Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    I love all the positive attitudes about this weekend! My weekend was pretty quiet. Just my honey and three kiddos. Yesterday i did an egg hunt for my girls (even though they are 13 and 17 lol they loved it) and walked around with them to burn some more calories. Was bad because i didnt eat breakfast or lunch and dinner was only 588 calories ( including my creamer in my coffee). I bought smallish plates so i wasn't tempted to overload it. This week my goal is to drink more water and get moving more. Happy monday everyone!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @nickiphillips1 , thanks for asking! it went ok. he came home to sleep with me both nights, which was a nice surprise and made it easier. i didn't overeat, and i did most of the things i had planned to.
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    @ParanormaLauren I totally agree!! Im already doing better on my water for the day! Also moving more
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 - I'm snickering. I think I actually have some of those googly eyes in my craft cabinet!

    @CT0526 - What a blessing that you got a quiet weekend when you needed it. I'll keep you and your family in prayer for a couple more days.

    @nickiphillips1 - pity parties happen. I had one today. (God bless Jess, I unloaded it all in her direction). I figure that as long as we don't get stuck at the party for life, we ought to be okay. It would be even more okay if you didn't have ms at all. It would be okay if I didn't have lung disease. Yeah, in fact, it would be fine!

    Hi to @ParanormaLauren and @sabinki ! I love, love, love all the positivity!

    Tomorrow's self care:
    1. Drink lots of water
    2. Dig bare toes into grass
    3. TASTE my food

    Love to all,

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Good morning! I know I have been MIA, as my behaviors have been less than beautiful.

    I'm on vacation this week, so I am using this time for reflection and planning. It's peaceful, my daughter is in school this week. I have to get up early to take her, and that is great....I can't oversleep.

    I want to go to the gym today. I'm afraid I will talk myself out of it.

    I know I have to start moving. That's the part of the equation that's missing for success.

    I hope you have all been doing well and that Easter and Passover were enjoyable. I did my best to enjoy the day. My husband's family is wonderful....but I couldn't help thinking that just last Easter, both of my aunts were with me.

    Uphill climb. But hey, uphill climb = more calories burned. (wishful thinking).

    Have a great day!
  • mshelyla
    mshelyla Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for this! I love it!

    I've been after myself for a while now to start the C25K program but it always just seems like too much, even though it's a beginner program. So last night I made the decision to start with a smaller goal... just walk. So I plan to take long walks with my dog at least 5 days a week and just work on building my endurance that way. Then if I feel good at some point and I still really want to become a runner (which I'm not sure about yet), then I'll advance from there. But reeling it in a bit and setting a more realistic goal for myself too such a weight off.

    My ultimate goal though isn't weight loss, it's to just feel healthy with losing weight as a byproduct of being healthier so I love this thread. Thanks for posting it! I'm in!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @jessiquoi - hugs, hugs, hugs. You are worth it! <3
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @aleahurst A craft cabinet without googly eyes is like a cookie jar full of Weetabix.

    @KimF0715 If you want to go to the gym, go as early as possible. Pack your bag and go straight from dropping your daughter off at school if you can. The later in the day you plan to go, the longer you have to find reasons not to go. You can do it!

    @mshelyla Welcome to the thread! I hear ya about that C25K thing. Every time I start I get super discouraged and let it set my overall fitness back. I've decided that when I can do 10K at a brisk walk without knee pain or getting too winded I will visit my doctor and see if she gives me the go-ahead for running or recommends more physio. Mini-goals are great for improving your health too. Walking 5 days a week with your pooch will be good for both of you regardless of whether you start running or not.

    @jessiquoi Yay to you for your walk yesterday! And if you manage to track today and walk after work, that's 2 things you accomplished today. You can do it!!!

    I had 2 walks yesterday, which was GREAT! At lunch I walked with my coworker (she's committed to walking with me 3 times a week on our lunches) and it was warm and the park was packed with families having picnics and it was great. After dinner I walked with my husband and it was FREEZING! (Okay, just chilly, but so different from earlier in the day.) We still managed a nice half hour walk, and we made good time because it was cold and we just wanted to get home and warm up. I still surprise myself with how positive my attitude is lately. I'm usually a total crank in the morning, but lately, I don't hate the universe and plot doom before coffee. (I still plot doom, but later in the day and with a focused intensity rather than hate and crankiness.) :D

    Hope you all have a day with at least one small victory and find time to incorporate a Beautiful Behaviour for yourself!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    From Joshua Becker, a minimalist view of getting healthy....

    How then, specifically, might we care for our bodies to keep them both healthy and effective? Consider these 7 intentional steps:

    1. Fuel properly. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Their contribution to healthy eating cannot be overstated. The goal in our home is to make meat the side dish rather than the main dish.

    2. Hydrate sufficiently. Every system in your body depends on water. According to the Mayo Clinic, you body probably needs 9-13 cups of fluid each day (depending on your gender, size, and activity level). Consider 8 glasses of water each day as a really good place to start. If you need some extra motivation, read this: Top 10 Things I Learned Drinking Only Water for a Month.

    3. Exercise frequently. The CDC recommends 150 minutes/week of aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week—that’s just a bit more than one full-length movie and sitcom. If you are intentional about getting exercise, you are meeting this suggestion. If you are not intentional about getting exercise, you should probably start.

    4. Rest regularly. Your body needs rest. Get some each week.

    5. Eliminate unhealthy habits strategically. Eat less junk food. Drink less alcohol. Smoke fewer cigarettes. Read more labels.

    6. Don’t compare foolishly. Your body is unique and your goals are unique. Care for your body as an instrument through which to accomplish your unique purpose—not as something to be compared to others.

    7. Make changes slowly. Pick one item from this list you can improve upon. Start there. And experience some victories before moving on to the next.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @str8bowbabe - ha, I ate so much junk over the weekend, right there with ya. However, good news is that we can kick butt this week! Come on, you with me?!
    @CT0526 - so happy that you had a wonderful vacation, thoughts are still with you <3
    @aleahurst - so sorry to hear about your lung disease (*grumbles*'stupid lung disease*) you are doing so well with self care, I'm glad you are enjoying nature with your bare feet :smile: (that makes me smile)
    @fitzmonkey13 - You're killing it!!! All that walking and "good" mornings - What? that's foreign to me, I am not a morning person, Great work on your awesome attitude. ***also you made me laugh with the plotting doom
    @nickiphillips1 - I'm glad you got to enjoy time with your son! Thanks for sharing about complicated family. Sorry that you also have drama, makes me feel like I'm not alone (even though I don't wish that on anyone)
    @mbam89 - thanks. Great job, yes, I too feel if I join groups or challenges I feel a little more accountable.
    @sabinki - sounds like a fun Easter. I still make my 20 yr old and 18 yr old hunt eggs, I still get them small baskets. I call them my babies, they laugh at me and give me looks. Remember to eat more! --in my best mom voice lol
    @ParanormaLauren - Thanks for that uplifting message :blush:
    @KimF0715 - Get up and Go! If you don't make it to the gym - drop and give me 50!!! lol
    @mshelyla - Just do it (oh, wait that trademarked lol) I've heard good things about that program. I use to run on a trail by my house - I started out jogging from 1 tree to the next and then each day going a little further until eventually I worked my way up. I quit running because it was hurting my jump in volleyball - so I switched to jump training.
    @jessiquoi - look at you walking and being aware of your tracking. keep going

    Update: I completed 113 minutes of Von Moger back and incline treadmill with the bf (my fave gym partner). It felt so good, it is my therapy! I have not been able to meal prep any meat. However I did bring grapes and yesterday I took watermelon to work (snacks are covered).

    Thought for the day: You don't have to go fast you just have to go. ***I'm reading a lot of all or nothing thought. You don't have to go to a gym to exercise, you don't have to run fast to be a runner (my timed mile is super slow), you don't have to do a certain kind of exercise to be fit, you don't have to eat a certain type of way to lose weight, you don't have to do anything at all - but we want to. Try something new. If you're not motivated to move or can't get to a gym - get off the couch and attempt a couple girlie pushups, jumping jacks, stretches, sit ups and then try to do more the next day. Start small if you must and go from there. Stand up right now and reach your hands to the sky as far as they will go, breathe in breathe out - It feels good!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lea, i love that. i'm reading it again. and again.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @aleahurst That is great. I'm printing it out to post in my cubicle and in my kitchen.

    @happysherri A. B. P. Always. Be. Plotting. B)
    Also, you are so right about the all or nothing attitude. My friend invited me to sushi this week, which I love, but I'm a little concerned about my ability to make good choices and track everything at an all-you-can-eat place. It would be stupid to deny myself this rare treat because I'm afraid to try. Even if I don't make all the right choices, at least I'm learning.

    Happy Tuesday indeed.
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @ParanormaLauren I love it! Thanks for sharing :smile:
    @mshelyla Great job on getting started! I have a bad habit of just avoiding something if it seems to hard. I love the way to broke it down to make it doable!

    At work, we've got a bunch of mandatory overtime, so managements' trying to bribe us with food. There are tons of doughnuts and there will be fried chicken for lunch. Why do they even bother with a "wellness program"?! lol
  • sabinki
    sabinki Posts: 21 Member
    edited April 2017
    @happysherri lol im trying to get my calories!!
    So yesterday I did awesome on my water! I got 125 ounces in and moved alot more! Todays goals are keep up on the water. I have lots of cleaning and laundry ( which includes two sets of stairs in my house) after that if I still have time im going to turn on the Xbox connect and play "wipeout" I am trying to find fun ways to workout because if i sit on my butt and watch tv my brain will say "eat everything in sight " Happy Tuesday everyone lets make this a great day ❤
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone! Thank you for the warm welcome! This weekend was a dozey. My dad had a fall on Friday resulting in a fractured spine. He was medivacted to Seattle and underwent a major surgery. He has a lot of health issues, but has just the most positive and wonderful spirit. Right now we are waiting to find out if he has mobility. The doctors are unsure if he's paralyze and are trying to keep him in a coma to keep him from moving around.

    I really relate to you @HappySheri . I'm sorry about your mom. It's so hard to have the "glue" missing in action. We didn't have the Easter dinner that we had planned since my Dad was the ring leader in the process and everyone was in shock. I kinda regret not making more of an effort.

    I made the mistake of drinking some Irish whisky to let out the feels (which I logged...hahaha) and spent all the following day miserable and eating junk. So lesson learned, avoiding alcohol is still a good plan.

    As far as fit foodie recipes - @sabinki , @mbam89 and @fitzmonkey13 - Have you tried making zucchini noodles? So far they are one of my favorite noodle replacements. 33 calories for a whole medium zucchini! Last week I made spaghetti. This week I want to try to make a pad thai recipe! I'll let you all know how it turns out.

    In the meantime, I'm continuing to go outside. Spring in Alaska is a mucky, grungy affair requiring extra tall rainboots. My puppy, Mr. Peanuttbutter, is loving it. It's his first spring and he couldn't possibly be a dirtier dog. @aleahurst -I currently live in Anchorage. The joke is that you're only 20 minutes away from Alaska when you live in the "big city." I am planning a little hike for this Thursday. It's one of my favorite trails that some kids caught on fire last year. >:-( I want to go check it out and see how it's changed. I'm hoping that out of the ashes, a new type of beauty fills the area. <3

    Keep up the good fight everyone!!
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    @sabinki I love that you have a plan! I hear you about eating and watching tv! Mindless eating is the worst for me.
    @alaskandelight I'm sorry to hear about your dad! I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
    Thanks for the foodie tips! I'll bet your pad thai is going to be awesome!
    Have a great hike. Nature has an incredible ability to rebound. We had some horrible fires here in Colorado a few years ago. Things are not what they used to be, but there has been a lot of recovery.
    @happysherri Thank you for the uplifting post earlier! Great job on the healthy snacks and kicking butt with the bf!