Juicing journey

Hello everyone!
I just started my juicing journey 04/10/17.
I am making the recipes from justonjuice.com
You can drink anywhere from 4-6 juices 18-20oz each. Today I only had 4 juices in total. 2 morning glories, 1 mean green and 1 sunset passion. If you're juicing join me in this journey!
I am doing the juice fast for 26 days.


  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    My measurements
    Weight- 174lb
    Height - 5'7
    BMI - 26.85
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Yes you are a bit out of healthy weight range and losing some weight is good idea.

    Not sure the point of doing it by juice fasting for 26 days though.

    What is the benifit of that compared to eating healthy food at a sensible calorie deficit?
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Just curious, how many calories a day will you be consuming on this "juice fast"?
    Will you get enough protein and fats?
    Is there any solid food allowed at all? What is the benefit of this?

    I will be consuming around 1200-1260 calories a day. Today I missed two juices and my protein intake was 21g. As for solid food, it is allowed as long as you keep it healthy choices like salad, fruit, etc. ( I will not consuming any solids) there are A LOT of benefits, if you want to lose weight this is a way to reduce calories intake without being deprived of nutrition. You will get way more vitamins and minerals than usual and juicing helps you adopt a healthier life style. People typically juice for 1 week to cleanse. I decided to do it for a month because I seriously need to lose weight.
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    I am not promoting people to join me nor am I saying to "only join me if you're doing it for 26 days only". People juice cleanse all the time from 3 days to a week to 2 weeks. I decided to do it for 26 days because it is my choice. Just like everyone has the choice to agree or disagree. Im not promising I will just consume juices for 26 days but I will try my hardest, If I see that it is not working for me I will consume healthy meals to replace some of the juices.
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    NewyRob wrote: »
    yokairis wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Just curious, how many calories a day will you be consuming on this "juice fast"?
    Will you get enough protein and fats?
    Is there any solid food allowed at all? What is the benefit of this?

    I will be consuming around 1200-1260 calories a day. Today I missed two juices and my protein intake was 21g. As for solid food, it is allowed as long as you keep it healthy choices like salad, fruit, etc. ( I will not consuming any solids) there are A LOT of benefits, if you want to lose weight this is a way to reduce calories intake without being deprived of nutrition. You will get way more vitamins and minerals than usual and juicing helps you adopt a healthier life style. People typically juice for 1 week to cleanse. I decided to do it for a month because I seriously need to lose weight.
    I guess one issue will be that you won't learn manageable and sustainable eating strategies to maintain your goal weight in the long term. I've found value in MFP in learning to eat normal, real food in a manageable way.

    I am looking up information for when I finish juicing so I can start eating healthier in order to maintain my weight.
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    yokairis wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Just curious, how many calories a day will you be consuming on this "juice fast"?
    Will you get enough protein and fats?
    Is there any solid food allowed at all? What is the benefit of this?

    I will be consuming around 1200-1260 calories a day. Today I missed two juices and my protein intake was 21g. As for solid food, it is allowed as long as you keep it healthy choices like salad, fruit, etc. ( I will not consuming any solids) there are A LOT of benefits, if you want to lose weight this is a way to reduce calories intake without being deprived of nutrition. You will get way more vitamins and minerals than usual and juicing helps you adopt a healthier life style. People typically juice for 1 week to cleanse. I decided to do it for a month because I seriously need to lose weight.

    Oh dear. You do not need to juice for a week, let alone a month, to cleanse.

    How are these benifits of reducing calories without being deprived of nutrition or getting more vitamins and minerals than usual ( which is pointless if you usually get enough anyway) gained any better than just eating healthy nutritious actual food ??

    And, no, i don't think it sounds a healthier lifestyle at all.

    I never said this is a healthy style. I said it helps you adopt a healthier life style, meaning it will enticed a person into eating healthier in the long run.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    yokairis wrote: »
    NewyRob wrote: »
    yokairis wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Just curious, how many calories a day will you be consuming on this "juice fast"?
    Will you get enough protein and fats?
    Is there any solid food allowed at all? What is the benefit of this?

    I will be consuming around 1200-1260 calories a day. Today I missed two juices and my protein intake was 21g. As for solid food, it is allowed as long as you keep it healthy choices like salad, fruit, etc. ( I will not consuming any solids) there are A LOT of benefits, if you want to lose weight this is a way to reduce calories intake without being deprived of nutrition. You will get way more vitamins and minerals than usual and juicing helps you adopt a healthier life style. People typically juice for 1 week to cleanse. I decided to do it for a month because I seriously need to lose weight.
    I guess one issue will be that you won't learn manageable and sustainable eating strategies to maintain your goal weight in the long term. I've found value in MFP in learning to eat normal, real food in a manageable way.

    I am looking up information for when I finish juicing so I can start eating healthier in order to maintain my weight.

    Well at least you're in the right place for that. Calories are #1 when it comes to weight, and this is a calorie counting website.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    yokairis wrote: »
    NewyRob wrote: »
    yokairis wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Just curious, how many calories a day will you be consuming on this "juice fast"?
    Will you get enough protein and fats?
    Is there any solid food allowed at all? What is the benefit of this?

    I will be consuming around 1200-1260 calories a day. Today I missed two juices and my protein intake was 21g. As for solid food, it is allowed as long as you keep it healthy choices like salad, fruit, etc. ( I will not consuming any solids) there are A LOT of benefits, if you want to lose weight this is a way to reduce calories intake without being deprived of nutrition. You will get way more vitamins and minerals than usual and juicing helps you adopt a healthier life style. People typically juice for 1 week to cleanse. I decided to do it for a month because I seriously need to lose weight.
    I guess one issue will be that you won't learn manageable and sustainable eating strategies to maintain your goal weight in the long term. I've found value in MFP in learning to eat normal, real food in a manageable way.

    I am looking up information for when I finish juicing so I can start eating healthier in order to maintain my weight.

    Why not just eat healthy to begin with? It doesn't take all that much research to do it. Just eat a well balanced diet. It also sounds like you are severely lacking in protein, so you will lose muscle. This also isn't teaching you anything about eating a healthy diet.
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    I will incorporate smoothies & small healthy meals along with my juices.
    Thank you for your suggestions !
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    Here is the big problem with a juicing fast. It really is only for those people who are so unhealthy that if they dont lose a lot of weight in a fairly quick amount of time they are going to be in danger. What is so bad about a juicing fast is you will lose a lot of weight fast, but you can't remain on it forever and be healthy. That being said, when your body goes into something that shocks it, such as low calories, no solid foods to break down, not enough daily vitamins and minerals, it goes into sort of a fail safe. We like to think that, "Hey I can just eat cabbage soup for a month, then I will lose all of this weight and I will look great, and I can go back to eating however I want" This is so incorrect it hurts me a little bit. Three major factors here: Number one when the body is not getting the nutrients it needs you start to crave, and I don't mean crave like normal cravings like "I've been so good, and I am just craving a piece of cake right now" no its nothing like that, more like how a zombie needs brains kinda craving. I once heard of a guy who was extremely iron deficient and his body actually made him crave clay... ya you read that right, he wanted to eat clay. So there is number one, your body will physically be in pain if you dont get the nutrients and you will get wild cravings. Number two, when you aren't getting enough of the right nutrition in your body it decides to go into a savings mode. This is very similar to bears hibernating. They eat a lot and fatten up because they will be nesting all winter. Obviously we all went to school and we know what happens there. The bears metabolism slows way down, and they become almost dormant sleeping most of their days, and barely moving at all except maybe to feed their young. Our bodies are capable of doing the same thing, when we aren't getting the foods we need our metabolism slows down to protect us from starving to death. The result is not a lot of blood flow to the brain, and what little food you do put in your body will be partially stored into fat for reserves because your body doesn't communicate with your brain as well as you might think. Your body is convinced you have no food, so its trying to protect you, and when you do start to eat healthy again, your body will take a while to switch back into full form, so all of that will be wasted, because things that should be healthy and actually help you lose weight will make you gain weight because your body will put a portion away as body fat. Third and finally, I know I am preaching and im sorry, I just want to help, but making that sort of decision puts a lot of strain on your body. Many of your organs will suffer from this. You look young so you probably wont feel it as much as some people a little older than you, but its going to stress your heart, your liver, your digestive system, your brain, and your kidneys probably as well because since its juice, your kidneys will now not only be filtering your liquids, but now will help filter your meals too. Worst of all once they get used to this new life style in a month you will have to return to solid foods, and that's even worse. Now these organs have been taking it easy, all of your food has been coming through like a moving assembly line and they haven't had to do much work to help you pass it. All of a sudden they have to work harder than they have ever had to work. It is like going back to school after summer vacation, it is a little hard to get back into it at first, but luckily most teachers take it easy on kids for the first few weeks until they get used to their new schedules. Your body won't do that, it will try to jump right back in and work as hard as it always has. This is a very dangerous transition, it could cause heart attacks, strokes, constipation, it could even make you more likely to get an external sickness as well like the flu, or a common cold, or anything, because your immune system runs and becomes strong off of the foods you eat, and the energy it provides, and your body will have a hard time processing that energy during the transition period... Anyways I have pretty much written a novel here, and I sincerely hope you read it all, I am not a professional, but I have done a lot of studying on this so I know what I am talking about, just read my profile and you will see I take nutrition very seriously. I believe in living healthy first, and losing weight second. If you read this far, thanks for sticking with me :)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited April 2017
    Number two, when you aren't getting enough of the right nutrition in your body it decides to go into a savings mode. This is very similar to bears hibernating. They eat a lot and fatten up because they will be nesting all winter. Obviously we all went to school and we know what happens there. The bears metabolism slows way down, and they become almost dormant sleeping most of their days, and barely moving at all except maybe to feed their young. Our bodies are capable of doing the same thing, when we aren't getting the foods we need our metabolism slows down to protect us from starving to death. The result is not a lot of blood flow to the brain, and what little food you do put in your body will be partially stored into fat for reserves because your body doesn't communicate with your brain as well as you might think. Your body is convinced you have no food, so its trying to protect you, and when you do start to eat healthy again, your body will take a while to switch back into full form, so all of that will be wasted, because things that should be healthy and actually help you lose weight will make you gain weight because your body will put a portion away as body fat.

    It's a shame that starvation mode doesn't exist.

    Bears get fat because they eat a lot. When they're hibernating and not eating much they don't stay fat. (I guess, I'm not 100% on the lifestyles of bears, they aren't common in Australia except at the zoo)