Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    Woohoo! Great job, @KimF0715 !!!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lea, looking forward to seeing your selfie! :)

    Go Kim!!!!!

    Sherri, you crack me up too. I love fruit and cheese snacks.

    @sabinki 125 ounces WOW!

    @fitzmonkey13, when I'm worried about a restaurant, I usually go online and pick out what I'm going to order before I go. if I have to look at the menu when I'm in the restaurant, I'm sunk! all the choices overwhelm me and I don't always follow my plan, but if I pick it out before, somehow it all works. I wish you luck on the sushi!

    @alaskandelight, I love zucchini noodles. I can't find my spiralizer right now (still unpacking from a move) but I look forward to finding it soonish!

    Good morning, all! It's an office day for me, and it's going to be a busy one too. So, I'm going to pre-enter my lunch now so I don't forget to track it. I seem to have no trouble tracking bkfst and lunch, and even snacks, but by dinner, my tracking drops off to nothingness. I want to work on that and get back to full day tracking. Today, that's my goal.
  • Jackie_Paper
    Jackie_Paper Posts: 183 Member
    I just go day by day, its easier and less overwhelming for me to look ahead at smaller pictures, and still nice to look behind me at the larger picture ive added up over time.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @alaskandelight & @jessiquoi Is a spiralizer worth it? I try to avoid kitchen uni-taskers if I can, but I've been tempted by the spiralizers a few times. Do you find you use yours often? (When it isn't packed in a box after a big move, of course.)

    Also @alaskandelight - Mr. Peanutbutter is a GREAT dog name. <3

    @KimF0715 WOOHOO! Great achievement with your workout. You are kicking *kitten* and taking names!!!

    @aleahurst We all have those days. Gotta dust yourself off and get back in the ring, right? We'll be anxiously awaiting your health-positive selfie today!

    @sabinki Play more games! If you play a video game instead of watching tv it's hard to snack and if you get really into it, you even get your heart rate up a little bit! (There's a lot of shouting when we play video games. But maybe that's just me?) Alternatively, pick up a crafty hobby you can do while you watch TV. I have eaten a million fewer snacks since I started crocheting.

    @jessiquoi Good advice about the restaurant. Plans have changed because I'm having an emergency lunch tomorrow with a friend who has to move out of town sooner than expected and she wants Greek. I'm going to call in my order in advance so I get a big tasty salad and avoid the big fluffy pita and fries I would normally get.

    My goal for today is to go for a walk even if it does rain. Every winter I fall off the fitness wagon because I make the excuse of weather. (Which is dumb because Windsor is warmer than some parts of the US and I grew up in the frozen North, so I shouldn't be afraid of a little cold.) So, over the spring, summer and fall, I want to get into the habit of dressing appropriately and going out anyway. If there's no active lightning, hail or tornadoes, I gots to get my butt out there. I have rubber boots and an umbrella in the car today, so no excuses!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a great productive week. Keep setting those goals and reaching for them.

    I am sore from upper body workout yesterday. Funny thing is its my thighs that are sore. Dang squats with arm curl and press but hey its working. I got a compliment yesterday on my arms so just need to keep it up.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 I use my spiralizer about once every two weeks, at least, when I have it unpacked. it's easy to use and clean.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    Very inspiring everyone! I love how everyone keeps moving forward in a positive direction.

    @Jessiquoi - love the walking and I hear you about tracking food. I haven't been tracking my full food every day. I think it is because of the cold and that I have been a little lazy. Other than Easter, I haven't really eaten that poorly. I just haven't finished tracking each day.

    I skipped swimming yesterday and slept in until 7:15. I went into the office and met with my boss to catch up. I won't go in any more this week so I can get more done. My boss is pretty cool and happy about what I am getting done. I will have to go in Monday and Tuesday.

    I did swim this morning and did the 6:30 workout. I just took it easy and didn't go fast on the fast stuff. My nose started running afterwards. Sigh...

    I am starting to think about online dating again. Do any of you do online dating? It seems like most of you are married. I have been divorced for over 8 years now. Dating sucks... And it is a lot of work, but I would like to meet someone some day...

    @mshelyla - what is the C25K? sounds like walking is a good start
    @fitzmonkey13 - great job walking twice a day
    @KimF0715 - good to have you back - glad you made it through the holiday - holidays are really tough for some of us
    @aleahurst - love your list of self-care!
    @sabinki - everyone loves an Easter egg hunt - keep moving
    @ParanormaLauren - thanks for the inspiration and your trip sounds so exciting

    Happy Wednesday everyone! I will take my 15 year old out for his second drive tonight. He told me he got all pumped up last night when I let him drive home in the neighborhood!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @KimF0715 - So Proud of YOU! You Go, Girl! Warrior Bet it felt good and now you're gonna get addicted :wink:
    @aleahurst - I can't wait to see your selfie! I had a day where I stayed in my pjs and couldn't function - it was Saturday. Ugh, but we know that 'this too shall pass' Hope today is wonderful
    @jessiquoi - Look at you - tracking and walking and kicking some bootay! Love the logging selfie lol (pic or it didn't happen)
    @jackie_paper - hi, yes, I have to set small goals to reach my big goal or I lose my way.
    @fitzmonkey13 - Same - I just want to hibernate in the winter. Great plan. Haha, The hedgehog is so funny
    @str8bowbabe - That's awesome! I love when my muscles get sore because I feel accomplished (I know I'm weird) Keep up the hard work
    @nickiphillips1 - Swimming is awesome exercise and you seem to love it. Glad you got it in. Ugh, online dating, I tried it and back then I didn't have any luck. Dating does suck. I did meet my now bf on Myspace (do you remember that) - before the boom of Facebook. I met guys at the grocery store, through friends and other and they were so weird. *One guy wanted to buy me a pet pig?! What?! I have no desire to get married because guys are dumb LOL boys are gross (in my best little kid voice). I have issues and not sure if marriage is ever going to be for me again. Glad you are independent and confident, love that in a person! Good luck

    Update: Last night I completed 66 minutes of LEGS, solo :neutral: My bf had to work late, when he found out I worked legs he said "that's how I know you really love me" Because it was supposed to be chest day but I know he doesn't like working legs, so I just switched days. hahahaha Secretly leg day is my favorite.

    Thought for the day: A one hour workout is only 4% of your day, no excuses. *Get up, get moving. Sometimes I have to kick myself in the butt and tell myself to push harder. I want to quit and not get that last rep in or want to quit on that last couple minutes of my cardio, Nope! Don't get me wrong the body needs rest too, but I need a push sometimes and I will push harder today! 'Do your best and forget the rest'
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 @jessiquoi you can always just cut zucchini into larger plank like/alfredo noodles with a good old kitchen knife if you don't have a spiralizer handy. I don't have a lot of kitchen space so I don't really like collecting useless tools, but I am finding that a spiralizer is useful. It can also make some neat salad fixings if you want to get fancy with your carrots and cucumbers. Jessiquoi is also totally on it when it comes to checking menus. Sushi is a good move in general, but you can check if they can make you a brown rice roll or stick to sashimi for a low carb option.

    Mr. Peanutbutter Pup is a very silly boy. He is so FULL of energy and requires a lot of walking in order to be good. He's 9 months old and bring a lot of joy to our home. :-)

    Yesterday, I really killed it at the gym. I've been trying to get back to where I could burn 1200 in an hour with the hardest interval settings on a stair climbing elliptical. Since I've started back up I've been hitting around the 700-800 calorie mark. Speed = more calories burned on this machine. Yesterday I made it to 990 calories in an hour. Progress! I can't wait to hit the trails this week. Hopefully you all have a fantastic day and keep up the fantastic work!

    Today's beautiful behavior for me is to drink a gallon of water! Cheers!
  • ParanormaLauren
    ParanormaLauren Posts: 69 Member
    Oh! @nickiphillips1 My husband and I are an online dating success story! We're both super nerdy and introverted so it was the perfect way to find someone who liked the same sort of things. I'll warn that it's not for the faint of heart though lol There are some weirdos out there so you have to have a really good sense of humor and a multi-faceted safety plan.

    Here's the personal essay I wrote about the first date because it was pretty special. When things go extremely right:
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lauren, I LOVE your glasses, and I LOVE that you're having a frappucino because you know you can. we must not deprive ourselves! <3
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    and, my fiancé and I are another online dating success story. we met on, and believe me, I went on a LOT of bad first dates before we met... like, years of them.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lauren, great article!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    I just had a looooong conversation with a coworker and found out he is also a type 1 diabetic (type 1 means if I don't have insulin I die, as opposed to type 2 which is usually controlled with oral meds, diet and exercise).

    he is trying to convince me to go on a low carb diet, and I've been resisting this for years, but I think he may have hit the right note with me. I'm going to start looking at the number of carbs I eat per meal and start thinking about cutting back.

    does anyone here do low-carb? if you do, what's your go to foods?
  • littlemeesy106
    littlemeesy106 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am back on my "let's get healthy" plan after ignoring it for, um, a couple of years. Just being on MFP these last three days is a wonderful reminder of how the journey can be fun and less daunting when you have the resources and support. I look forward to reading about everyone's progress and day-to-day experiences.