Cheat Days - yay or nay?

gonnabesohealthy Posts: 9
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
I'm not trying to get ahead of myself (I've only completed 3 days on myfitnesspal) but I want to have a game plan for this weekend. I lost over 3 pounds this week and I feel like splurging a little bit.

Do you have "cheat days?" or "cheat meals?" What do you typically indulge in?

If you don't, why not?


  • I cheat on Fri/Sat/Sun - but stay within my calories. I try to make sure I exercise those days so I can have wine. :drinker:
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    I am all for cheat days! Once every two weeks I am going to allow myself a "free meal". I'm still logging it, and I try to work within the calorie limit, with a work out. I think they are good for the mind.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    I am for a cheat day weekly or fornightly.

    So long as you still eat clean foods just a larger quantity
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I think it's ok to treat yourself..I always make sure I have enough calories for it though.
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    I tend to cheat on the weekends too, although, I try to stay within the calories and make sure i work out too.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I started back at the end of February and then on mfp in March I didnt have a cheat day or meal till a few months later....only because I didn't want to tempt myself into thinking it was okay. I started having a cheat meal about a month or so ago because I knew I was strong and capable enough to get back on track. My body will start craving the bad foods and throw me off my game. Overall it will be up to you but for just starting out I personally don't think its a good idea. Good luck to you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I have a day off every week, usually. Sometimes, I'll feel motivated enough to stick to my 1200 calories, but normally Saturday is an all day rest-no exercise, no calorie counting, etc. I go to church on Saturday, and there is always a lunch afterward. I let myself get dessert (or two), I eat yummy [albeit vegetarian] food, and I don't regret it. I try to still get in my 12 glasses of water minimum, but I do eat. I mean-I don't gorge. I just eat and enjoy. Sometimes I'll try adding up, and sometimes not. I do it because it's what works for me. If I diet 7 days a week, then I end up having days-like, days in a row-where I just binge, binge, binge... I find that having my one day off helps curb that.
  • vulrich93
    vulrich93 Posts: 99
    I like to follow the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time, and for the rest of the 20% treat yourself. For example, this whole week I ate healthy so I allowed myself to have some of my mom's home made blueberry crisp. I find that this is helping me out mentally, and maybe even physically because it's keeping my metabolism up.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Nope. No cheat days/meals here. I eat what I want, when I want it. I truly believe it helps me feel like this is more of a lifestyle change than a "diet". I also don't feel resentful when I see someone enjoying something I like too. I think it helps with binging (sp?) because I don't have to wait for a certain meal or a certain day to have whatever I want. I've learned to eat serving sizes of things - everything in moderation. :)
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    I totally live for my once a week cheat meals! I do try to stay within my calorie limit, but just being able to eat sushi or mexican food makes my entire week of eating clean completely worth it!!!
  • I say don't deny yourself..I have a cheat meal, not a whole day but I also will up my exercise too. The cravings are going away
    , the healthier I eat the less I want to ruin it with junk food.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    I say nay. For me it can lead to a downward spiral. Rather than a cheat day I allow a treat on rare occasions and still try to stay in the calorie guide lines.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I started back at the end of February and then on mfp in March I didnt have a cheat day or meal till a few months later....only because I didn't want to tempt myself into thinking it was okay. I started having a cheat meal about a month or so ago because I knew I was strong and capable enough to get back on track. My body will start craving the bad foods and throw me off my game. Overall it will be up to you but for just starting out I personally don't think its a good idea. Good luck to you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm this way as well. I had a cheat day last week and for 2 days, all I wanted to do what cheat some more! It took a lot of will power (something I didn't know I had - ha!) to stay on track. Now I know that I can't cheat or I'll always want to. But if you think you can have a cheat day and then get right back on track - I say go for it!
  • lynnwest2
    lynnwest2 Posts: 4 Member
    No cheat days for me yet. I'm only 40 days into my zero sugar, zero coffee, zero processed foods plan, I am diabetic and I think because I have a disease that can improve if I don't ingest sugar, caffeine and crap, that I have to stick to the plan. And, I can see my Blood Sugar rise even if I eat fruit. I do hope to get to a place with my health that I can cheat once in a while....I'm just not strong enough yet. If I were not diabetic, I agree with other posts, enjoy a little something, count your calories, and add a little exercise. Life is too short and if we do treat ourselves, I think we won't binge as much. That is my feeling on that. Hugs!!
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Nope. No cheat days/meals here. I eat what I want, when I want it. I truly believe it helps me feel like this is more of a lifestyle change than a "diet". I also don't feel resentful when I see someone enjoying something I like too. I think it helps with binging (sp?) because I don't have to wait for a certain meal or a certain day to have whatever I want. I've learned to eat serving sizes of things - everything in moderation. :)

    Agree 100%
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I started back at the end of February and then on mfp in March I didnt have a cheat day or meal till a few months later....only because I didn't want to tempt myself into thinking it was okay. I started having a cheat meal about a month or so ago because I knew I was strong and capable enough to get back on track. My body will start craving the bad foods and throw me off my game. Overall it will be up to you but for just starting out I personally don't think its a good idea. Good luck to you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm this way as well. I had a cheat day last week and for 2 days, all I wanted to do what cheat some more! It took a lot of will power (something I didn't know I had - ha!) to stay on track. Now I know that I can't cheat or I'll always want to. But if you think you can have a cheat day and then get right back on track - I say go for it!

    I think since she has completed 3 days its too early to start reverting back to old ways. Unless of course its like fruits or veggies...nothing wrong with having some of those. I'm wondering what kind of cheat meals she is wanting to have...
  • summer_rea
    summer_rea Posts: 2 Member
    me personally Im on day number 6 and I feel myself wanting to indugle there for I dont think its a good idea, because I no if i do I will probably slip right back into the bad habits. Im in the process of trying to find good foods that satisfy my sweet tooth, that are good low cal heatly foods.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    This is a lifestyle change for me so no cheat days. I eat the same way everyday.
  • caity8880
    caity8880 Posts: 4
    Today is technically only my third day here, but i've been eating healthy and working out for quite some time already, I just started a "Shape Up for Life" program with a group of ladies and was led to this site. I think it is important to let yourself have "treats" now and then. I know that if I deprive myself of sweets or anything that is considered unhealthy for any length of time I will eventually break down and end up binging. I am a firm believer in "everything in moderation" or the 80/20 rule that someone else mentioned. I knew that I wanted to have a glass of wine and real butter with dinner tonight, so I made sure that I did extra cardio to "bank" some extra calories today and didn't feel any guilt enjoying any of it.
  • Sarah279
    Sarah279 Posts: 1
    Hi first night on myfitness but I have lost over 15lbs with weight watchers. Something I learned if you think of it as cheating then its a diet and you will not succeed...even if it seems you are now because eventually you will at some point want to indulge. You must TREAT yourself .. never deny yourself just dont overdue it and remember you can have anything you want just as long as you know what a portion size is!
    Now of course everyone is different so if you are not the type of person to pull yourself away from 1 slice of cake or just a few chips then you know you have something to work on...
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