Juicing journey



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    edited April 2017
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    What I am saying is that it will only take the amount of calories it needs to function and store the rest as body fat. If while in this metabolic state where the body is functioning fine on lower calories you start to eat more calories it will take a while to adjust. Where are you getting your facts from? I am really not trying to be disrespectful or anything, but I know that metabolism works just like gaining fat works, because the two are kinda one in the same. No exercise and unhealthy food equals poor metabolism, and as the old saying goes, you didnt gain the weight over night you cant expect to lose it over night, so to me common sense would dictate that your metabolism wouldnt return to normal over night when you return to a normal diet

    Thats how anyone puts on weight. By eating too much. I don't get your point.

    Starvation mode - putting on weight from eating too little - does not exist.

    That's right, it doesn't.
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you everyone for the suggestions! Like I said before I will replace some of the juices with solid healthy foods instead of only drinking juices. MFP is recommending I eat 1200 calories a day in able to lose 2 pounds a week. I need to take solid foods anyways because I joined a kickboxing class from ilovekickboxing which is 1 hour a day and if I only drink juice I cant exercise this much. The reason of why I need to lose the pounds fast is because I was accepted the Air Force ROTC at my college, therefore I need to trained my body before august to be able to run 1.5 mile in 10 mins, do push ups and sit ups to past my Physical training exam. 174 is the heaviest I've ever been so I'm looking for a fast but efficient way to lose the weight. Thank you everyone !! I am trying to find recipes for foods to eat since I am a vegetarian(pescatarian because I eat salmon & shrimp).
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    silvervega wrote: »
    Yokamoccha wrote: »
    Hello everyone!
    I just started my juicing journey 04/10/17.
    I am making the recipes from justonjuice.com
    You can drink anywhere from 4-6 juices 18-20oz each. Today I only had 4 juices in total. 2 morning glories, 1 mean green and 1 sunset passion. If you're juicing join me in this journey!
    I am doing the juice fast for 26 days.

    Hi there, it is nice to see someone else in a juice fasting journey.I'll share with you my experience so far. I started my journey in February 8, so I'm day 61. First of all stress and depression have banished, I lost weight I feel physically good even tho I'm still far from my goals. I sleep like a baby. I noticed so many negative comments about this.
    I would say don't let people that has probably never tried Juice fasting discourage you from reaching your goal. If you worry about protein just add more kale or broccoli to your juice. Don't let people discourage you from your goal. if you eat too little calories your body will let you know. Just drink more juice every time you feel hungry. I would recommend you to stick to just juice until you are done with your goal :) but it is up to you whatever you want to do. By the way this site calculates your juice nutrients so you know what you are getting on each juice. I found it really helpful. https://juicerecipes.com/build/
    I usually get around 45g protein from my juice a day :smiley:

    Thank you for the website!!!
  • Yokamoccha
    Yokamoccha Posts: 12 Member
    @jessiferrrb @Tacklewasher Thank you so much for your help!