What's the point in losing weight?



  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    Hmm... I'm going to say something that's not entirely different to what Joehempel has already said, but I personally do disagree with his summary:


    To everyone: seriously, what's with everyone and this massive desire to be slim, fit and what you consider "healthy" and the rage when someone doesn't have the same view as your own? Why is it you guys can't accept that some people are simply happier with their life when they are a different shape to what you consider ideal? There is nothing wrong with being 150lb, it's only bad when the 150lb person is unhappy with weighing 150lb.

    We have one life to enjoy: taking care of our health, fitness and well being is simply to allow us to enjoy our life as much as possible for as long as possible. If at any point you realise that you're not enjoying life, then something needs to change. And as long as you enjoy your life, you should never care about what other people think or say.


    To Funkyspunky: what I'm going to say is going to direct and honest - I don't do the whole beat-around-the-bush thing.

    You're doing it wrong.
    If you've cut out the friends you want to keep, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're devoting minute of my day to thinking about food, you're doing it wrong.
    If you feel like you're wake up in the mornings just to eat breakfast, you're doing it wrong.
    If you can't even enjoy a movie with your family, you're doing it wrong.
    If you're not enjoying your life any more, you're doing it wrong.

    People change all the time. As we change, the goals and challenges that make us happy in life changes. As these change, our actions need to change.

    Change is *not* a big deal. Months ago you felt that you were overweight, so you changed your lifestyle to change that. Similarly, people who aren't satisfied with their jobs look for jobs elsewhere. People who aren't satisfied with their love life go to new social events, sign up to dating websites, date new acquaintances.

    Now that you feel that you're not getting the social life you want, this is now the time to change that.

    The most important thing in life is to enjoy life, and the things that make you enjoy life have now changed. Do yourself a favour: figure out what they are and go for them.

    *Applause* for a rational, non-offensive honest response. :drinker: He's right!
  • nikkijune1811
    If you stick to it, you WILL lose the weight! It's a challenge, but it's possible. Also, you have to at least give yourself a chance. Once you lose all the weight, you'll be used to eating less and probably won't gain it back. You have control over your weight, you just need to give yourself a chance.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    funkyspunky871, getting skinny,losing weight, getting healthy or what ever term used, the journey there has many facets to overcome if you want to be successful and it sounds like you are struggling with a few. Almost sounds like you have a late bout of grieving, of your life with food you once had. Please don't give into those feelings. Look at how far you have come. Work on the issues at hand, they can be resolved.
    Our relationship with food, our thought processes, our very "social" being can be so intermingled with food there are many obstacles and issues we have to face and resolve. Examining ourselfs and making a behavioural modification plan helps in those times when faced with demons of our self and past histories.
    funkyspunky871, don't give up on you, you have come this far, work on your inner you, squash those demons that can destroy your hard work. polish and refine what you have done so far....things wil get better.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Who cares about being skinny? Surely the aim is to be fitter, healthier and be happier with yourself.

    I was happier at 295 pounds.

    There's nothing to be happy about eating your way to cancer, fatigue, diabetes and other disasters.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Who cares about being skinny? Surely the aim is to be fitter, healthier and be happier with yourself.

    I was happier at 295 pounds.

    There's nothing to be happy about eating your way to cancer, fatigue, diabetes and other disasters.

    Nothing to be happy about bulimia either.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Who cares about being skinny? Surely the aim is to be fitter, healthier and be happier with yourself.

    I was happier at 295 pounds.

    There's nothing to be happy about eating your way to cancer, fatigue, diabetes and other disasters.

    Nothing to be happy about bulimia either.

    Did you read all the responses from people who care about you? Doesn't seems you are taking any of those in and willing to change to a healthier process. Are you just trying to get some attentions, or you are really seeking for help? If you are seriously want some help, stop being negative, and take those good advices, and make it a healthier and happy process.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Who cares about being skinny? Surely the aim is to be fitter, healthier and be happier with yourself.

    I was happier at 295 pounds.

    There's nothing to be happy about eating your way to cancer, fatigue, diabetes and other disasters.

    Nothing to be happy about bulimia either.

    Did you read all the responses from people who care about you? Doesn't seems you are taking any of those in and willing to change to a healthier process. Are you just trying to get some attentions, or you are really seeking for help? If you are seriously want some help, stop being negative, and take those good advices, and make it a healthier and happy process.

    That's like telling an anorexic to just eat a cheeseburger and be done with it. Maybe I was seeking help, I'm not sure.... I'm pretty sure I was just looking for an opportunity to rant, maybe find someone who feels the same way. I read every response though and appreciate all the advice. It's nothing I didn't know before, but it is nice to hear again, I guess.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Agree with a lot of the advice on here but I just want to put in my own 2 cents. Healthy living is all about balance. You can be skinny but out of balance just like you can be overweight and be out of balance. It seems like your life is out of balance right now. You are doing well with the weight loss but not with your personal life. You need to learn how to balance your weight loss with your life.

    I have found the perfect balance for me. I always put myself first when it comes to working out. If I have friends who want to hang out, I will plan a workout for before seeing them if at all possible. But I always make myself available for my friends. It can't be all work and no play with weight loss! You have to see your friends and family and spend quality time together!

    Also, it's okay to indulge in food too. You mentioned the movie theatre popcorn. If I know I'm going to see a movie, I will plan accordingly and usually allow myself a treat at the movies (but only if it isn't going to put me over calorie-wise). Or if I wanna go out to a bar with friends I'll treat myself to a couple of drinks, but only if they fit into my calories for the day. To ensure this, I'll eat a little less during the day or workout more.

    A healthy life is all about balance! You can do this!! :smile:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    why were you happier at 295? what is bothering you?

    At least I had a life at 295. I had friends, and I had other interests. My entire life revolves around food, exercise, and weight loss now.

    I'm really not trying to be ugly, I swear, b/c I've been where you are and at 285.

    But your life was revolving around food when you were at 295 as well just around unhealthy food and drink. You've only added the exercise and consiquently the weight loss.

    You obviously weren't happier at 295 because you chose to lose the weight. I would dare say if the friends you had don't hang with you anymore it's because of them not you. Some people can't face their own issues and seeing you succeed might be one of them.

    Good luck don't quit. You will push past this low point.