Gaining weight over the past week and it's depressing me!

Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
edited April 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I just don't get it. I've always had under 1600 calories per day. I started losing weight ( 3 pounds since restarting myfitnesspal) and was feeling really happy about it. To be fair I only lost if I was eating around 1300 calories so maybe my body needs less calories than most people. But for the past week the scale has kept creeping up day by day and I've gained 2 pounds even though I've not overraten or gone over 1600 calories. Could it just be that I need to eat less still? 1200 calories is nothing! Could it be the foods I am eating? I'm just eating whatever I want as long as it fits into my calories for the day. I never thought it made a difference weight loss wise. I'm very confused and it's getting me down as I have a lot of weight to lose. I'm 29 years old, female and 212.4 pounds :(


  • Zarinwahid
    Zarinwahid Posts: 7 Member
    Like it! How do we be friends ? Need your motivation.
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    I get that sometimes it would stay the same but it's gone up! I'm really worried... I've always failed to lose weight in the past because I never stick it out long enough if I feel restricted. This is why myfitnesspal is perfect but if I'm not going to lose weight then what's the point? It's only my 3rd week of being on it again which is why it is hard to understand
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    Just look at this--
    Calm down. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Heather were your gains with you eating the same amount of calories?
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    What if I'm eating the wrong types of food? Could that make a difference even though I'm still counting calories? I've had takeaways, chocolate, ice cream... maybe I should cut those out?
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I get that sometimes it would stay the same but it's gone up! I'm really worried... I've always failed to lose weight in the past because I never stick it out long enough if I feel restricted. This is why myfitnesspal is perfect but if I'm not going to lose weight then what's the point? It's only my 3rd week of being on it again which is why it is hard to understand

    Weight loss is NOT linear. Weight fluctuates. You have to get that through your head if you're going to stick this out for the long haul. Start using a weight trending app or only weigh once a week.
  • fhmangana
    fhmangana Posts: 1 Member
    My suggestion would be to cut down on bread. Also I find that running helps with weight loss.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member

    Heather were your gains with you eating the same amount of calories?

    My food diary is public. I log even when it's ugly and embarrassing. (Hello- I ate croutons for dinner one night.) Your question is flawed, though. Calories, macros, activity level, and fluid shifts change DAILY. We are very complicated machines. You can't look at one week's worth of data and decide to throw in the towel. You're better than that!
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone... you are right I just need to sit tight and keep going. I have a knee problem as well which prevents me from exercising much. I try to walk as much as a I can but I can't jog or run which is annoying. But I know 80 percent of weight loss is how many calories you consume so I just need to stick at it. It's just depressing because I started feeling like I might actually do this for once and now I feel like a failure because the scale is just going up. I can take two or three days of that but it has been going up for a week now...
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    Sorry to sound moany I'm just so down about my weight...
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,049 Member
    Is your period due?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    You are never truly one weight, you are a weight range of a few pounds.

    So today I am up 1.3lbs, I didn't gain any fat over night it just is the time of month I ovulate. In a weeks time it will sort it's self out. Your weight is effected by so many things. Sleep, salt content of foods, the temperature, hormones, I could go on and on. Learn to plot your trends as in the great example given above.
    Keep at it and don't sweat the small stuff.
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    I have another 10 days until my period is due. Is there any chance there could be something medically wrong like hypothyroidism or anything like that? Or is that rare? It's like I've just looked at other people's diaries and seeing 1700-1800 calories per day. I would definitely gain ( and have gained) if I eat so many calories. But I don't exercise much because of my knee so maybe that's the difference?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    There is nothing wrong, weight goes up and down daily, even hourly.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,049 Member
    Very rare and too early to even think that. Far too early to be thinking anything medical, frankly.

    At 10 days pre-period, you could be ovulating, which can cause water retention. The joys of being female.

    If you don't exercise or get much incidental movement, which you sound like you can't, your calories to lose can be sadly low.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I have another 10 days until my period is due. Is there any chance there could be something medically wrong like hypothyroidism or anything like that? Or is that rare? It's like I've just looked at other people's diaries and seeing 1700-1800 calories per day. I would definitely gain ( and have gained) if I eat so many calories. But I don't exercise much because of my knee so maybe that's the difference?

    With 10 days to go you are highly likely to be ovulating (14-10 days is the average) . Keep a track of your weight and you'll find over 6 months or so you can plot your hormonal weight gains.
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone your advice is really appreciated