does this make me a jerk? Probably...



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,122 Member
    I wouldn't have said anything. Two jerks don't make a nice person.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    Do you think she was rubbing it in to make you feel bad or was she just happy for herself and wanted you to be happy for her? I called my SIL from the dressing room when I fit into a pair of 4's - she seemed happy for I feel like an *kitten*.

    Either way I guess, you should congratulate on her for being able to fit into a size 6 and being able to WEAR a size 8,
  • dyaniT
    dyaniT Posts: 4
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I wear a size 6 right now...they're drooping around the crotch area and gaping open in the back waist. But if I try on size 4's, they're tight, tight, tight. I have no muffin top, my mid flab is nearly all gone. But something that tight simply doesn't look good (or classy). So, was far as I'm concerned, I'm in between a 4 and a 6. Until I'm fully a 4, however, I won't be buying (or wearing) any. Clothes that don't fit right make you look a lot lumpier and heavier than you really are. So no thanks.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Do you think she was rubbing it in to make you feel bad or was she just happy for herself and wanted you to be happy for her? I called my SIL from the dressing room when I fit into a pair of 4's - she seemed happy for I feel like an *kitten*.

    Either way I guess, you should congratulate on her for being able to fit into a size 6 and being able to WEAR a size 8,

    Give this lady a prize =D!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I agree with you. I think you aren't truly that size if you can't wear them without spillage... Fret not, she's not truly a size 6... she is probably still a size 8 or higher :-)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member

    I hate seeing women with huge muffin tops, or dangling belly's OVER their jeans...

    Hey.. men with big bellys overflowing are just as bad..

    I'm a big woman and I KNOW not to fit myself into a small size just so I can "claim the size" !! ... Some people make me laugh.. :laugh:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Hey.. men with big bellys overflowing are just as bad.. me. Even though my belly isn't 'big' looked disgusting in 30" waist pants lol.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    You guys crack me up! Yes, I love my SIL most of the time, BUT she is highly competitive. When we bought our house, a month later, they bid on something bigger. We got pregnant, a month later she was pregnant. We got a chocolate lab, two weeks later they had a black AND white one. People who know all of us actually laugh and make fun of us..We went to CA for my daughters birthday and everyone asked them if they were going for their daughter. They laughed and said no, but 3 months later...where did they celebrate? Hmmmm....

    The pic was to rub it in...I would gaurantee it. And when I went to her house, I asked to see the magnificent 6s and she admitted she didnt buy them...but just HAD to send the pic.

    LOL! Like I said, I do love her and consider her one of my closest friends, but Ive worked HARD to get into that 8 and she hasnt been counting calories or working out, so it wasnt like she was saying, look what Ive done with all my hard work...she just wanted to show she was still smaller than me! Guess I should take it as a compliment and RUN!
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I think she loves you and wants to emulate you, you know what "they" say, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!
    Just sayin'
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Guess I should take it as a compliment and RUN!

    Yes, run! Run to Kohls and try on those same jeans that will no doubt fit you better. :wink:
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I only consider them a fit when they are comfy to wear, and for me that means a little loose.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I dont think your a jerk for your oppinion. However the way I am built makes it so that I measure my pants by how they fit my waist. My pants tend to fit me tightest there. Usually I wear tighter pants because If they are loose around my waist, they are falling off everywhere else. I try to keep the muffin top to a minimum though.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ummm... no. You're not a jerk. She's a jerk for sending you that pic. You would be a jerk if you didn't tell her nicely not to buy them, yet.

    I dont get it why is she a jerk for sending the pic? How does that make her a jerk but not the OP who was bragging about fitting into an 8?And youve never tried on a pair of pants and gotten excited that they fit maybey not perfectly or in a way you could wear out but able to get them up,because I know that if i was able to zip up a six even with a muffin top i would be excited because that would mean im close. Personally I dont think anyone was being jerks in this situation.But I do think the OP is reading more into what she sees as copy cat behavior than is actually there.
    I mean I dont care how competive I feel toward someone im not going to buy a house,take on dogs,or get myself knocked up just to keep up lol
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    LOL I have a cousin like this. I love her dearly but she is always trying to one up me. I figure it's her own insecurity and I rarely say anything. Beside just because you can get into something doesn't mean you fit into. (By the way my cousin used to lay on the floor & zip her jeans up with a wire hanger)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hate it when people say they fit into size x and you see all the overflowing, you do not FIT into are wearing them and that is very different.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ummm... no. You're not a jerk. She's a jerk for sending you that pic. You would be a jerk if you didn't tell her nicely not to buy them, yet.

    I dont get it why is she a jerk for sending the pic? How does that make her a jerk but not the OP who was bragging about fitting into an 8?And youve never tried on a pair of pants and gotten excited that they fit maybey not perfectly or in a way you could wear out but able to get them up,because I know that if i was able to zip up a six even with a muffin top i would be excited because that would mean im close. Personally I dont think anyone was being jerks in this situation.But I do think the OP is reading more into what she sees as copy cat behavior than is actually there.
    I mean I dont care how competive I feel toward someone im not going to buy a house,take on dogs,or get myself knocked up just to keep up lol

    Normally hun, I would agree with you lol. However, my sister in law was the same way with us. Not my brother so much...but since she owns him...well, yeah. Houses, trucks, vacations...whatever we did, the next time around they tried to do the same thing only one better lol.

    I can fully believe the OP when it comes to that =D.
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    just because you can "fit" into something doesn't mean you should [justsayin]

    Exactly! People love to try to lie about what size they wear.
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    I can fit a size 6 too, if I breathe deep, lay on my bed and pray the button doesn't pop off. Yeah, I try them on every now and again, but no way in hell I'd wear them in public, LOL
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Do you think she was rubbing it in to make you feel bad or was she just happy for herself and wanted you to be happy for her? I called my SIL from the dressing room when I fit into a pair of 4's - she seemed happy for I feel like an *kitten*.

    Either way I guess, you should congratulate on her for being able to fit into a size 6 and being able to WEAR a size 8,

    Give this lady a prize =D!

    :laugh: This thread totally cracks me up!!
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