Artificial sweetener/does it really matter?

I have been on the diet merry-go-round for years now and the one thing I never tried was giving up artificial sweeteners and my one true love, Coke Zero. However, when I decided I needed to get myself back on MFP I decided to stop with the artificial sweeteners and even though I just turned 51 (you know the age where weight loss is supposed to be crazy hard), I am losing weight quite a bit easier this time around. I have my goal set for a reasonable 1 pound a week but I have actually been losing 2 pounds every week. Is it actually possible that artificial sweetener/diet Coke make losing weight harder? I'm not one for crazy diet lore, I am a straight up believer in calories in/calories out being the one true God of weight loss. But the last few weeks with giving this stuff up has me scratching my head. I didn't have any sugar withdrawals and not over-eating is actually kind of easy this time.

Anyway, is it crazy to think zero calorie artificial sweetener actually makes losing weight harder?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    I love Diet Coke Zero and did not have any problems losing weight and keeping it off!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    I've heard some people get sweet-cravings from artificial sweeteners. Perhaps you are a part of this group and it is subconsciously easier for you to hit your calorie goal now that you cut them out.

    I personally find my Coke Zero helps to fulfill my sweet tooth so it makes weight loss easier for me.

    There is no physiological way artificial sweeteners would on their own cause you to not lose, but there are also mental and subconscious factors to take into consideration to :drinker: Whatever works!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Unless it makes you cave in and start eating more, then no it won't.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    edited April 2017
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Chadxx wrote: »
    Three things matter for weight loss, calories, calories, and calories.
    Don't forget apple cider vinegar.

    Oh I don't. I always keep some around. It works like magic...

    ...for making some awesome pulled pork...

    ...which I then eat an appropriate number number of calories of.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    They don't DIRECTLY impact weight, but I believe that artificial sweeteners cause cravings. There is research that indicates this may be true. Like many other foods/substances, I don't believe it affects everybody the same way...many here will claim they drink tons of diet soda with no cravings resulting. However, many people here...including me...will say the opposite. When I drank diet coke on a regular basis and added equal or sweet & low to a few cups of coffee or tea a day, I found myself craving more and more sweet things...and it made resisting those cravings much harder.

    When I gave up the artificial sweetener, this ceased to be a problem.

    So if it seems like giving up artificial sweeteners has made things easier for you, then stick with it. It has helped many other people, including me, as well.

  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Yes, it's crazy to think that.

  • quackers82
    quackers82 Posts: 55 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm one of those that gets massive sugar cravings about 30mins to an hour after consuming a 'diet' drink. I just have the normal one as intended, a treat, whats 130 calories for a can of coke once a week? I remember when i had my first normal coke after years of having the diet version, it was orgasmic, the diet one just tastes vile to me now, i'd rather just have water if its not the real thing.

    Since you will want to keep the weight off for life i just thinks its better now to learn how to incorporate normal food and drink into your diet, for me excessive consumption is what got me in this mess so i need to learn whats an acceptable portion or amount to be consuming.
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    I had no problem losing 50lbs while drinking 4-5 cans of diet soda a day. No problem maintaining the loss for several years now, while still consuming artificial sweeteners.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    edited April 2017
    LOL, okay, I guess I'm crazy. Like I said, I have always believed it's calories in/calories out and nothing more. I do know that my sweet tooth hasn't been driving me nuts though and I don't feel hungry ALL the time like I usually do the first few weeks. I forgot this was a hot button issue, been off this board for a few years.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I also find it easier to lose the weight at 57 when I simply don't do any added sweeteners of any type. I also gave up refined grains and am sticking to a Mediterranean style plan and I have to see the 10000 steps on my band every day.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It's not the calories that will make you gain or not lose, obviously cos zero calories. From what I've read people react differently/negatively to artificial sweeteners, and you simply could just be one of them.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited April 2017
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    They don't DIRECTLY impact weight, but I believe that artificial sweeteners cause cravings. There is research that indicates this may be true. Like many other foods/substances, I don't believe it affects everybody the same way...many here will claim they drink tons of diet soda with no cravings resulting. However, many people here...including me...will say the opposite. When I drank diet coke on a regular basis and added equal or sweet & low to a few cups of coffee or tea a day, I found myself craving more and more sweet things...and it made resisting those cravings much harder.

    When I gave up the artificial sweetener, this ceased to be a problem.

    So if it seems like giving up artificial sweeteners has made things easier for you, then stick with it. It has helped many other people, including me, as well.

    This has been my experience in a big way.

    It's not the calories that will make you gain or not lose, obviously cos zero calories. From what I've read people react differently/negatively to artificial sweeteners, and you simply could just be one of them.

    While I personally believe all artificial sweeteners are bad for everyone, I also know that they don't effect everyone the same way and that's the part that I think people forget. It's two separate issues that people like to lump into one issue. There's the issue of 1) are they bad for health in general (this debate will rage for ages) and then 2) is it bad for a particular person because their body reacts negatively to it? Two very different issues. Thanks for reminding people our bodies are not all the same. We will respond differently to different substances.

    OP, my experience was/is exactly as yours has been. Besides nutrasweet wreaking havoc with my pancreas, my cravings went away and weight loss was much easier after eliminating artificial sweeteners.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    They don't DIRECTLY impact weight, but I believe that artificial sweeteners cause cravings. There is research that indicates this may be true. Like many other foods/substances, I don't believe it affects everybody the same way...many here will claim they drink tons of diet soda with no cravings resulting. However, many people here...including me...will say the opposite. When I drank diet coke on a regular basis and added equal or sweet & low to a few cups of coffee or tea a day, I found myself craving more and more sweet things...and it made resisting those cravings much harder.

    When I gave up the artificial sweetener, this ceased to be a problem.

    So if it seems like giving up artificial sweeteners has made things easier for you, then stick with it. It has helped many other people, including me, as well.

    This has been my experience in a big way.

    It's not the calories that will make you gain or not lose, obviously cos zero calories. From what I've read people react differently/negatively to artificial sweeteners, and you simply could just be one of them.

    While I personally believe all artificial sweeteners are bad for everyone, I also know that they don't effect everyone the same way and that's the part that I think people forget. It's two separate issues that people like to lump into one issue. There's the issue of 1) are they bad for health in general (this debate will rage for ages) and then 2) is it bad for a particular person because their body reacts negatively to it? Two very different issues. Thanks for reminding people our bodies are not all the same. We will respond differently to different substances.

    OP, my experience was/is exactly as yours has been. Besides nutrasweet wreaking havoc with my pancreas, my cravings went away and weight loss was much easier after eliminating artificial sweeteners.

    Yeah, some people think that because they can drink 3/5/10 cans a day or add copious amounts of sweetener to their tea/coffee with no obvious negative effects, then it must be true for everyone.

  • ChristopherLimoges
    ChristopherLimoges Posts: 298 Member
    Daily, yes, it matters. Kick that crap out.