Could use some moral support



  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Thank you everyone. I know it is just a temporary set back, I'm just frustrated, especially since there is other stuff going on (my job is playing games, like terminating health insurance while out, but thankfully I have secondary insurance through my significant other).
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Today it feels like everything got worse. Went to doctor, who changed the stupid wound vac and now it has a small air leak. All because he wanted to see the wound even though he had the lab cultures right in front of him that told him everything he needed to know. I want to scream.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I wish I had something positive to say that would make everything better. I don't.

    Can the leak be fixed?

    ((( <3 ))) h.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @WinoGelato, you are one caring woman. <3 Well said, h.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I wish I had something positive to say that would make everything better. I don't.

    Can the leak be fixed?

    ((( <3 ))) h.

    We tried, but can't find exactly where it is.
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I know you've been through so much, and you don't deserve more medical complications with how many you've had both before and during your pregnancy. I only know you from observations on these boards but my sense is that you are a complex individual in body and mind... but additionally you are an amazingly strong and passionate individual. I have always respected your posts and your fortitude. It's this passion and strength that is motivating you to push yourself and be impatiently looking at the clock, the calendar, etc. I think some of that too has to do with your late term bed rest. You've been way too still for way too long with nothing to do but dream of the day your healthy baby girl is here and you can get back on your path to health and fitness too. So the rant is totally understandable and justified.

    So now, let me share an observation and conclusion I've drawn about the general population on these boards, from my experience as a mother, a type A personality, and a veteran MFP member. In almost every aspect of our lives, we lament how quickly time passes. Especially motherhood. Just wait till that little girl starts hitting developmental milestones. "Slow down" you will think. "I can't believe you're already rolling over/sitting up/crawling/pulling up/walking.... ". You will whisper "I just want you to stay little". Even the average person thinks to themselves, "how can it already be almost summer? Where did the time go? It was just Christmas!" We constantly wish we had more time, we want things to slow down so we can enjoy them... in every aspect of our lives that is, except weight loss. For weight loss, for some reason, we want it as fast as possible. Even faster than is safe or reasonable for us to expect. We have no patience for things like injuries and setbacks and slow and steady weight loss...

    But you know what Elphie? The time is going to pass whether you can walk pushing a stroller, jog, swim, or run away from pretend zombies. In the meantime, the best thing for your little girl is to have as many snuggles with her mom as you can give her. You are bummed you can't nurse her, and that would bum me out too. So instead, add extra cuddle time (skin to skin when possible) with her when you feed the bottles. The fitness goals will be there when your wound is healed. The weight will come back off. There will be a time in a year or so when your baby girl no longer lets you hold her and stare into her eyes memorizing her features. She will squirm and be just as passionate and determined as you are to be doing "things". So for now, while I totally empathize and support your frustration, I implore you to just take it easy, for just a little longer. You won't regret it, I promise.

    Thank you! I definitely needed to hear this. <3
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Today it feels like everything got worse. Went to doctor, who changed the stupid wound vac and now it has a small air leak. All because he wanted to see the wound even though he had the lab cultures right in front of him that told him everything he needed to know. I want to scream.

    The wounds vacs can do amazing things for healing, they are becoming much more common as well. I'm sorry you are going through all of this, but as others have said, take the time to rest and give your body the nutrition it needs. I know it's frustrating to be in a holding pattern, but the time will pass either way.
  • annasteff96
    annasteff96 Posts: 11 Member
    What I would focus on is the stuff you can do. While you may want to do more than just walk, think about how much worse the situation would be if you couldn't even do that right now. If I were in your shoes I would take my baby in the stroller and spend time with her while you walk and recover. Maybe you could also take the time to focus on meal prep and eating well.
    In general just remember why you started! Keeping that in the back of your mind will keep you motivated I promise. Don't let what limits you discourage your progress. Think ahead to better things :)
    Good luck! You have an amazing community here to support you every step of the way.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Today it feels like everything got worse. Went to doctor, who changed the stupid wound vac and now it has a small air leak. All because he wanted to see the wound even though he had the lab cultures right in front of him that told him everything he needed to know. I want to scream.

    The wounds vacs can do amazing things for healing, they are becoming much more common as well. I'm sorry you are going through all of this, but as others have said, take the time to rest and give your body the nutrition it needs. I know it's frustrating to be in a holding pattern, but the time will pass either way.

    I know they can, but right now, it hurts a lot, so doesn't quite feel worth it.

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Today it feels like everything got worse. Went to doctor, who changed the stupid wound vac and now it has a small air leak. All because he wanted to see the wound even though he had the lab cultures right in front of him that told him everything he needed to know. I want to scream.

    The wounds vacs can do amazing things for healing, they are becoming much more common as well. I'm sorry you are going through all of this, but as others have said, take the time to rest and give your body the nutrition it needs. I know it's frustrating to be in a holding pattern, but the time will pass either way.

    I know they can, but right now, it hurts a lot, so doesn't quite feel worth it.

    I have heard this as well. I'm sorry, Elphie. I don't have much else to offer.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    So sorry to read what you are going through.

    No advice just sending you a hug and positive thoughts <3
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Today it feels like everything got worse. Went to doctor, who changed the stupid wound vac and now it has a small air leak. All because he wanted to see the wound even though he had the lab cultures right in front of him that told him everything he needed to know. I want to scream.

    The wounds vacs can do amazing things for healing, they are becoming much more common as well. I'm sorry you are going through all of this, but as others have said, take the time to rest and give your body the nutrition it needs. I know it's frustrating to be in a holding pattern, but the time will pass either way.

    I know they can, but right now, it hurts a lot, so doesn't quite feel worth it.

    I have heard this as well. I'm sorry, Elphie. I don't have much else to offer.


    So cute! Thank you.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    So sorry for all your pain and frustration. <3
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I know you've been through so much, and you don't deserve more medical complications with how many you've had both before and during your pregnancy. I only know you from observations on these boards but my sense is that you are a complex individual in body and mind... but additionally you are an amazingly strong and passionate individual. I have always respected your posts and your fortitude. It's this passion and strength that is motivating you to push yourself and be impatiently looking at the clock, the calendar, etc. I think some of that too has to do with your late term bed rest. You've been way too still for way too long with nothing to do but dream of the day your healthy baby girl is here and you can get back on your path to health and fitness too. So the rant is totally understandable and justified.

    So now, let me share an observation and conclusion I've drawn about the general population on these boards, from my experience as a mother, a type A personality, and a veteran MFP member. In almost every aspect of our lives, we lament how quickly time passes. Especially motherhood. Just wait till that little girl starts hitting developmental milestones. "Slow down" you will think. "I can't believe you're already rolling over/sitting up/crawling/pulling up/walking.... ". You will whisper "I just want you to stay little". Even the average person thinks to themselves, "how can it already be almost summer? Where did the time go? It was just Christmas!" We constantly wish we had more time, we want things to slow down so we can enjoy them... in every aspect of our lives that is, except weight loss. For weight loss, for some reason, we want it as fast as possible. Even faster than is safe or reasonable for us to expect. We have no patience for things like injuries and setbacks and slow and steady weight loss...

    But you know what Elphie? The time is going to pass whether you can walk pushing a stroller, jog, swim, or run away from pretend zombies. In the meantime, the best thing for your little girl is to have as many snuggles with her mom as you can give her. You are bummed you can't nurse her, and that would bum me out too. So instead, add extra cuddle time (skin to skin when possible) with her when you feed the bottles. The fitness goals will be there when your wound is healed. The weight will come back off. There will be a time in a year or so when your baby girl no longer lets you hold her and stare into her eyes memorizing her features. She will squirm and be just as passionate and determined as you are to be doing "things". So for now, while I totally empathize and support your frustration, I implore you to just take it easy, for just a little longer. You won't regret it, I promise.

    Not even a mom, but your post made me tear up. Beautifully expressed.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Was able to get out today and went shopping for baby clothes (she's already grown out of newborn clothing). Picking out outfits and just being out of the house definitely helped my mental state. Thank you everyone for the support.