Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I struggle so much with eating moderately on weekends. I am DETERMINED to learn how to eat more moderately at family gatherings and stuff!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    ok, this is me stepping up. I usually don't bother tracking my exercise... I have enough trouble tracking my food. today I am going to start tracking my activity, as little or as much as I do. today's walk may just be 15 minutes, but it's uphill half the way and I'm sure i'll be huffing and puffing.

    gotta make changes if you want to see changes!
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @sabinki Nice job on the 25 lbs gone! I like what you said about it being a life change. :smile:
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    I'm so stressed. I just want a printed form so I can do my income taxes!
    Turbo Tax - kept me answering questions for 1.5 hours and then told me my computer system was not compatible with theirs. ugh!
    Finally at 4:30, I found a form that I think I can use on and printed it.
    Tried to get a phone number for a local church that had volunteers to do taxes. Ended up on a website that wouldn't let me go, and I didn't want to see their porn. geesh!
    I can no longer see my computer screen. I don't know why.
    So, I am eating.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i went on my walk, and finished the night with 15 calories to spare. phew! and, yay!
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    @mbam89 thank you!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @happysherri - something you said really hit me as profound... Maybe it's what I was looking for, hm

    Thought for the day: Fall in love with taking care of your body. ***Also your mind, I feel that's what this thread is about. There are times when we need to be harsh with ourselves and hold ourselves accountable. There are also times when we need to give ourselves a rest and remember to ease our minds.

    I have discovered my over-eating style. I eat (primarily) to handle stress. Okay. Forward from here.

    Love to all.
    You all inspire me!

  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    @aleahurst sh** happens :) It's not like universe hates you, it just happens :) specially with tech, it's crazy how a simple thing can go wrong and make you loose half of a day.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Hi ladies.

    My beautiful behavior includes too many things.

    First when I wake up I imagine myself beautiful. I picture myself absolutely perfect, perfect body, perfect skin, perfect hair, face of an angel, body of a goddess and etc. I picture all that and then I kind of get into that perfect myself, wear it as my own skin, see with those eyes and etc. If at first it was for 3-5 minutes but now I can stay it for a day.

    I learnt about this technique at a training for weight loss and self esteem that I attended with my friend. I must say I've always been beautiful and didn't have problems with self esteem but my friend had problems with it. And she's literally changed in front of my eyes, turned into a beautiful lady because she feels beautiful now (plus lost about 40 pounds).

    In mornings I have shower and put creams on my face and body, and I can see, appreciate and enjoy my beauty.
    I almost don't do any make up, just BB cream and lipgloss.

    Then I have my breakfast, it's usually oatmeal with fruits and coffee with soy milk, and I always serve it in a beautiful set of china so I can enjoy it estetically too. I try to have my lunch at work served on beautiful plates too but it's not always possible unfortunately.

    In evenings I do face masks or anticellulite wraps if I feel like it but at least once a week.

    Honestly, I feel like projecting my own beauty helps me feel beautiful and losing or already maintaining my weight. It also helps with food choices because I don't want to put anything unhealthy and disgusting into that beautiful body, I must receive only healthy options to maintain my health. Therefore I didn't have any stress of not having for instance a cake or ice cream because I felt it wouldn't be good for my beauty but fruits or berries would give me the needed sweetness and vitamins too.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! Today's beautiful behaviors:
    1. started my day with a 5 minute guided relaxation. THAT felt good! i'm going to add that in on more days.
    2. tracking my food
    3. walking

    what are you going to do today to honor yourself?

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Always do your best...
    Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse, and regret.”
    ~ Don Miguel Ruiz
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @jessiquoi Those are great behaviours. I really need to start doing meditation. I am going to put that on my list. My beautiful behaviours for today are...
    1) I am going to get a spanky new haircut
    2) I will do Day 11 of my 30 day Level Up fitness program. (If I don't post tomorrow it's because I died trying to do 110 crunches) :D
    3) I will go to sleep when I feel tired instead of trying to do just one more thing.

    My NSV for this week is that I have been gradually tapering down the amount of sugar in my tea and today I find myself enjoying the tea and not really missing the sugar!
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    So I sort of "joined" this group a few weeks ago, but as I haven't been trying very hard to take care of myself, so I haven't been posting, just reading everyone's posts, which are wonderful and inspiring - what an awesome group of people you are! :)

    I'm going to get a fresh start...again, lol. My beautiful behavior yesterday was to walk my dog for 25 minutes and enjoy all the new flowers and trees blooming. Today my beautiful behavior will be to eat nutritionally, or at least reasonably, and not pig out at our company potluck lunch. I generally use these as an excuse to go crazy with the calories. Today I will make reasonable choices, and log my food.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    @aleahurst: Sorry you are stressing with your taxes. I've been there and it sucks. Hopefully you'll get through it okay, and then you can breathe freely again!
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @aleahurst Taxes suck! But once they are done you can hopefully ignore them for another year! And get back to focusing on your beautiful behaviours again.

    @rdevol Good work yesterday. I bet you and your dog enjoyed the walk, and it was good for your body and your mind. Good luck at the potluck today. A million years ago I did Weight Watchers and one of my instructors there told me that at potlucks she would take a tablespoon sized serving of anything she liked the look of just to taste it and count it as a point (call it 50 calories-ish). Then she would have a serving of the items that were the best choices nutritionally. After that, if she was still hungry, she'd go back and have more of anything she tried in the tablespoon tasting that she really, really liked. I've done something similar at potlucks and it usually works out well for me. I get to try a bit of everything, I don't feel deprived and I usually don't feel totally gross and full after.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @rdevol your walk sounds lovely! you can handle this potluck. a WW leader once told us how she handled buffets. first fill your plate with 0 point items and eat them. next go get 1 pt items, then 2 pt, etc etc and you fill up before you get to the high point stuff and can only have a taste.

    @fitzmonkey13 i need a spanky new haircut! sometime in the next few months, i'm gonna get chopped for sure. make sure to update your profile pic so we can see the new you!
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @jessiquoi I recently updated my profile pic to an older one of me with a haircut I like to remind me to show it to my stylist tonight. But I'll post before and after pics!
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Already a bad day here. Was binging on candy the moment I got up. Didn't do my early morning workout, slept instead, was behind on sleep and needed it. The double standards at work have been super stressful for me, too. And I am a stress eater. I have a ton of yard work that needs done. Hopefully I'll do that instead of stuffing my face this evening.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @wellthenwhat You needed your sleep so you did one good thing for yourself already today. Yard work will be another good thing you can do for yourself because you will have the fresh air and the exercise and the satisfaction of a job well done. You can put yourself first for the rest of the day. You are worth it!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I am Loving This, a lot of Activity!
    @sabinki - Congrats!!! Whoa, that's awesome, you're awesome!
    @wellthenwhat - I love candy, I plan on eating all the Easter candy on Sunday (and I will enjoy it)! Sleep is good. Haha, my yard looks hideous and has for the past couple years because I am not a yard person. Oh, and I'm a plant murderer, can't keep them alive :smiley: The yard work will be great exercise. Ooo, double standards at work, I can relate to that, Ugh.
    @jessiquoi - I think it's great that you are logging your activities, I feel accomplished when I add mine. I agree, I learned through therapy that our best differs from moment to moment. Today, I will stay positive and reach my fruit and veggie goal!
    @aleahurst - ha, I did my taxes, their not hard and I even get money back - but I just hate the act of doing them. I'm sorry that you had such trouble. I am sending fabulous vibes out to you!
    @YaGigi - my freshman year of volleyball my coach had us lay down, close our eyes and visualize jumping above the net and hitting the ball down and other positive ideas. I love it! I need to start meditating.
    @fitzmonkey13 - You're cracking me up! I'm gonna have to use that 'spanky new haircut'!!!! Great work lowering the sugar, I love sugar lol
    @rdevol - Aw, squishy doggy, I love animals! I like @fitzmonkey13 idea about just a little taste (tablespoon) of a few things that look good and then go toward the healthier items. Practicing willpower, I believe is the hardest part about Fitness Journeys!!! It does take practice. You can do it, don't make me come smack your hand LOL just kidding!!!

    Update: Completed 75 minutes of Von Moger chest and incline treadmill cardio. My bf was able to go with me, I love having "our" time at the gym (and he's cute lol). I tried to focus on the muscle that I was working, because I feel chest is hard for me to work (since I have the girls there). I don't always feel the strain in the chest muscle like I do other muscles, I tried to really put thought and concentrate on the muscles I was using.

    Goal update: Barely got my veggies and fruits in yesterday. I made a healthy pasta bake for dinner and snuck in onions and mushrooms to get more veggies in - it was friggin delicious -And I have LEFT OVERS! WIN! Strive for Five is Alive - I just made that up, crack myself up.

    Thought for the day: Broken crayons still color. ***Everyone is broken in some way. We all have been through trials, hurt, etc... in different ways. We just have to keep coloring because what we make is beautiful. And we may not even notice but we will touch other's lives even in the slightest way and that person will be richer for it (it can be a small as a smile or holding a door open). BTW I love to color, I am 41 years old (have no little kids) and I have 2 of my own coloring books, coloring crayons and colored pencils!!!! hahaha I'm an Adult :blush: