I'm starting my journey tomorrow

I am starting my journey from 325 to 180 tomorrow. Any tips to keep me sane and motivated. Excited and terrified at the same time. Really don't want to fail again. Thanks everyone!


  • nerodroids
    nerodroids Posts: 5 Member
    Believe in yourself! :) everything is made of ups and downs before it stabilizes so dont give up! Theres this youtube channel that i really like called ''the health nerd'' it motivated me alot :) specially to drop sugar (almost) completely and drink water, i hope you have the best luck, cheers!
  • JuliahK1987
    JuliahK1987 Posts: 39 Member
    Keep track of your weight AND measurements. Take a BEFORE picture (or a few). Try to weigh yourself only once a week or so. Drink lots of water. STAY POSITIVE. I've only lost 5 lbs but so far this has been very helpful. You can do it! Good luck. My goal is also 180(for now).
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I cannot offer any advice about staying sane. :blush:

    However ... For motivation: check out the success stories thread often. In addition, I'd recommend measuring yourself in many places -- not just your waist, hips, etc, but also your forearms, neck ... You'll be surprised when the scale isn't moving that you'll have lost inches in all sorts of places.

    I also like looking at a lot of data so that I can see progress. Therefore, I weigh myself daily. It's interesting to me to see how certain foods and calorie amounts impact the scale, or how adding in a type of exercise or increasing its duration impacts my loss.

    Sometimes you're doing everything you're "supposed" to do and the weight loss stalls. It's normal. In those times, it's great to be able to track progress in other ways.

    Good luck!
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Don't try to change everything at once. Baby steps. Experiment to find a comfortable way of eating that you'd be willing to do for the rest of your life. Don't eat foods you don't like. I aim for about 80% of my calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treats.

    The closer you can stay to your normal way of eating, the easier it should be to sustain a deficit. Eat your regular way for a week or two and log that so that you have some data. You can then look back to see where you might eat smaller portions and/or make satisfying substitutions.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    cschof18 wrote: »
    I am starting my journey from 325 to 180 tomorrow. Any tips to keep me sane and motivated. Excited and terrified at the same time. Really don't want to fail again. Thanks everyone!

    Remember that your journey isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle change. You want to set this up so that you can eat this way for life. That might mean you'll need to experiment with macros and the size deficit that you can handle. Since it is a lifestyle change, and not a diet, be patient.

    Remember that your goal is to lose fat - the weight will follow the fat, but will fluctuate along the way so the scale will fool you. Eat at a deficit and trust the process. Don't panic.

    Whatever your weight loss goal is, your deficit will work for you. For example, if your goal is 2 lbs/wk, your average deficit will be 1000 calories per day. Remember that if you go over by a few hundred calories in any given day, you're still at a deficit - so don't beat yourself up over those days.

    You will get frustrated at times. Don't make decisions based on feelings. Make them based on facts. This process works.

  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Yay! You've taken the first and most important step---deciding to make changes.

    The one thing I wish I'd done when I started here 3 yrs ago was to take my body measurements before I began losing weight.

    If you stick with the logging of food and exercises every day, by the end of the first month it will become so much easier and for myself-it was a habit. A good one!

    To keep yourself motivated, read some of the success stories in the community boards. There's some pretty awesome people here.

    So, congratulations on wanting to become healthier, and welcome to MFP!

  • reichardtjessica
    reichardtjessica Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in the same boat.. SW - 312 currently - 296.8 YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Congrats on a positive step forward! My top 10 suggestions are: 1. DO NOT live and die by the scale. A better way is to find a shirt/pants that are tight tomorrow and each week put them on the same day each week to see your true progress. I think you will be much happier with those results vs. some number on a scale that quickly changes throughout the day. 2. Record everything you consume into MFP, don't forget the empty calories in liquids and dips/dressings. 3. Drink lots and lots of water. Look into how the Japanese use water consumption for weight control. It works in curbing hunger. 4. Use these message boards for support. 5. Hunger will make you want to quit. If you are hungry eat a small meal/snack but do not overly restrict yourself. 6. Do not get extreme with your calorie counts. For instance, if you do a test day or two and see your average consumption is 4600 calories a day don't try to drop to 1200 the first week. 7. Exercise is needed especially if you have any blood sugar issues. Blood sugar has a sneaky way of screwing with weight and when under control the weight can drop fast. I do HIIT 5 days a week and swim in fast moving water once a week but do what you like that you can stick to. The key is to confuse the heck out of your body so it constantly is challenged and doesn't hit a weight loss wall. Muscle weight is your friend. 8. Take the word diet and erase it from your vocabulary. That is temporary. What you are looking for is a lifestyle change. 9. Clean out your bad food at home and replace it with good choices. 10. Make sure you are getting the right nutrients.
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    And remember, you didn't gain weight overnight ... you won't lose it overnight. It may take a few months for you to see a difference, but stay the course. I lost 100lbs + over 2 years ... slow and steady and SUSTAINABLE! Good luck!
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Just keep going and prepare to be incorrect, adjust and move on! You got this
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Thank you for the you tube site - the health nerd. I already watched two of them; helpful!
  • misciej
    misciej Posts: 14 Member
    It is going to be a GREAT day! You've got this!!
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Tommrow never comes. Start today start now.
    Small changes over time are super powerful
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Why tomorrow?

    Anyway, don't pick a crazy goal. 1 lb a week is better than giving up because you're too deprived.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Good luck!!!!!!! You will do great!!!!
  • mcmasters06
    mcmasters06 Posts: 19 Member
    I was sent here by my dr. A wk ago. I have found right I don't eat much but what I eat is not good. This is going to be a challenge but I'm not going to give up, I'll just keep making changes. Today was the first day map had a positive comment to what I ate for breakfast. I was told drink 8 bottles of water a day, I have found that to be my struggle, I went from no pop to up to 50 Oz of water. I just feel so full of water and I hate water. I'm not giving up though and wish you luck stay strong don't give up. Hopefully in time we see each other post good changes in the future.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Be the turtle.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    I was sent here by my dr. A wk ago. I have found right I don't eat much but what I eat is not good. This is going to be a challenge but I'm not going to give up, I'll just keep making changes. Today was the first day map had a positive comment to what I ate for breakfast. I was told drink 8 bottles of water a day, I have found that to be my struggle, I went from no pop to up to 50 Oz of water. I just feel so full of water and I hate water. I'm not giving up though and wish you luck stay strong don't give up. Hopefully in time we see each other post good changes in the future.

    Have you tried flavouring your water with fruit or drinking sparkling water? I used to be terrible for drinking mountains of diet coke years ago then switched to sparkling mineral water, still get the fizz but feel much more refreshed and my skin is fantastic since I upped the water intake. I now have no bother getting 2.5-3 litres in a day plus a can of diet coke for lunch.
  • mcmasters06
    mcmasters06 Posts: 19 Member
    Stupid question but I am new to all this healthier ways. Do I just cut up the fruit n put it in my water?