss! Turning down rhubarb crisp is tough, great NSV to go along with your loss!

    Welcome @Luv2Dispatch911! You're welcome to join us here!

    @Evamutt I'm similar to your husband since I'm a cookie monster too. I'm impressed you can bake two cakes and not eat any! I'm glad you were able to get away from that stressful job and retire. I've got 35+ years to retirement so I've got a long ways to go yet, but luckily I think I'm in a great place!

    @bluepoppies777 4 families visiting?!?! Holy cow! That must have been absolutely insane. I love your family weight loss challenge idea, what a great way to keep eachother accountable for your upcoming cruise!

    So I have great news: I got rostered to play in the upcoming derby home game!!!!

    All of yesterday was absolutely wonderful. I was able to meet up with my family to visit my grandmother's gravesite and have lunch with them. My fur baby had a fabulous time at daycare, but I can tell he missed us since he wedged himself right in between us to snuggle when we went to bed. The housing class was great, it had lots of good advice for new homeowners to look out for (I didn't even know radon was a thing!). It's definitely giving me the house hunting bug! (our lease isn't up for another 6 months so we'll start looking closer to then). I was also impressed by how knowledgeable my SO is with the process. I feel a lot more comfortable buying a home with him at my side!

    Today is going to be another great day. My Mom and I are meeting up for dinner and then going to a play. Tomorrow we're getting up early to go to a bootcamp style workout class and then going shopping! After that I'm heading up to my best friend's house to spend the night with her since we haven't seen each other in ages! Sunday my SO and I are going to spend the day together (he ordered Blue Apron so he's making me dinner!). I'm feeling very loved and very blessed. Happy weekend everyone!
  • Luv2Dispatch911
    Luv2Dispatch911 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you so.much for the warm welcome everyone!!
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    @luv2dispatch911 Welcome, and glad you are back! Good luck on your journey. You can do this. I am assuming by your screen name you are a dispatcher. I did 911 dispatching for 3 years! I loved it and still miss it to this day. I quit when I became a single mom, and rotating shifts (Especially graves) played hell on my daycare.

    Yes. I got out.of dispatching for awhile thinking I wanted to do nursing but just realized my heart belonged with the headset! Luckily my agency is set shifts, I'm currently on nights which is extremely hard on my family as well body but I'm moving to days later this month so hopefully things will get easier. Sitting for 12hours doesn't make losing weight any easier!

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Luv2Dispatch911 Oh days are great! I understand missing the headset. Ours were on these long cords (12 feet I think) and we had moving desks, so we could stand. Can you stand up and walk around while you still have your headset on? If you really want to get moving while at work, there are mini bikes and steppers you can get for under your desk. Might be able to try that. And thank you for your hard work. Our emergency system would fall apart without our dispatchers, and yet they are so underappreciated.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    TGIF lovely ladies! Woo hoo, what a week! It's raining again here - I wish I had a sunburn! (actually no, but I really wish we had sun!) :)

    Rachel - yeah! nice work getting on the roster, you are so awesome. And very cool that you are prepping to purchase your own house! That is so exciting. My hubs and I bought a house right before we got married 13 years ago, and it was pretty much the first house we looked at - we are very impulsive with large purchases! haha! It's good to start chatting with friends and coworkers about buying and asking for any advice they have, just to gather more info/knowledge over the next few months. Did you decide on going on a cruise in the end? Or a different vacation? I was gone and didn't catch up on all the posts I missed.

    Jen - oh yes, I'm sure that is water retention! It will be gone over the weekend for sure.

    Jane - congrats on the loss! and saying no to rhubard crisp is a very big deal in my world! I"m actually going to make that for dessert tomorrow night! YUM. I will have some, but I won't over do it. I am feeling good, like I am on track right now!

    Welcome to all the newbies! We are all in the same boat, trying to be as healthy as we can, lose some weight and keep each other motivated and accountable!

    Tonight I'm going to a fundraising bingo event with my son's girlfriend. I think I've played bingo once in a my life - should be hilarious! I'm the DD so don't have to worry about going over my cals with booze tonight! Tomorrow we are doing some yard work if the rain will stop, and go for a bike ride if it is sunny! We're having company over tomorrow night for dinner, so I'm going to try REALLY hard to stay on point, and not undo my progress over the week (minus Tuesday's oops). I hate it when I do well during the week, and then lose it on the weekend! Sunday we are going to the ski hill for the last time of the season! I'll do my last snowshoe... sniff!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member

    Eva - I love cheesecake too!
  • Luv2Dispatch911
    Luv2Dispatch911 Posts: 20 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    @Luv2Dispatch911 Oh days are great! I understand missing the headset. Ours were on these long cords (12 feet I think) and we had moving desks, so we could stand. Can you stand up and walk around while you still have your headset on? If you really want to get moving while at work, there are mini bikes and steppers you can get for under your desk. Might be able to try that. And thank you for your hard work. Our emergency system would fall apart without our dispatchers, and yet they are so underappreciated.

    Thankfully we have wireless headsets. I usually.walk around when I have a radio but not when I'm a calltaker for the night. We have a shift of 7-10 people so they have been helping me stay on track and we do an excerise every hour on the hour when we aren't busy. I wish we could get the desk bikes and steppers approved but unfort. we have asked and they are permitted at this time.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Luv2Dispatch911 Well that is great that you can get up and move some. Plus supportive coworkers is awesome.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    janetay01, that's great news & motivation is so important. I usually have a fruit smoothie I make in the morning but it's raining so no taking dogs out yet & I bought a ham so I cooked 3 oz, with 2 eggs plus my go to snack of low fat waffle, 1/2 tbl each of P butter & jam, coffee, tea. It all added up to 600 cal!! I's usually under 200 for breakfast. Now I'm motivated to go to gym & work off these calories. My dtr in law was seeing a therapist & on anti depressants cause of her job. She feels much better now. One of our sons also works there, but he's in a different position, so not stressed out but is looking for different job, been there too long. The cheese cake came out ok, I didn't put fruit in it so it's not real tasty, but I like the texture & It's 57 cal/piece & 4g protein. I would make it again
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member

    I'm new to this message board, and I love you guys already! These memes are hilarious!
    Do I just jump right in, or is there some kind of hazing I have to go through first?

  • cdgibson1
    cdgibson1 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I just paid for a trainer for 16 weeks. I expect a lot from myself over that period and sure could use a group of positive people.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @mbam89 jump right in! We are pretty friendly here.

    @cdgibson1 A personal trainer is serious business. Great job taking control. You can do it.

    Just so you guys know this thread slows down on the weekends. So people aren't ignoring you, just busy living life.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hey, everyone! Happy weekend!!!

    I had a half day off yesterday (hit my 40 before noon). I had all these plans. Laundry, dishes, gym. What did I do? Binge watched Glitch and grazed. Interesting but I don't love Glitch. I was just too lazy to switch to something else. I was supposed to have dinner with a friend but her kiddo had a bike tumble and they took him to urgent care instead (not entirely sure why...just some scrapes and a fat lip...but they felt the need). I was quite virtuous (if lazy) for dinner. A can of healthy request soup and some tapioca pudding. Then my hubs dragged me to the gym when he got home so I wouldn't be so totally over on my calories. I stayed under, but only barely. But I walked a full mile! Woot!

    Today is Scouting for Food (boy scout thing, my husband was a scout and he helps out) and so I'm on my own again...I'm putting together a "Menu" for his parent to choose things they think sound good that I am willing to prepare if (big if) they decide to take us up on the offer of 3-4 delivered homemade meals a week. But it requires some participation and financial commitment on their part...can't afford to feed 4 adults on a regular basis (okay, I probably can...but I don't wanna). So, I'm going through my food diary for the past eight months...some things I eat that they absolutely wouldn't (read...eggplant, anything thai or remotely spicy, chili...CHILI! What's wrong with chili!?! And most things vegetarian...which is what I like)...and I've come to the conclusion I've gotten boring. When did that happen?!? It's all chicken and rice, crockpot curry, spaghetti and meatballs, sloppy joes, salad. I love Indian and Thai and Ethiopian and I used to cook that type of food...when did I stop making awesome food?!? So disappointed in myself. Of course, if I start cooking for them as well on a regular basis, this boring trend will definitely continue. Sigh.

    Anyway...Congrats Rachel on getting to play for the team this weekend! Your idea of a binge and mine are a lot different. Mine includes a lot more junk and, from the sound of it, more of it. Came perilously close to one yesterday. Looked it in the eye. Stepped back. Your post about soy noodles (here and on your profile) made me laugh out loud. In training. While I was training. I looked at my phone while I was waiting on them to complete an activity and it gave me the giggles. My trainees looked at me like I was nuts. I've had that experience. O. M. G. SO gross! House buying class sounds amazing...I wish I'd had one when we were shopping. I *thought* I was totally going to get into gardening and turns out I suck at gardening...and I have six garden beds in my back yard (all weeds!)...when we sell, clean up will be h*ll. Be realistic with yourself! Something they may not tell you is that when you close on a mortgage, a lot of times your first payment isn't due for about 3 might be worth it to close a couple months before your lease ends so you have time to do anything you want before moving in and to take a bit more time with the move. We did that and it was much easier (we had friends coming from out of town two months after we closed and we just left some minimal furnishings, air mattresses and linens & extra kitchen stuff and they crashed at our nearly empty appt rather than a hotel. Today is my gran's birthday, if my sister were still with us, we'd probably do something...but it's just me, so probably won't. Your visit sounds nice.

    And all the motivation everybody's got! Must have totally missed me.

    janetay...still haven't finished cleaning the work mess up. Had to train two days, one of them required about 6 hours of driving (to and from), so gah! then catch up. Pancakes with strawberries and chocolate sauce sounds AWESOME! Don't let me near it! I totally hear you about liking your job but it making you, too. Especially this time of the year. People say, Can I have...and I say, not likely. One of me, five thousand of you. I can only make one person happy today, you're not that person. Get in line (behind me). :D Everytime you post about swimming, I'm jealous. And swimming with kiddos is so amusing. I don't think I've been swimming in more than 10 years. I planned to a couple times last fall with a friend but it kept falling through.

    Jdeleroy...your pork chops sound similar to my chicken in mushroom cream sauce, though I don't do it in the crockpot...maybe I should. Be much less effort, though I add in more crap (onions, garlic, extra fresh mushrooms, spices) and dump it over mashed potatoes. I don't eat pork but many pork dishes can have chicken subbed in. Love potato soup, never make it; can't eat commercially available/restaurant because most all of them have bacon (ick!). I should totally make some...

    evamutt...I love that pic of your dogs. So much puppy diversity and cuteness! I'm the opposite on carbs...if I eat too much protien I feel like total kitten. Bring on the carbs!

    Shycush6...pickles are NOT better than girl scout cookies...they just have fewer calories! Congrats on the job!

    Bluepoppies777...Glad to see you (and your memes) are back. RE the Nobody wants to hear about your diet...I've actually had several people ask about what I'm doing to lose weight the past month or so...I think about the time I hit 40 pounds down, it started to really show. I'm at about 55 now. Some say, yeah, but I bet you exercise a lot...(with a pissy face). Nope. I walk (not even a lot). Stationary bike now for ankle rehab. And I was in a cast for 8 weeks! Of course, some of that might have to do with the big push my employer is doing about joining the stupid weight loss program that's available (I've hissed about it before...half intermittent fasting, half super restrictive calories, all WOO...I'm "participating" but not following it) so more of us are trying to lose and to talk about it. It sounds like you were super busy and had a bunch of fun! Sometimes I find I need a vacation from both work and vacations...

    Welcome to those new to the thread! And...I've gone on long enough. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @melaniedscott - ha, I like the one of me, five thousand of you line - must remember that when too many people want a piece of me! The pancakes were fairly awesome and I was very careful with the amount of chocolate sauce that I had so it didn't do too much damage :). I've said it before but it bears repeating - you are incredibly generous with your food offers to the inlaws. And no, I don't think you should have to afford it - you need some participation and commitment from them.

    @cdgibson1 and @mbam89 - welcome!

    Joy - how did bingo turn out??

    Lovely weekend here - did all of the fun things that we planned to then finished yesterday evening by having supper as a picnic in the garden with Alistair. Such a nice way to finish off the weekend - shame Monday comes round so fast. Unusually for a Monday, I'm working from home so I've just been for a brisk walk/slow jog round the block - 30 minutes of a decent level of exertion so feeling good about that. Not a huge amount else to report - hope we all have a good day :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Everyone. Just a FYI I'm going to be away this week. My SOs father passed away on Saturday so we rushed to my MILs home to mourn with family.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, I should be back next week to catch up with you all.

    As an aside, I've learned I'm not a fan of most funeral food so sticking to my calorie goals has not been an issue. I also wake up way earlier than everyone else in the house so I've been able to fit in daily workouts before the craziness commences.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    edited April 2017
    Rachel, so sorry to hear that! Take care! Funeral food does tend to suck, unless you're really lucky, well, other than the desserts. Good for you on keeping up with the workouts! would be funnier if the numbers were exaggerated. Unfortunately, that's reality. I don't actually have to deal with all 5000, theory I could have to. And I frequently deal with reports for everyone. And I really don't see helping the inlaws as being nice or generous...I see it as enligtened self-interest...I am very attached to my husband and he is very attached to his family. Example: he cried at our wedding, not because he was so happy we were getting married but because his mom was crying. His parents are getting older and don't take good care of themselves. If we don't do everything we can to improve the likelihood of their improved health, he will beat himself up about it forever if the inevitable happens. (Which, well, being inevitable...WILL) And I don't want that...he'll be upset enough anyway, self inflicted guilt isn't cool. It happened 10 years ago when his dad had surgery, three or four years ago when his mom was in a car accident and last weekend when she ended up in the hospital for high blood pressure. The more I do now (which I'd be doing anyway, as we have to eat, too, and I never learned to cook small batches...I can do the math, I just don't), the less trouble there will be later...

    And now I'm craving pancakes with strawberries and chocolate sauce. I have everything but the chocolate sauce (and the calories). I could probably create some with karo syrup and cocoa powder...*chocolate syrup, not calories...

    Have a great week, ladies!!

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear that
  • lnewsome
    lnewsome Posts: 19 Member
    Hi my name is Leanne. I've been a member for awhile now. Ive lost 100 pounds on Beachbody programs before and gained it all back. So, now i'm doing both once again. My question is, how do you keep yourself from eating the sweet stuff your kids like? My kids love their sugary cereals and poptarts and my daughter is autistic so i'm not about to keep that food out of the house bc one of the few things she enjoys is her food.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @lnewsome - welcome! I wish there was an easy answer on the sweet stuff. We try not to have it in the house for our two year old - but I totally understand what you would find that hard to do with your daughter. I think it's about having a balance of snacks so that you (and they) can make the nice, healthy choices as well! Beyond that, I found that really asking myself what my reasons were for wanting to lose weight helped - my reason for doing this needed to be strong enough to mean that it was more important than weakening and eating the entire box of chocolates! Exercise helps as well of course - I'm small so I don't have much to play with calories wise but a workout that gets me a few hundred calories usually gives me the room to treat myself.

    @melaniedscott - enlightened self interest - I like it! But in all seriousness, I understand - they are important to him and therefore to you as well. I'm sorry to be causing cravings - no more mention of them!!

    Rachel - sorry to hear your news. Take care of yourselves.

    Not much to report here - just a standard Tuesday at my desk whilst the sun shines outside :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @melaniedscott I make my soup without bacon! I use ham instead. So yummy! I would love to add in all the yummy stuff you do (Sometimes I will) but I have a very picky son. I also try to take care of the BF’s mom because he is so attached to her, and I don’t want to see him in pain. Although a lot of the time I want to give up. I think she has given up on really living, she won’t do anything to help herself, and she basically ignores anything and everything I say to her. About the only thing I can get her to do is to take her meds, and that is only because I stand in front of her, so she can’t watch TV until she does.

    @janetay01 Your picnic sounds wonderful! I think that would be fun to do with my kids, but then we would have to leave his mom in the house and she would feel left out. Did you see RoR posted for today and tomorrow? We have to do 20 minutes of exercise with a friend. I might see if I can drag my kids out.

    @rachel0778 condolences to you and your SO. I am impressed at how well you are doing. We will miss you.

    @lnewsome First I try not to buy too many sweet things for my kids. In your situation, can you buy things that she likes that you don’t? Tell yourself that they are hers and that it would be stealing if you ate them. Try having prepared alternatives in the house. Easy to grab snacks, such as a bag of veggies, the pre packed 100 calorie snacks, fruit, boiled eggs, sliced cheese. Also try distracting yourself. Drink a bottle of water first. Feel like a snack, do 10 pushups before you can have it. (I just thought of this I might have to try it.) I can have the snack if I do 10 pushups first (I can’t do these without a lot of struggle.) Or pick another exercise you hate doing… Good luck!

    Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. My weekend was pretty good. Didn’t make the workouts I wanted to, but did do an extra skating session. I even did the 30 seconds of speed skating they do for the last session. This was the first time I have ever tried it. I was impressed with myself, not only did I not fall, I was able to keep up with almost everyone on the rink. Granted no one was fantastic, but they were in my mind better than me. So this made me feel great. It was a spur of the moment decision and the BF didn’t realize I got on the rink behind me, and never saw me until I got off. Means he didn’t lap me.

    Saturday, I took the kids to karate class. During class I was walking around and saw myself in a full length mirror. This was the first time I have seen myself in a full length mirror since I started working on losing weight. I almost cried, I didn’t realize how much smaller I look. Right now I have 42.4 pounds to go until I hit my original goal weight. I think I want to get about 10 pounds lighter than that, if so that would make me at my half way point right now.

    Hope everyone has a kick butt Tuesday!