Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    edited April 2017
    Since I missed swimming, I made it on a short dog walk. I am really bummed out though, because practice is cancelled tomorrow as the pool is closed. I didn't want to miss two days in a row. Oh well, I might take my Y guest pass from my friend and go there and do some elliptical and weights like I wanted to today. At least the pool is open on Saturday. And I do play volleyball tomorrow night (even though I can't stay too long so I can get up early on Saturday).

    @ParanormaLauren - nice job winning second place and nice booty you won - both physically and monetarily!!
    @aleahurst - that is a scary O2 level, please take care of yourself - what is ILD? so glad you aren't letting it get you though!
    @rdevol - nice job with the potluck - I am always afraid of what other people put in food - way to be accountable - also I bet your dog is so happy you want to start walking more - good bonding
    @fitzmonkey13 - I think it is learn to swim month - get out there and start swimming again - it is the best exercise for your body - I love swimming with the team - at the meet we did a lot of relays, which were tiring, but a lot of fun and I was amazed at how many people I didn't know that congratulated me on my mile swim
    @str8bowbabe - at least you had your calories in milk and got some protein and didn't just eat a cupcake with gobs of frosting - one day at a time - remember that not all fats are the same either - don't be so hard on yourself

    Looking forward to getting a couple of butcher steaks for Easter to eat with my older son. My younger son is Vegan. I am sure he will complain about how I am hurting animals with my dinner...
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    edited April 2017
    This is one of my favorite snacks at night. It is a whole grain, fills me up and is low in calories. Oh, and it is dusted with chocolate cocoa, yet the sugar is really low.

    My dietitian at Hyvee told me about it. And, no, I don't work for Skinny Pop. I am an eLearning Program Developer, but I was snacking when I wrote this and thought I would share. I guess it is my guilty pleasure where I sneak in a little refined sugar...


  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited April 2017
    ILD= interstitial lung disease... I told you it was a long word.

    Anyway, love to all! I'm a tad tired tonight. My son needed a beebox complete and I had just painted one. He looked at it and said, "The primer is showing through right there. I hope the bees are happy with it." The bees are bugs. Bugs. They will live in your gutter, in the trunk of your car, in your toolbox. but I was polite. I said (and smiled), "I'll be glad to touch it up if you want to wait another day on it". No, he decided that he needed it now. Silly boy. Mama knows best. We just lost a bee to Bat. I don't miss the one that was eaten. It was being a pest. Oh, and my taxes are done. I gave up on the software and did them by hand. They were a piece of cake.

    Tomorrow's Beautiful Behaviors:
    1. Take time for prayer.
    2. Text message some people who need encouragement and some people who don't
    3. Mail off my taxes
    4. Grin a lot!
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I am so pissed at myself today. I was gonna bring my food scale so I could weigh the sweet potato fries I am getting for lunch today, (work is buying us lunch) and I forgot it. I will be eating out twice today, so I needed to know how much I was eating!!! >:(
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    So I have some big challenges coming up. I will be eating out twice today, which will be hard. I am not doing any snacking to try to stay low for that. Sunday for dinner my mom is inviting us all over and cooking a large dinner for Easter. Lots of my favorite foods. This will be an even bigger challenge, as I don't have the price restrictions of eating out, and there will be so much food there. Hoping posting here will help keep me accountable.
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    So i did it yesterday!! No snacking or binging! I was rewarded this morning with a big loss. Guess the dancing and singing helped lol. Happy Friday lovely ladies hope you all have a great day!!
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    edited April 2017
    How do you add pictures to your comments?
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    @alaskandelight welcome! I have only been on this thred a few day and they are awesome!! I totally agree about some of the other ones! I love reading everyones up and downs and encouraging words❤
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    edited April 2017
    Welcome @alaskandelight We're glad to have you!
    I love that you're a foodie! We look forward to you sharing some recipes :wink:

    @sabinki If you use a computer, there's an "attach a file/image" icon. I haven't figured it out for a mobile phone yet. te5r6h40hj8g.jpg
    I'm not even sure if that worked.....
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    edited April 2017
    @mbam89 thanks. I just have my phone though.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member

    I'm too tired to retype it all. MFP app just stole my post.

    Love you all.

  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Did well with my two restaurant meal day yesterday. Stayed up until after midnight, got up at my usual 5 am to workout. I'll crash this evening, but I felt good on my run. I can actually run!!! I am on week5 day 2 of c25k, so it's running 8 minutes. I can get a good pace, and run those 8 minutes without losing my breathe! I'm still slow, but I plan to go through the program again when I'm through, and slow run/fast run instead of walk/slow run.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @alaskandelight Welcome aboard! I love good recipes! You seem to have a lot of good ideas and have really given thought to your journey.

    @jessiquoi Yay for non food rewards and crochet! My friend gave me an early birthday present of some sort of those light up hooks and I can't wait to try them out!

    @wellthenwhat Great Progress on the running. And great idea for doing the program again to increase your pace!

    @sabinki Great work. Keep on dancing!

    I had a wonderful day yesterday with my first bike ride of the season and an impromptu Easter get together with friends. I made a huge green salad to bring and I found a new recipe for an artichoke salad dressing that was super yummy. I enjoyed everything I had at the party but didn't go overboard on anything. Thankfully, after I'd had a couple of chips, one of the kids swiped the bag and ran outside with it. As if to save me from myself!

    Looking forward to lots of good activity today and maybe a little baking!

    Happy Saturday to all!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Sorry all, not my normal uplifting self. I've been fighting some sadness lately. I miss my mom. It's Easter weekend and my sister's in town who I haven't seen since my mom's funeral. I had a wonderful day with her and a couple of my sister's yesterday. However one of my sisters does not get a long with my sister that came into town (2 oldest). Just makes me sad that she won't even see her. No one can seem to agree on a time or food for tomorrow. My mom use to bring everyone together, I'm trying. Also i see my kids less and less because their grown and have crazy schedules. *Pitty party over, now I have to put on a happy face and figure some of this out.

    -Nothing lasts forever.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    @jessiquoi - did you let John indulge in the other cookies? Chocolate chip + meringue = yum! Actually, chocolate + anything = wonderful. I'm a big believer in leaving room for one treat on special days.

    @wellthenwhat - Rising early enough to run while the moon is still out sounds enchanting!

    @fitzmonkey13 - What you said, "Anxiety and depression are big fat liars" is so true. Someday, I will refuse to listen to them by staying on task and not looking to those two. Insightful! I love it!

    @sabinki - try browsing to MFP on your phone's browser. My browsers are called chrome and silk. Then, sign in, go to forums, request desktop site, option to add a picture may be there.

    @alaskandelight - I would love to see Alaska! I'm also happier outdoors. Love those goals! Good for you! Learning to listen to your body is lots of work, but you can have excellent results.

    Stop talking, Lea...

    No wait, @mbam89 - love the dog! @nickiphillips1 - All natural snacks = yum! @str8bowbabe - hi! @ParanormaLauren - :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Oh my. Today, I slept in. Ahhhh.
    1. Breathing exercises and visualize health
    2. Prayer and study time
    3. Sweep floors - but make it fun.... Hmmm how can that be done?

    Love to all

  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member